Re: [ccp4bb] Search by name on the PDB fails

2018-10-02 Thread Gert Vriend
might want to use it with the h... It does this in 0.3 second, so, if it doesn't solve your problem, it certainly won't waste much of your time. MRS is open source, so you can install your in-house version (see github). But we will keep the cmbi site up and running for a while... Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] Can H-clashes be ignored ?

2018-08-17 Thread Gert Vriend
refinement, or perhaps even the steps before you started refining. One suggestion is to see what PDB_REDO can do for you. Greetings Gert (Ps, feel free to send me your coordinates and I will give you my opinion of-the-list). Regards Kahkashan ---

[ccp4bb] Normalization of B-factors

2018-08-10 Thread Gert Vriend
ither looking at TLS values or looking as residual B-factors. Obviously, the BDB holds data only for deposited PDB files, but if anybody contacts me outside the list we might be able to help. Gert To unsubscribe from the C

Re: [ccp4bb] Off-topic: protein 2d diagrams

2018-08-04 Thread Gert Vriend
Batch mode generation of residue-based diagrams of proteins Fabien CampagneEmmanuel BettlerGert VriendHarel Weinstein /Bioinformatics/, Volume 19, Issue 14, 22 September 2003, Pages 1854–1855, Published: 22 September 2003 On 4-8-2018 10:38, Joana

Re: [ccp4bb] salt bridges etc..

2018-07-16 Thread Gert Vriend
to protein folding remains (very roughly, and this is practical experience for which no good theory exists) about 1kCal/Mole. Gert On 11-7-2018 16:52, Eleanor Dodson wrote: How do people decide on what is a salt bridge within a molecule and how to count them for those Tables? I have been

Re: [ccp4bb] validating a homlology model

2018-03-07 Thread Gert Vriend
the important reasons for having structures deposited in the PDB, it is not at all related to crystallography in any way other than that both techniques try to get the most precise and accurate coordinates of (macro) molecules. Gert On 2-3-2018 12:44, Careina Edgooms wrote: Dear all What

Re: [ccp4bb] Electrostatic Potential: Poisson-Boltzmann criteria

2017-12-17 Thread Gert Vriend
ers of the list, if you want) Greetings Gert On 16-12-2017 23:01, chemocev marker wrote: Hi I am just calculating the Electrostatic Potential, and I wanted to know your opinion which force field is better.What is criteria to choose and not to choose the pKA... best Jiri

Re: [ccp4bb] secondary structure prediction

2017-12-06 Thread Gert Vriend
I would try your local bioinformatician (or a remote one if there isn't any one local). With the sequence in the mail, I could have given it a shot... Gert On 12/6/2017 3:14 PM, zheng zhou wrote: Dear CCP4 community, Sorry for the off-topic question. I am trying to design construct

[ccp4bb] Developers, users

2017-11-24 Thread Gert Vriend
a disclaimer needs to be written, then this is obviously best done by the author of the software for which the disclaimer holds. Greetings Gert Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629. The Radboud university medical center is

[ccp4bb] Regarding Patents

2017-11-04 Thread Gert Vriend
ovel data/information/knowledge/insights is to publish it so the world can benefit from it. Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] How to deal with the bad omega angles?

2017-10-10 Thread Gert Vriend
structures. <> *Touw*WG,*Joosten*RP,*Vriend*G. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2015 Aug;71(Pt 8):1604-14. doi: 10.1107/S1399004715008263. Epub 2015 Jul 28. Good luck, Gert On 10-10-2017 15:28, Yang Shi wrote: Hi, Tristan Croll,

Re: [ccp4bb] Questions about antibody in crystallization

2017-06-22 Thread Gert Vriend
The fact that the PDB holds hundreds of FABs and a handful whole ABs suggests to me that the latter are hard to get crystals for. So, all the more reason for us bioinformaticians that you, experimentalists try it :-) Gert On 22-6-2017 20:39, Cheng Zhang wrote: Hi all, I have a naive

Re: [ccp4bb] ATP analog

2017-05-02 Thread Gert Bange
Dear Adriana, -AMPPNP (Adenylyl-imidodiphosphate) or -AMPPCP (β,γ-Methyleneadenosine 5′-triphosphate) You can be buy them easily. Best - Gert Philipps University Marburg LOEWE Center for Synthetic Microbiology & Dep. of Chemistry Dr. Gert B

[ccp4bb] Fwd: Re: [ccp4bb] Structure comparison

2017-04-10 Thread Gert Vriend
the CATH people (Orengo group), and Arthur Lest is the only one (still, I think) who has been thinking extensively about the cutoff question. Greetings Gert From: Reza Khayat Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2017 6:07 PM To: CCP4 bulletin board Subject: Structure comparison Hi, I have refined several

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure comparison

2017-04-09 Thread Gert Vriend
Arthur Lesk (at Penn state Univ, I think)m is the only one I know who has worked on this topic. I suggest you ask him. The topic you elude to is commonly known as the Russian Doll Effect. If you want to discuss the topic, feel free to Skype me. Greetings Gert Vriend On 10-4-2017 1:37, Reza

Re: [ccp4bb] DSSP output pdb format

2017-04-03 Thread Gert Vriend
Skype I am gvriend and my mail address is Greetings Gert On 4/3/2017 11:17 AM, Adriana Sene wrote: Dear members I assigned the secondary structure to my pdb file by the DSSP application from this webserver The application works and gives output

Re: [ccp4bb] software or tool for Individual residue in a Ramachandran plot graph?

2017-03-25 Thread Gert Vriend
. DSSP has so its issues, but as everybody uses it, these issues are known, and softwares for which they are critical deal with those issues properly, normally. Gert On 03/24/2017 09:24 PM, Pavel Afonine wrote: May be not exactly what you want, but should be close

[ccp4bb] Opening for a PhD position

2017-03-21 Thread Gert Bange
rest including a CV and the names of three referees as a single pdf document to: With best regards, Gert - Philipps-University-Marburg LOEWE Center for Synthetic Microbiology (SYNMIKRO) & Faculty of Chemistry Dr. Gert Ba

Re: [ccp4bb] 3D viewing room options

2016-11-12 Thread Gert Vriend; he installed it for us many years ago and he is THE specialist in this field Greetings Gert On 12-11-2016 12:29, Brian Smith wrote: Hi Xavier, Any LG "Cinema 3D" capable TV should give you good passive stereo for the kind of thing you need and definitely work with PyMol and

[ccp4bb] Trump

2016-11-09 Thread Gert Vriend
Lets stop this discussion before it divides this list of friends just as much as the cause of this discussion divided the US. Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] Superpose program in CCP4

2016-10-30 Thread Gert Vriend
even have equally many residues so that there will always be some unaligned/unmapped Calphas left at the end. Look for some articles by Arthur M Lesk on this topic, he has explained protein superposition (problems) very clearly. Gert Ps, if you want proteins superposed and get different output

Re: [ccp4bb] Good 3D Monitor for Molecular Modelling

2016-10-27 Thread Gert Vriend
ook at Greetings Gert On 27-10-2016 17:20, Matthew Graf wrote: Hello All, I am looking for suggestions on a good, but not too costly, 3D monitor for visualizing pdb structures and looking at outputs of modelling programs. I am not personally a structural biologist, but am on the hu

[ccp4bb] Detwinning, why not?

2016-10-11 Thread Gert Vriend
7;t work: wrong spacegroup. Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] Hi

2015-05-26 Thread Gert Vriend
a protein helix...). Unfortunately you will have to go through the hassle of installing WHAT IF, and learning how to operate it also isn't trivial. It is free, though. Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] CYS mod

2015-05-18 Thread Gert Vriend
The site is not official, unpublished, and still poorly maintained. But just for the fun of it, I added a list of modified cysteines. Be aware that the files are big, so better download them and read them in the editor than opening them in the browser. Gert On

Re: [ccp4bb] [RANT] Reject Papers describing non-open source software

2015-05-13 Thread Gert Vriend
tell them to first get their old products back up and running and that they can resubmit their new software next year. So, I agree with Robbie, but also with the many people who said that 'we, ourselves' are the problem, not the system or the journals. Greetings Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] APBS

2015-05-11 Thread Gert Vriend
Aug;12(8):657-62 and Optimizing the hydrogen-bond network in Poisson-Boltzmann equation-based pK(a) calculations. Nielsen JE, Vriend G. Proteins. 2001 Jun 1;43(4):403-12. Greetings Gert On 05/10/2015 12:37 PM, Andre Godoy wrote: Dear users. I'm comparing surface charge of a structure wit

[ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Structural classification

2015-04-24 Thread gert
doubles or near-doubles till you have less then 300 structures. Proteins that are >95% sequence identical normally are 'the same anyway'. Gert Forwarded Message Subject:[ccp4bb] Structural classification Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 13:36:42 +0100 From: D

Re: [ccp4bb] 3BDN, 16.5% Ramachandran Outliers!!!!!

2015-04-23 Thread Gert Vriend
authors probably went through great pains for you getting these coordinates close to where they should be). Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] 3BDN, 16.5% Ramachandran Outliers!!!!!

2015-04-23 Thread Gert Bange
Dear Mishba, Just check density vs model by simply open 'Coot', Go to: 'File' -> 'Fetch PDB & Map using EDS' Type the pdb entry into the field - enjoy the densities. Best and god save the EDS, Gert - LO

[ccp4bb] Renormalize a matrix

2015-04-02 Thread Gert Vriend
This matrix-renormalizer comes from WHAT IF. Feel free to use it any way you want: SUBROUTINE GVSREN (RMAT) C+++ C--- C C RMAT IS

[ccp4bb] strange pattern

2015-04-01 Thread Gert Vriend
The following article was rejected by 'our' journal... <> Greetings Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] r.m.s.d. ΔB

2015-03-26 Thread Gert Vriend
and score on Z and RMS Z. Also, look at our recent BDB article in PEDS (Vol 27, Iss 11 457-462), because not every B-factor in the PDB is what you would expect it to be. Gert On 26/03/15 12:32, wrote: Dear Bulletin Board, A referee wants for the “Table

Re: [ccp4bb] Offtopic: Software to closely visualize interacting partnets in protein complex

2015-03-10 Thread gert
ottom server on that page. Greetings Gert Dear All, Apologies for this little off-topic inquiry. I want to closely visualize the interacting residues in an multimeric protein complex to understand the nature of interactions. Is there any good software to give this information with good clarity

Re: [ccp4bb] looking for promotif...

2015-03-06 Thread Gert Vriend
. Why don't you first try asking the EBI? (It is a dead link at the EBI web site, but the EBI is an international service institute so I would think they would respond quickly if made aware of this problem. Gert Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregi

Re: [ccp4bb] checking the functionality of ccp4 for general research

2015-03-04 Thread Gert Vriend
all new PDB files and store the results in easy-to-parse files, one per PDB file. Greetings Gert On 03/04/2015 11:20 AM, Li Xue wrote: Hi, I am new to ccp4. I am writing to check the possibility to use ccp4 as a platform to develop my software. I was wondering whether I could get the following

[ccp4bb] Ramachandran plot

2015-02-26 Thread Gert Vriend
re we will come-up with novel validation methods. Gert Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629. The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.

Re: [ccp4bb] adjusting bad Ramachandran angles

2015-02-25 Thread Gert Vriend
d psi to pull residues into the Ramachandran plot's preferred regions. Greetings Gert Ps, feel free to send me your coordinates (I promise to keep them secret) and I will see if the latest WHAT_CHECK provides some hints for what you can try to do.

Re: [ccp4bb] The discrepancy for determination of Ramachandran outliers by Coot and MolProbity

2015-02-19 Thread Gert Vriend
coordinates guaranteed, of course). Gert Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629. The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.

[ccp4bb] Job vacancy for protein crystallographer

2013-05-23 Thread Gert Bange
- Analysis of Metabolic Networks Dr. Gert Bange Hans-Meerwein-Strasse, C7 35043 Marburg, Germany office: +49-6421-28-23361 fax: +49-6421-28-24430 web: