We addressed some of these electrostatics problems (Xray artefact like presence 
of ions, crystal packing, etc) a long time ago. Feel free to look at:

Improving macromolecular electrostatics calculations.
Nielsen JE, Andersen KV, Honig B, Hooft RW, Klebe G, Vriend G, Wade RC.
Protein Eng. 1999 Aug;12(8):657-62


Optimizing the hydrogen-bond network in Poisson-Boltzmann equation-based pK(a) 
Nielsen JE, Vriend G.
Proteins. 2001 Jun 1;43(4):403-12.


On 05/10/2015 12:37 PM, Andre Godoy wrote:
Dear users.
I'm comparing surface charge of a structure with its homologous (85% seq ID), 
and noted that APBS suggest completely opposite charge distribution (exactly 
what I expected, since despite its similarity molecules have opposite 
biochemical profile)

But since molecules are quite similar, I'm not convinced that charge 
distribution can be that different.
Considering that AA is basically the same, what other factors can be 
influencing APBS charge calculations? (Ex: rotamers position, crystal packing, 
crystallization conditions, etc)


Andre Godoy
IFSC - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil

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