Dear Yahui,
> I am looking for a PDB editing tool to replace the B-factors numbers with
> another column of numbers
It depends where you get that new column of numbers from. There are
tools in CCP4 that set all B-factors to a given value, or clamp the
values to a certain range. Recently, it lo
Nooo, don't do this! Use a refinement program and whatever the MX
software suite that you are using is providing to get to deposition.
You shouldn't need pdb-extract nowadays.
On Sun, Jan 5, 2025 at 5:07 PM Nicholas Clark
> Manju,
> I agr
> I encountered an issue while uploading data (attached) to generate the
> validation report in Phenix. The error message states:
> "The PDB server reports a failure with your data. Please check that your
> input file follows the CIF specifications."
That message might be inaccurate. You seem
components.cif file from has SMILES
strings for all monomers in the PDB.
On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 5:28 PM Hekstra, Doeke Romke
> Hi,
> Does anyone have experience (or scripts!) to extract ligand SMILES from
> macromolecular PDB records
On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 10:33 PM Dr. Kevin M Jude wrote:
> Thanks Jon, these PDB files do have the atom type in column 78. The message
> in the output that “Atoms of all types will be used” makes me think that
> either my HEXCLUDE keyword is ignored or that I’m using it incorrectly.
It's an o
> It sounds as though you need the power of the script. You can (from memory)
> run pdbcur to drop the aniso lines and hydrogen atoms, which helps.
Or from command-line:
gemmi convert --anisou=no --remove-h in.pdb out.pdb
> You could probably get it to delete everything except CA's too.
this wo
> > • Alignment of one-letter atom name such as C starts at column 14, while
> > two-letter atom name such as FE starts at column 13.
> indicating a rule does exist.
There are programs that don't read/write the element from columns
77-78, so this rule still matters, but using it is less reli
Thanks Martin for writing about gemmi. It also has a command-line program:
gemmi convert input.pdb input.cif
On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 12:44 PM Martin Malý wrote:
> Dear Harry,
> You can try to read your PDB file and save it as mmCIF u
Dear Gottfried,
is there any error message when uploading I+/I- fails?
Many entries in the PDB have only intensities (for example, 7bb9 has only
I+/I-), so it must be possible unless something has changed recently.
On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 11:54 AM Palm, Gottfried <
Thanks for the update. I've been keeping track of what formats are
supported by the PDB for a while. Just in case anyone finds it useful,
here are my notes.
wwPDB distributes files in three formats: mmCIF (primary, full name:
PDBx/mmCIF), PDB (legacy), and PDBML (mmCIF in XML, probably to avoid
I'm using a similar scheme for converting mmCIF to PDB with 'gemmi convert'.
1. Long CCD codes are replaced with 3-character codes
that end with a tilde (ABCDE -> AB~)
2. The HETNAM record is used to store the original CCD codes (in columns 72-79).
Hi Rasmus,
> The two parallel sets of chain, residue, and atom names are actually
> necessary for NMR structures - it is not just to keep the depositors
> happy.
Is there a PDB entry that exemplifies this?
I admit I don't know how the chemical-shift based naming works, but I
see that both sets of
Dear all,
I looked at the atom table (atom_site) in the NextGen archive. It has 5 new
columns: pdbx_label_index (another sequence ID) and four columns for SIFTS
mapping at atom level.
I used SIFTS in the past and having it in the coordinate file can simplify
things. But as was stated in the announ
> My scripting is not great so I wondered if anyone could hep me with a short
> script to recursively look for ‘refine.mtz’ within subdirectories from the
> top-level ‘model-building’ directory and then run CAD to change the column
> names from 2FOFCWT-iso-fill and PH2FOFCWT_iso-fill to 2FOFCW
On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 3:15 AM Pavel Afonine wrote:
> Map values are calculated using tricubic interpolation. Optionally you can
> choose a less accurate eight-point interpolation (use interpolation keyword
> for this).
I've been wondering which one is better. Tri-cubic is more accurate
If you'd be interested in historical synchrotron schedules, they can
be approximately guessed from pdb data, from data collection dates.
Unfortunately, in many entries the dates are random, so there is
significant noise there. Here is how it looks:
Plenty of options. I'll add one maintained by me. Type:
gemmi convert file.cif file.pdb
or use it here:
On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 2:01 PM Abhilasha Thakur wrote:
> Hello!!
> Greeting of the day,
> I want to know regarding file c
Hi Jon,
> Another thing is that the results of the contouring are sent out in groups of
> 3 points which are the vertices of triangles forming the surface. Hence, I
> orthogonalize them and get three.js to draw them as just that - triangles. My
> worry is that, since the triangles all have edge
> Many thanks,
> D
> On 14/01/2022 16:32, Marcin Wojdyr wrote:
> > Dear Dom,
> >
> > you can upload only a single data file to OneDep.
> > Currently, if you want to deposit unmerged data with extensions
> > introduced in 2021 (impo
Dear Dom,
you can upload only a single data file to OneDep.
Currently, if you want to deposit unmerged data with extensions
introduced in 2021 (importantly, these extensions include image
numbers and rotation angles) and if the software that you use doesn't
output such ready-to-use files, you need
Dear Sam,
if you want to add hydrogens on "riding" positions in the same way that
Refmac adds them, here is a command that aims to do exactly the same thing:
gemmi h 1cdw.pdb output.pdb
Otherwise, a program called reduce from MolProbity (distributed with both
Phenix and CCP4) is probably the mos
When I was looking into the calculation of f'/f'' last year I was told
that data assembled by Chantler is more accurate than calculations
based on Cromer-Liberman (used by most of MX programs). Chantler's
data is available here:
Dear Gergely,
> Thank you for these examples! It is reassuring to see that multiple
> crystallographic models do not break validation for example. I assume only
> the validation of the first model and first reflection file is shown. I can
> imagine that it is still a substantial change and ma
Dear Gergely,
For authoritative advice you'd need to ask the PDB. Below is my take.
> I am not sure if it is possible to use MODEL-ENDMDL loops in pdb or mmcif
> format for storing multiple crystallographic models.
It's possible, there are a few examples such as 2VTU. They represent
"ensemble r
another one:
gemmi convert --assembly=N input.pdb output.pdb
On Wed, 26 May 2021 at 07:30, Frank von Delft
> Thanks for the quick responses! I was looking for a command-line tool
> (should have said). Here's the list:
> 1. phenix.pdb.biomt_reconstruction
> 2. http:
Dear All,
as was announced by the PDB a month ago, it's now possible to include scaled
unmerged data in a deposition to the PDB (before that it was possible
only in a limited way).
You can do it by simply adding unmerged data (from MTZ or XDS_ASCII
file) to the data file that you'd normally depos
One can also use:
$ gemmi fprime Sr --wavelength=1.2782
Element E[eV]Wavelength[A] f' f"
Sr9699.91 1.2782 -0.637561.3067
$ $CCP4/lib/py2/cctbx/bin/cctbx.eltbx.show_fp_fdp --wavelength=1.2782
Wavelength: 1.2782 Angstrom
Element: Sr
Henke e
Dear Bernhard,
CCP4 has an alternative command-line tool for this; less tested but
happens to preserve P 21 2 21:
gemmi cif2mtz input.cif output.mtz
On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 at 20:39, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
> Dear Developers,
> running cif2mtz in ccp4i (or from the console) in the case o
Dear Jasmine,
I fully agree with this recommendation:
> To use the wwPDB-assigned chain ID in publications,
> _atom_site.auth_seq_id _atom_site.auth_comp_id, and
> _atom_site.auth_asym_id can be used for the residue number, residue ID,
> and chain ID, respectively.
It would help a lot if the sam
Dear Jasmine,
thank you for this explanation. It's the best explanation of this
remediation I've read.
The use of IDs may confuse people, so I'd like to reiterate it and ask
for clarification.
Every residue in the mmCIF format has three (3) independent chain IDs
assigned to it (and three sequence
On Fri, 4 Dec 2020 at 22:36, Dale Tronrud wrote:
> It is very important not to read more meaning into a data tag than
> is actually defined in the mmCIF spec. _atom_site.label_seq_id is defined
On Fri, 4 Dec 2020 at 19:16, Dale Tronrud wrote:
> Creating meaning in the chain names "A, B, C, Ag1, Ag2, Ag3" is
> exactly the problem.
It's not about "creating meaning" but about consistent naming. For humans.
> "chain names" ( or "entity identifiers" if I
> recall the mmCIF terminology
On Fri, 4 Dec 2020 at 09:21, Luca Jovine wrote:
> Yes Tristan, that would be even better - also because such an Ag1, Ag2,…
> system could conveniently fall back on a single-character chain A, when
> generating legacy PDB format files from the mmCIF ones.
mmCIF already has two sets of identifi
Dear Bernhard,
I can reproduce it also when opening the main page of
Thanks for reporting it.
In case of DIMPLE more up to date documentation is at:
On Fri, 20 Mar 2020 at 17:02, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
> Dear Developers,
Dear Guenter,
No, unless you intend to start with MR (option -M0) -- in such case
pointless is not run.
I could add such option, although it may take a while before it's done
and before it goes as an update to CCP4 7.1.
Do you want to skip pointless to save time, or you get wrong result?
Best re
Hi Zhijie,
it's good and instructive to implement such things from the ground up,
but there are many special cases that one would be discovering while
testing this procedure, so if the time is limited it may be better to
use an existing solution.
For instance, here one may find out that using the
Dear Evgenii,
it indeed makes sense to (optionally) use F+/- for refinement, but it
just hasn't been requested before and I didn't think about it myself.
I'm opening a ticket to not forget about it:
and I'll get back to it later.
Best wishes,
On T
On Wed, 9 Jan 2019 at 10:28, Kay Diederichs
> Sorry, I need some additional help with this.
> If I use my browser (Firefox or Chrome on Linux) to go to
> it gets redirected to
On 7 June 2018 at 05:29,
> Dear Kay,
> Yes, it’s writing code to be compatible with Python2 and Python3 - in real
> life they are largely idiomatically similar, with well documented differences
> e.g.
In other words, it's learning both Python2 and Python3 an
On 2 December 2017 at 00:31, Ivan Shabalin
> Instead, we just used the search of the
> unit cell parameters in the PDB, which is much faster (but works only if the
> structure of this particular artifact in the same SpGr is in PDB! otherwise,
> one should use ContaMiner or similar service
It sounds a bit like this paper from a year ago:
apart from the conclusion: here the point is that amateurs build
higher quality models than crystallographers.
On 20 November 2017 at 20:25, Shintaro Aibara wrote:
> Dear All,
> Apologies for the slight
On 7 November 2017 at 12:28, Eleanor Dodson
<> wrote:
> Something (Refmac? Coot?? mystery?) was labelling all atoms in MSE residues
> as HETATM and that was a BAD THING..
I don't dispute this, but that's what the pdb spec from the PDB
requires (HETATM
Dear Marta,
as a workaround, before starting ViewHKL change locale settings
to have '.' as a decimal point.
For example, from command line:
LC_ALL=C viewhkl
LC_NUMERIC=C viewhkl
It's a bug in ViewHKL and/or in symop_to_mat4() in libccp4.
On Thu, Jul 02, 2015 at 11:43:08AM +0200, Mart
The Win32 version has been added in the download area:
Apologies for the long delay.
On behalf of the CCP4 group
Marcin Wojdyr
This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or
privileged material, and are for the use of
That problem has been discussed several times on the coot mailing list.
Currently a workaround is to type:
(set-use-stroke-characters 1)
in scheme console (Calculate > Scripting > Scheme).
(You can also add it to coot settings).
As a side effect fonts will look worse.
I've just tested a better
Hi Murpholino
On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 07:30:06PM -0500, Murpholino Peligro wrote:
> and ubuntu/windows7 dual setup). So B and I were trying to make some
> deleting the 3GB Balbes folder (sudo rm -rf
> /usr/local/bin/BALBES).
> Is that the "best" way of removing BALBES?
Yes, that's a
Dear Ian,
Hard to tell without more details. What options are passed to the
configure scripts in mmdb2 and libccp4? (you can find it in the output)
The options include either "--disable-shared --enable-static" or the
other way around.
Maybe you built it before setting BUILD_STATIC, and then when
Dear Petr
Moving CCP4 to the end of the PATH could cause some problems,
for example on Linux CCP4 truncate would be shadowed by relatively
new truncate from GNU coreutils.
We've been aware that having tclsh, wish, etc in $CCP4/bin could cause
conflicts, but since no one complained it was a low-pr
Coot thinks that PISA version is < 1.06, although it's 2.0.2.
That coot extension (and many others) have two versions, one in Scheme
and one in Python. The latter works, but it's not in the menu. As a
workaround: Calculate > Scripting > Python and type:
molecule_chooser_gui("Choose molecule", pisa_
Dear Eike,
we have a simple automation exactly for this problem: a pipeline called
DIMPLE. In Diamond it's run automatically after data collection, if the
user provided pdb file.
If you have CCP4 installed try:
dimple file.mtz file.pdb output_dir
The last arg is a directory where you want resul
While most (all?) CCP4 programs use the MMDB library for reading
PDB files, handling of incorrect PDBs is not consistent.
Default settings in MMDB (and in clipper) are strict, but most of the
programs use a combination of options that make it more liberal (SetFlag()).
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:43:27AM +0100, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
> Upon windows upgrade with default settings, the previous desktop icon 6.4
> command line
> C:\CCP4\TclTk84\bin\wish.exe "C:\CCP4\6.5\share\ccp4i\bin\ccp4i.tcl"
> will not work anymore.
I forgot to reply to this in December. I c
FWIW for CCP4 we'd recommend 64-bit Linux.
Our 64-bit Linux version is downloaded now 6x more often than 32-bit
one. So it's more tested, and for some datasets pointless and aimless
require more than 4GB of memory (which is 32-bit limit).
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 02:05:32PM -0400, David Ro
On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 12:31:30PM -0700, Alastair Fyfe wrote:
> - the CCP4 source downloads page references "v6.4.0" whereas the binary
> downloads page references "v6.4.0.1". However, from your reply it sounds as
> if the two correspond to same sources snapshot.
Something must have been wro
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 08:08:32PM -0700, Alastair Fyfe wrote:
> 2)6.4.0 binary bundles no longer include header files or static libraries.
> Thus to build local utilities the binary installation must be supplemented
> with a source build (at least of the libraries).
[I think it's about Linux]
On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 09:42:43PM -0500, Maher Alayyoubi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have two questions:
> 1- I was trying to run the program Acorn, on a SAD dataset (Se derivative)
> that was scaled in scalepack/HKL2000. converted to .mtz using
> scalepack2mtz, then edited in REVISE and Ecalc
On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 07:50:42AM +0100, Alastair Fyfe wrote:
> Is there a JHBuild setting for requesting both static and shared libs? The
> default seems to only build *.so(s) and setting _build_static=True in
> only yields *.a(s).
For libraries that use autotools for building (that incl
Dear Ethan,
Alexander Schuettelkopf has sent us modified PRODRG parameter file to fix
this issue. We'll distribute it in CCP4 updates soon.
If you'd like to test it now, the prodrg.param file is here:
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 03:51:57PM +0100, Ian Tickle wrote:
> Harry,
> I've run into this problem before with other programs when I switch between
> v6.3 & v6.4. I think the problem is this code in ccp4.setup-sh:
> if [ `expr ":${PATH}:" : ".*:${dir}:"` -eq 0 ]; then
We can remove this co
On Tue, Mar 04, 2014 at 01:33:58PM +0800, wu donghui wrote:
> Here I attached the config.log file for your help. I have tried to use
> either gcc-4.2.1 (Applications/
> --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1), or
There is some confusion here. The number 4.
fraught with difficulty and lead to incorrectly
> functioning compilers.
> On 3 Mar 2014, at 11:08, wu donghui wrote:
> >
> >
> > -- Forwarded message --
> > From: wu donghui
> > Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 7:07 PM
> > Subject: Re:
On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 01:16:37PM +0800, wu donghui wrote:
> gcc version in my Mac OS X 10.8.5 is as below.
> Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/
> --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
> Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.79) (based on LLVM 3.3s
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 03:32:52PM +, Adam Ralph wrote:
> Dear Chang,
> Some CCP4 progs can be used with a multi-core machine,
> using OpenMP threads (including refmac it would appear). You will
I think only phaser and aimless.
Of course using 4 cores doesn't mean running 4 times fas
Dear Partha and Uli,
We haven't tested it on SLES11 and we overlooked this problem.
It will be fixed in updates. For now as a workaround do:
ln -s $CCP4/lib/
(hopefully works, I cannot test it now)
Usually the quickest way to have such problems solved is
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 03:15:46PM -0500, Roger Rowlett wrote:
> Just ran into an error running SORTMTZ in CCP4-6.4.0. Looks like
> SORTMTZ requires 32-bit version. I get an error
> message of the missing library if I do not install lib32gfortran3
> (32-bit fortran libraries). Shou
On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 11:51:57AM +0100, Peter Keller wrote:
> The STAR grammar in chapter 2.1 is the accurate one. If you look at page
> 18, you will see that the productions for quoted text strings are
> completely different from the ones in chapter 2.2.
Different, but look equivalent to me.
On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 04:38:12PM +0100, Peter Keller wrote:
> >
> > If there are discrepancies between IUCR website and IT vol.G and it would
> > be worth to list them.
> It is not a matter of discrepancies: they are rather different, and if
> you are active in this area, you really need to
Hi Peter,
On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 10:28:22AM +0100, Peter Keller wrote:
> >
> This grammar seems to be based on the 1994 J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci one,
> which has some serious errors. I would strongly discourage anyone from
> t
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 03:41:34PM +0100, Peter Keller wrote:
> I hope that this isn't quite what you meant There are already
> mutually-incompatible CIF dialects out there that have been created
> by developers coding to their own understanding and interpretations
> of the CIF/STAR format. I
On Sun, Sep 08, 2013 at 10:33:31PM -0700, Ezequiel Noguera wrote:
> I'm trying to run edstat, but I can not find it in the list of programs of
> CCP4-6.2 or -6.3. How I can run it under Windows? Thanks
It's been added at some point to Windows build (after 6.3).
It should work, but I don't think t
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 11:44:55AM +, Björn Kauppi wrote:
> Is there any way to install the dimple script on my windows CCP4i
> installation?
It will be included in the next version of the ccp4 suite.
For now you can try command-line version from:
On 4 March 2013 13:55, wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-03-04 at 11:37 +0000, Marcin Wojdyr wrote:
>> Running times were, correspondingly, 32.2s, 35.1s and 18.7s.
> Numbers are almost too impressive to believe :)
It also puzzled me, but I haven't done more careful benchmarkin
One reason to compile refmac on Linux is that it can be faster.
I've just run $CEXAM/unix/runnable/refmac5-simple.exam example
with refmac from CCP4 6.3.0, from Garib's website and compiled with
GCC 4.7.2 only with -O3 option (all are 64-bit versions).
Running times were, correspondingly, 32.2s, 35
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:27:46PM -0500, Ed Pozharski wrote:
> I am trying to compile refmac from source on a machine running Ubuntu
> 12.04. In a nutshell, after some troubleshooting I end up with
> executable that generates a segmentation fault. Log-file states that
> >> CCP4 library si
On Tue, Oct 09, 2012 at 11:18:29AM +0200, vellieux wrote:
> Ta very much Tim,
> what I did was to edit the ccp4.setup-csh file in order to change the line:
> setenv CCP4I_TCLTK /usr/local/bin
> into:
> setenv CCP4I_TCLTK /home/prog/ccp4-6.3.0/bin
You may source bin/ccp4.setup-csh instead.
In cc
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 07:45:01AM +0100, Heng-Keat Tam wrote:
> and the error message pop up:
> Error in startup script: couldn't load file
> "/home/mauricetam/Documents/Software/ccp4/tcltkplusplus/lib/":
> /home/mauricetam/Documents/Software/ccp4/tcltkplusplus/lib/libBLT24.s
Two Windows-specific problems have been reported and fixed yesterday:
- cif_mmdic.lib is in %CCP4%\share\ccif, should be in %CCP4%\lib
- rapper doesn't work (missing DLL)
cif_mmdic.lib can be moved manually, so if you don't use rapper there is no
need to update. Installer with fixes is available f
On Sat, Apr 07, 2012 at 08:42:47AM -0700, Bernhard Rupp (Hofkristallrat a.D.)
> Something the developers might be interested in:
> The Refmac_5.6.0117 32-bit windows binaries run native on a win64 3-4x
> slower than
> those from the linux distribution run
Thanks for benchmarking.
Dear Bernhard,
a) will be fixed in the next release by changing %MMCIFDIC%; for now the
workaround is what you wrote. Thanks for reporting it.
d) it's ok, ccp4-6.2.2.msi is a new packages for version 6.2.0.
Someone else may address b) and c)
2GB of memory should be enough.
I'd start from checking that the downloaded file is not corrupted.
I've added md5 and sha1 sums to the directory with .msi installers:
You can read how to check md5 sums for example here:
It's hard to tell what's the problem, perhaps the installer is corrupted and
you can re-download it and try again.
You may try this one:
(it's 6.2.0 regardless the filename, the same content in new package)
@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Marcin
Sent: 11 November 2011 18:42
To: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Installation of CCP4 under Windows 7
I've uploaded a new installer here:
The content is the same, the version was changed only for technical reason,
rsion first and if
there are any CCP4 environmental variables left, please delete them manually.
The next release will handle upgrades automatically, but we need to do more
-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Marcin
Thanks for listing all the problems.
We are testing a new installer for Windows now. It's written from scratch (we
switched from InstallShield to WiX) and if we don't find any issues with it
we'll put it on ftp tomorrow.
ActiveTcl should not be necessary with this and future versions. In Se
84 matches
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