[ccp4bb] help needed with a rabbit-head-shaped blob
Dear all,
I came across an unidentified rabbit-head-shaped blob and would need help for
its identification. There are 2 molecules of protein per asymmetric unit but
there are some differences between the two chains. The blob is located in
0) To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: [ccp4bb]
help needed with a rabbit-head-shaped blob
Dear all,
I came across an unidentified rabbit-head-shaped blob and would need help for
its identification. There are 2 molecules of protein per asymmetric unit but
there are some differences betwee
In all seriousness, it looks like it may be some form of hexose sugar?
Tristan Croll
Research Fellow
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
University of Cambridge CB2 0XY
> On 2 Nov 2018, at 21:14, Deborah Harrus wrote:
> Dear all,
> I came across an unidentified rabbit-head-sh
shaped blob
It's more a Pacman ghost, innit??
Sent from Nine<http://www.9folders.com/>
From: Deborah Harrus
Sent: Friday, 2 November 2018 21:25
Subject: [ccp4bb] help needed with a rabbit-head-shaped blob
Dear all,
I came acros
It's more a Pacman ghost, innit??
Sent from Nine<http://www.9folders.com/>
From: Deborah Harrus
Sent: Friday, 2 November 2018 21:25
Subject: [ccp4bb] help needed with a rabbit-head-shaped blob
Dear all,
I came across an u
Fig. 2.13 in Gale Rhodes’ “Crystallography Made Crystal Clear” touches on
rabbit heads and diffraction, and is one of my favorite cartoons (sadly it
doesn’t directly address your problem).
> On 2 Nov 2018, at 5:14 PM, Deborah Harrus wrote:
> Dear all,
> I came across an unidentified rabbi