I saw several excellent remarks about Ramachandran plots come by, but
the main points still seem missing, I think.

Phi and psi are not fixed parameters with limited freedom like angles,
bond lengths or planarities. By keeping a certain bond lengths
restrained at, for example, 1.543+/-0.021 Angstrom, you know what you
are doing, and you know that exceptions are very, very rare (assuming
that the weight on this restraint is set appropriately). Phi and psi,
though, can have very many values. And especially near beta-bulges or
near the ends of helices (or in active sites) one can easily do great
damage to the realism of the coordinates if phi-psi restraints would be
used in accordance with the local secondary structure.

The variability of a bond length or bond angle is determined by simple
physical, mainly local parameters such as through-bond and through-space
forces acting on the direct neighbour atoms, and this happens in a way
that we understand and that we can model in a coherent fashion. Phi and
psi angles, similarly, are greatly influenced by interaction of the four
atoms that determine each torsion angle with atoms in their direct local
environment. Robbie explained this nicely in his message. These forces,
though, are already restrained by the bond length, bond angle, and clash
avoidance restraints. If you now put in additional restraints for phi
and psi, you start counting certain interactions double in the
restraints. Unless you spend a lot of time on re-calibrating all
restraints, you are likely to generate areas where the sum of all
restraints is too high and areas where not enough restraints are left.
Again, I am not a crystallographer, but I am sure that that must make
R-free go up.

If using phi-psi restraints would make structures geometrically better
while at the same time make R and R-free go down, than we should surely
stimulate phi-psi restraints, but till this is proven, we shouldn't use
them. If one day the community concludes that phi-psi constraints are a
good thing, then please don't worry about the validation aspects. I am
sure we will come-up with novel validation methods.

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