Hai Matt,
If you are not interested in hard-core crystallography stuff like
interpreting electron-density maps or couplings to Coot or Refmac, then
I can certainly recommend that you look at Yasara. We use it for 15
years already for modelling and many different visualizations (and much
more). I am especially happy with the fact that my entire WHAT IF
software is included in Yasara. Yasara is one of the best modelling
softwares available (Proteins. 2009;77 Suppl 9:114-22
<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19768677>). Yasara is commercial,
but very cheap, especially for academics. There is a limited version
that is fully free of cost for everybody; called Yasara_view it does
just enough to be very useful for education purposes. Yasara comes fully
maintained and provides its customers a well-working help-desk.
(I do not benefit from Yasara sales...).
Look at www.yasara.org
On 27-10-2016 17:20, Matthew Graf wrote:
Hello All,
I am looking for suggestions on a good, but not too costly, 3D
monitor for visualizing pdb structures and looking at outputs of
modelling programs. I am not personally a structural biologist, but am
on the hunt for someone who is. All help appreciated.
Kind regards,