It's more a Pacman ghost, innit??

Sent from Nine<>
From: Deborah Harrus <>
Sent: Friday, 2 November 2018 21:25
Subject: [ccp4bb] help needed with a rabbit-head-shaped blob

Dear all,

I came across an unidentified rabbit-head-shaped blob and would need help for 
its identification. There are 2 molecules of protein per asymmetric unit but 
there are some differences between the two chains. The blob is located in 
between the two chains, and is surrounded by residues Asp, Pro, and Val.

The protein, a glycosyltransferase, was expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) and 
purified on Ni-NTA followed by gel filtration. The purification buffer included 
Sodium phosphate and NaCl. The crystallization condition had Bis-Tris, ammonium 
acetate and PEG 20000, and glycerol was used as cryoprotectant. From the size, 
bis-tris was the most probable, but I have tried to fit it and it is not 

The structure is 1.6 angstrom resolution and this is the only thing left to be 
done, it's driving me crazy!

Pictures attached show the face, bottom and top of the head. 2Fo-Fc is at 1.1 
sigma, Fo-Fc at 3 sigmas.

Many thanks in advance for your suggestions!


Deborah Harrus, PhD.

University of Oulu / Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Aapistie 7 A, 90220 Oulu

office: F123B
phone: +358 50 3502387 / +358 44 2386351


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