Hello Crystallographers,
I am trying to express and purify a soluble domain of a membrane protein
for crystallization. The amino acid content is as below
Ala (A) 12 13.8% Arg (R) 10 11.5% Asn (N) 2 2.3% Asp (D) 8 9.2% Cys (C) 1
1.1% Gln (Q) 1 1.1% Glu (E) 4 4.6% Gly (G) 16 18.4% His (H) 3 3.4% Il
Hi All,
Sorry for this off topic.
I have heard that there are these little columns called guard columns which
can be attached to AKTA purifiers. These columns prevent the incoming huge
aggregates to be deposited and blocking of the gel filtration columns.
Can any one advice me regarding where to
t Professor
> The City College of New York
> Department of Chemistry, MR-1135
> 160 Convent Avenue
> New York, NY 10031
> Tel. (212) 650-6070
> Original message
> >Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:07:48 +0530
> >From: CCP4 bulletin board (on behalf
Hello everyone,
I have a query for the scientists working on protein-protein interaction.
It is known that some proteins exist in unfolded or molten globule state
and attain structure on interaction with other folded proteins.
Many a times, it is difficult to obtain the structure of these complexe
ubstrate binding and activity. You might be interested in a review by
>> Homans (ChemBioChem 6, 1585, 2005) which
>> discusses the use of NMR to look at entropy changes in protein-ligand
>> binding reactions. It is by no means unusual
>> for a residue's entropy to increase
Hi All,
I am trying to understand the mechanism of protein-peptide interaction in
two complexes (protein-pepA and protein-pepB).
While trying to perform some simulation experiments, I find that the* root
mean square fluctuation (RMSF) by residues of protein in the complex is
higher than that of the
Hi All,
I wanted some advice regarding mapping out Protein-peptide interaction. The
peptide is a 12 mer and the protein is 15kDa.
Invivo studies suggest that the peptide is binds the protein and helps in
Hence I feel it would perhaps transient binding.
I know that I should do ITC or BIAc
Dear All,
I have a small molecule structure file coordinates in CSD CIF format,
I would like to analysis inter-molecular interaction between them by
generating symmetry related nearest neighbor structures.
I want to store the coordinates of the generated structures and
further analysis it using in
Hi All,
I want to use a thermofluor for the thermal shift assay. My proteins are
cytoplasmic truncations of membrane protein. I have read about ANS,
sypro-orange and CPM. Which is the once that is popularly used by the
crystallographers for condition optimization for crystallization ??
I have read
Hi All,
I would like to have your expert advice on crystals.
I am using detergents as 5% (w/v) of DDM 0.4ul in a 4ul (protein +
condition + detergent). The precipitant is 28% peg 20K
After 1 day I am able to see little plates of irregular shape .
I am able to see some needles if I change into MEGA
Hi All,
I have set up initial screen in hanging drop trays with a protein of
theoritical pI of 8.5. The protein is in acetate buffer 10mM, KCl 100mM and
2% glycerol
pH 5 . In 85-90% of the conditions I see granular precipitate in 1 day. I
tried to open the coverslip, and touch few drops, They had a
Hi all,
Has anyone used sodium acetate buffer pH (4-5) for purifying histag protein
on Histrap column (AKTA) followed by SEC?
My protein has a pI of 9. I tried pH7.4 but it has precipitation problems.
While doing buffer screening using 24 well hanging drop I found that lower
pI onces are clear, so
Hi All,
Has anyone run a native gel for proteins at pI>8 .
I want to pour my own native gel. Do I run a discontinuous page or a
continuous one?? Please help with regards to the buffer system to be used,
and the dye to be used.
With regards
such context: Vera,L., Czarny, B., Georgiadis, D., Dive,
> V., Stura, E.A. (2011) Practical Use of Glycerol in Protein Crystallization.
> Cryst. Growth & Des. 11 :2755–2762. "
> http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/**10.1021/cg101364m<http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cg101364
Dear Crystallographers,
I have set hanging drop trays with 2ul of protein and 2 ul of resorvior
solution. I have seen in some cases the drops are swelling. My protein
buffer has 15% glycerol in it.
This is happening mainly when I have peg 400 or peg MME or MPD or Jeffamine
in the buffer condition.
ge - I would check it somehow, maybe by light
> scattering or centrifugation
> Good luck
> Yury
> --
> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of anita p [
> crystals...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, August 26, 201
> detergent from the begining itself.
> Please do not chop off the membrane part keep it
> and chop some of the unstructured cytosolic part if you want.
> all the best.
> let us know if any of these worked
> Padayatti
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 3:03 AM, anita p wrote:
Hi All,
I am working on a protein which has a membrane spanning region and as
cytosolic domain.I have made various deletion constructs of the protein, so
that I can have a crystallizable fragment. There is no homologues mentioned
in the pdb for this protein.
All of these constructs are purified
Hi all,
I have been trying to purify cytosolic fraction of membrane protein whose
domain boundries are unknown.
hence I have made a series of deletion constructs. The expression and
purification is not a problem.
I get good yields of the proteins. But on a gelfiltration column, they run
in the void
Dear Crystallographers,
I have got my protein crystallized once and then it is not reproducing,
though I am using the same batch of protein and same condition.
What are the reasons behind nonreproducibility of protein crystals?
I am very new to this field hence I apologize if it is a lame questi
I had set up crystallization with a bicine as buffer and peg 400 as
precipitant. I used the detergent DDAO/LDAO as an additive to the
crystallization drop (one of the hampton additive screen condition, it says
5% on the vial)
I have a clear drop and in the centre there is a shiny precipitate (
phic separation e.g. ion exchange of HIC - they may or may not
> work out. You can also consider cleaving your protein at lower
> concentration, in the presence of detergents or polyols, etc.
> Cheers,
> Artem
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:37 PM, anita p wrote:
Hi Crystallographers,
I am working of 23 Kda protein with a Nterminal His tag and a TEV cleavage
I am getting crystals with the his tag and tev site intact, but they dont
*Is it probable that they dont diffract because of the extra his tag and
the tev site?*
I am trying to get
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