Re: [ccp4bb] Search by name on the PDB fails

2018-10-02 Thread Gert Vriend
The MRS server at the CMBI ( is very quick. It is not a dedicated ligand searcher, but it finds 23 files with tetraethylene glycol. It is just a Google-like text-search engine, but much smarter than grep; for example "tetraetylene glycol" suggests that you might want to

Re: [ccp4bb] Can H-clashes be ignored ?

2018-08-17 Thread Gert Vriend
On 17-8-2018 18:27, Firdous Tarique wrote: Hello everyone. I have a basic question. When a validation report of a coordinate is generated we often come across a term known as "Too-Close Contacts". Essentially evey PDB file has at least a few of those. First of all can somebody please explain

[ccp4bb] Normalization of B-factors

2018-08-10 Thread Gert Vriend
TLS groups are a good way to reduce the R-factor without doing very stupid things. They give a better fit of coordinates to the data, so, when done well, you get a better description of reality without (hopefully) over-fitting. Most times, I think, TLS groups are defined by the experimentalist

Re: [ccp4bb] Off-topic: protein 2d diagrams

2018-08-04 Thread Gert Vriend
Batch mode generation of residue-based diagrams of proteins Fabien CampagneEmmanuel BettlerGert VriendHarel Weinstein /Bioinformatics/, Volume 19, Issue 14, 22 September 2003, Pages 1854–1855, Published: 22 September 2003 On 4-8-2018 10:38, Joana

Re: [ccp4bb] salt bridges etc..

2018-07-16 Thread Gert Vriend
Dear Eleanor, Salt bridges are a compromise between entropy and enthalpy. If, say, an Asp and an Arg side chain are a bit restricted in their freedom and the charges are close, enthalpy wins, and if they are very exposed, and not close at all, entropy wins. The enthalpic gain upon protein fold

Re: [ccp4bb] validating a homlology model

2018-03-07 Thread Gert Vriend
Careina, Feel free to contact me about these things without using the CCP4BB list. I am sending this to the list with as purpose that others might in the future refer people with questions about homology modelling to me. After all, although the possibility to build homology models is one of th

Re: [ccp4bb] Electrostatic Potential: Poisson-Boltzmann criteria

2017-12-17 Thread Gert Vriend
That is a simple question with a long and tedious answer. The question is like: "I have this protein crystal, can you suggest some ways to solve the structure"? The best is to leave this to an expert in the field (I am not a real expert in this field, but I can give you some pointers of the l

Re: [ccp4bb] secondary structure prediction

2017-12-06 Thread Gert Vriend
I would try your local bioinformatician (or a remote one if there isn't any one local). With the sequence in the mail, I could have given it a shot... Gert On 12/6/2017 3:14 PM, zheng zhou wrote: Dear CCP4 community, Sorry for the off-topic question. I am trying to design constructs for stru

[ccp4bb] Developers, users

2017-11-24 Thread Gert Vriend
In 1996 we wrote a short note on WHAT_CHECK. The fact that protein structures contain errors caught the community by surprise at that time. A few weeks later Nature published another note, now by some prominent crystallographers who stated that WHAT_CHECK produced many false positive error message

[ccp4bb] Regarding Patents

2017-11-04 Thread Gert Vriend
A related question. If you have a crystal structure and found a novel ligand binding site that can be used to regulate protein activity, could you patent such "binding site"? If not, how to make the best use of such findings? I would say that the best one can do with important novel data/info

Re: [ccp4bb] How to deal with the bad omega angles?

2017-10-10 Thread Gert Vriend
Look at under "structure validation" you will find a server that predicts which peptide planes most likely need to be flipped. This server is the implementation of: Detection of trans-cis flips and peptide-plane flips in protein structures.

Re: [ccp4bb] Questions about antibody in crystallization

2017-06-22 Thread Gert Vriend
The fact that the PDB holds hundreds of FABs and a handful whole ABs suggests to me that the latter are hard to get crystals for. So, all the more reason for us bioinformaticians that you, experimentalists try it :-) Gert On 22-6-2017 20:39, Cheng Zhang wrote: Hi all, I have a naive questi

[ccp4bb] Fwd: Re: [ccp4bb] Structure comparison

2017-04-10 Thread Gert Vriend
Rather then now start mentioning yet 45 other 3D superposition softwares, I think a pointer to the Wikipedia should suffice: The Russian Doll effect (if you align more residues the comparison stats get worse) is best explained (my opinion) by th

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure comparison

2017-04-09 Thread Gert Vriend
Arthur Lesk (at Penn state Univ, I think)m is the only one I know who has worked on this topic. I suggest you ask him. The topic you elude to is commonly known as the Russian Doll Effect. If you want to discuss the topic, feel free to Skype me. Greetings Gert Vriend On 10-4-2017 1:37, Reza

Re: [ccp4bb] DSSP output pdb format

2017-04-03 Thread Gert Vriend
Dear Adriana, That server is ours, at the CMBI. I realize that you are a bit confused about things. Feel free to address me personally (and I am mailing this to the whole list because this offer holds for all the 3D structure related servers reachable via In Skyp

Re: [ccp4bb] software or tool for Individual residue in a Ramachandran plot graph?

2017-03-25 Thread Gert Vriend
Ls, It is not possible to determine the secondary structure from the position in the Ramachandran plot. For a residue to be helical, it must have hydrogen bonds that correspond with a helix, and so need its neighbours. If these conditions are met, a residue will by necessity have backbone tor

Re: [ccp4bb] 3D viewing room options

2016-11-12 Thread Gert Vriend
Hia Xavier, For about 10 years already we use a simple solution consisting of a cheap computer with two graphics cards, a beamer from the game industry that can project stereo, and simple liquid crystal shutter glasses. This gives us projection on the wall (just a painted wall, nothing special

[ccp4bb] Trump

2016-11-09 Thread Gert Vriend
Lets stop this discussion before it divides this list of friends just as much as the cause of this discussion divided the US. Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] Superpose program in CCP4

2016-10-30 Thread Gert Vriend
Dear Wenhe, No 3D superpose tool will always align/map all Calphas. If in the one protein the loop turns left, and in the other it turns right, then mapping those loops is meaningless and thus not done by good software. The other problem is that often two proteins that get compared do not eve

Re: [ccp4bb] Good 3D Monitor for Molecular Modelling

2016-10-27 Thread Gert Vriend
Hai Matt, If you are not interested in hard-core crystallography stuff like interpreting electron-density maps or couplings to Coot or Refmac, then I can certainly recommend that you look at Yasara. We use it for 15 years already for modelling and many different visualizations (and much more)

[ccp4bb] Detwinning, why not?

2016-10-11 Thread Gert Vriend
Many, many years ago I worked in Rossmann's lab. Some colleagues were detwinning a structure. Whatever they tried, the twin ration went from something near 50-50 to something near 95-5 without any improvement. I wrote software that would look at reflection files in search of systematic absences

Re: [ccp4bb] Hi

2015-05-26 Thread Gert Vriend
On 26/05/15 14:41, vijay srivastava wrote: Dear All, I want to superpose the nucleotide form one GTPase on to the nucleotide of other GTPase in order to study the interaction in the nucleotide binding pocket. I tried to superpose but it is superposing on the basis of secondary structure as a r

Re: [ccp4bb] CYS mod

2015-05-18 Thread Gert Vriend
The site is not official, unpublished, and still poorly maintained. But just for the fun of it, I added a list of modified cysteines. Be aware that the files are big, so better download them and read them in the editor than opening them in the browser. Gert On 05

Re: [ccp4bb] [RANT] Reject Papers describing non-open source software

2015-05-13 Thread Gert Vriend
Being in software design myself, I want to look at it from the other side. If I produce software I want to get from it: 1) Gratitude from the users, preferably expressed in the form of citations; 2) Nice collaborations that allow me to use my, novel software at the edge of science; 3) The possib

Re: [ccp4bb] APBS

2015-05-11 Thread Gert Vriend
We addressed some of these electrostatics problems (Xray artefact like presence of ions, crystal packing, etc) a long time ago. Feel free to look at: Improving macromolecular electrostatics calculations. Nielsen JE, Andersen KV, Honig B, Hooft RW, Klebe G, Vriend G, Wade RC. Protein Eng. 1999 Au

Re: [ccp4bb] 3BDN, 16.5% Ramachandran Outliers!!!!!

2015-04-23 Thread Gert Vriend
At around 4.0 A resolution one normally cannot talk about accuracy. The density will at most locations not warrant any detailed interpretation. If, at 4.0 A resolution, you move atoms around a bit, you will not see significant changes in R/Rfree. So, you can do whatever you want, more or less.

[ccp4bb] Renormalize a matrix

2015-04-02 Thread Gert Vriend
This matrix-renormalizer comes from WHAT IF. Feel free to use it any way you want: SUBROUTINE GVSREN (RMAT) C+++ C--- C C RMAT IS

[ccp4bb] strange pattern

2015-04-01 Thread Gert Vriend
The following article was rejected by 'our' journal... Greetings Gert

Re: [ccp4bb] r.m.s.d. ΔB

2015-03-26 Thread Gert Vriend
Ls, I dont think these numbers are useful by themselves. It makes more sense to look at differences in these numbers (between bound atoms in your protein and in 'the rest of the PDB') as function of as many external conditions as statistics allow. Then determine averages with SD, and score on

Re: [ccp4bb] looking for promotif...

2015-03-06 Thread Gert Vriend
On 03/06/2015 09:21 AM, Laurent Maveyraud wrote: Dear all, we are currently trying to pick up the trail of the PROMOTIF program for which we can't find a link that works properly. Does anybody know where I can find it ? thanks for your help, laurent PROMOTIF seems to be an EBI product. Why don

Re: [ccp4bb] checking the functionality of ccp4 for general research

2015-03-04 Thread Gert Vriend
Dear Li Xue, The questions you are asking are more the domain of protein structure bioinformatics than X-ray crystallography. The CCP4 has a series of these programs available, but their collection is limited. May I suggest that you also look at There yo

[ccp4bb] Ramachandran plot

2015-02-26 Thread Gert Vriend
I saw several excellent remarks about Ramachandran plots come by, but the main points still seem missing, I think. Phi and psi are not fixed parameters with limited freedom like angles, bond lengths or planarities. By keeping a certain bond lengths restrained at, for example, 1.543+/-0.021 Angstr

Re: [ccp4bb] adjusting bad Ramachandran angles

2015-02-25 Thread Gert Vriend
On 25/02/15 18:08, Michael Murphy wrote: Does anyone know of a way to adjust Ramachandran angles so that they fall within the preferred range? Either in Coot or possibly some online server? I have been trying to do it manually without much success, I was wondering whether there might another wa

Re: [ccp4bb] The discrepancy for determination of Ramachandran outliers by Coot and MolProbity

2015-02-19 Thread Gert Vriend
On 19-2-2015 1:38, Smith Lee wrote: Dear All, It often finds for the Ramachandran favored determined by Coot, MolProbity regards as Ramachandran outliers. There are earlier posts regards Coot and MolProbity has different database for the determination of the Ramachandran plots. Then will you p