Re: [ccp4bb] Co-Crystallization with drug molecule

2024-10-02 Thread David J. Schuller
=== David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University From: CCP4 bulletin board

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 v9 installation issue

2024-09-12 Thread David J. Schuller
Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University schul...@cornel

Re: [ccp4bb] Coot 1.* in CCP4 9

2024-08-28 Thread David J. Schuller
hings Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University From: Paul Emsley Sen

Re: [ccp4bb] Coot 1.* in CCP4 9

2024-08-28 Thread David J. Schuller
hings Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University From: Paul Ems

[ccp4bb] Coot 1.* in CCP4 9

2024-08-28 Thread David J. Schuller
=== David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] error in error message

2024-08-28 Thread David J. Schuller
erve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University From: CCP4 b

[ccp4bb] error in error message

2024-08-28 Thread David J. Schuller
t" is erroneous. === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world

Re: [ccp4bb] Ligand identification in X-ray density

2024-06-05 Thread David J. Schuller
e the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] update manager

2024-05-05 Thread David J. Schuller
=== David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of David

Re: [ccp4bb] update manager

2024-05-05 Thread David J. Schuller
part of the reason or not. I have version 8.0.017. === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Sch

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature change from 25ºC to 20ºC

2024-04-01 Thread David J. Schuller
=== David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Nukri Sanishvili

Re: [ccp4bb] Combating disinformation in science and other areas

2024-02-15 Thread David J. Schuller
uot; The problem with this approach is that not all participants are acting in good faith. === All Things Serve the Beam ===

Re: [ccp4bb] Problem running CCP4I2 in CCP4 8

2024-01-30 Thread David J. Schuller
to do next." === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a p

Re: [ccp4bb] Problems updating CCP4 via CCP4i

2024-01-30 Thread David J. Schuller
=== All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world

Re: [ccp4bb] Fragile Crystals

2023-11-22 Thread David J. Schuller
3360-3369 === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-mo

Re: [ccp4bb] Dry shipper in limbo

2023-07-28 Thread David J. Schuller
advice on that. === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cor

Re: [ccp4bb] Error in xdsgui: you have to install generate_XDS.INP in your path

2023-06-05 Thread David J. Schuller
. === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell

Re: [ccp4bb] Unknown electron density

2023-04-19 Thread David J. Schuller
Anomalous data might have been helpful. Zinc has an edge at 1.2837 A. === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller

[ccp4bb] Another folding AI

2022-11-03 Thread David J. Schuller
e Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University schul...@corne

[ccp4bb] Jenkins?

2022-09-25 Thread David J. Schuller
gs Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University sch

Re: [ccp4bb] PDBx-format utilities

2022-09-08 Thread David J. Schuller
e the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] Checking X-ray sequence (no more protein).

2022-07-29 Thread David J. Schuller
Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Robbie Jo

Re: [ccp4bb] ligand binds to one molecule

2022-03-06 Thread David J. Schuller
=== David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University From: CCP4 bulletin board on

[ccp4bb] ccp4um log

2022-01-03 Thread David J. Schuller
. === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS

Re: [ccp4bb] nVidia 3D Vision2 glasses

2020-01-14 Thread David J. Schuller
ttps:// -- === All Things Serve the Beam =========== David J. Schuller

[ccp4bb] Dead link

2019-12-18 Thread David J. Schuller
e the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University schul...@c

Re: [ccp4bb] RAID array

2019-11-27 Thread David J. Schuller
st, click the following link: -- === All Things Serve the Beam =======

Re: [ccp4bb] difficult molecular replacement solution

2019-11-13 Thread David J. Schuller
ck the following link: -- === All Things Serve the Beam ===

[ccp4bb] Chiral

2019-11-07 Thread David J. Schuller
thousands of chiral crystals -- === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post

Re: [ccp4bb] Nvidia 3D vision + 1920x1080 Desktop Displays

2010-03-03 Thread David J. Schuller
ve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

[ccp4bb] Health study relevant to molecular modeling

2010-02-23 Thread David J. Schuller
ably more problematic for young adults, teenagers, et cetera." ... "" -- === All Things Serve the Beam =======

Re: [ccp4bb] anomalous difference fourier maps

2010-02-19 Thread David J. Schuller
that he had received multiple responses. I gather that he received them off-board. -- === All Things Serve the Beam === David

Re: [ccp4bb] unknown density

2010-02-03 Thread David J. Schuller
show something. -- === All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a pos

[ccp4bb] 2010 Stereoscopic 3D Hardware Guide

2010-01-29 Thread David J. Schuller
=== David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] question on the effect of a fire alarm on crystallization

2010-01-22 Thread David J. Schuller
=== David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University On Fri, 2010-01-22 at 09:13 -0500, Jacqueline Vitali wrote: > Dear all, > > Does anyone

Re: [ccp4bb] Stereo worked, but can't log back on after the screen lock Re: [ccp4bb] [COOT] 120hz LCDs and coot stereo

2010-01-19 Thread David J. Schuller
Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University On Tue, 2010-01-19 at 07:05 -0500, Z

Re: [ccp4bb] Stereo TFT

2010-01-15 Thread David J. Schuller
All Things Serve the Beam ======= David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] 3D monitors

2010-01-15 Thread David J. Schuller
= All Things Serve the Beam === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

[ccp4bb] Intel compiler in the news

2010-01-04 Thread David J. Schuller
cripples performance for non-Intel (AMD/VIA) processors. ..." -- === You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane ======

Re: [ccp4bb] [COOT] 120hz LCDs and coot stereo

2009-12-18 Thread David J. Schuller
be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world

Re: [ccp4bb] [COOT] 120hz LCDs and coot stereo

2009-12-17 Thread David J. Schuller
sibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane ======= David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world

Re: [ccp4bb] [COOT] 120hz LCDs and coot stereo

2009-12-17 Thread David J. Schuller
d. Cheers, -- === You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man i

[ccp4bb] LG announces 3D display

2009-12-04 Thread David J. Schuller
ing that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane ======= David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] warning message: bound resonance

2009-11-20 Thread David J. Schuller
o the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University On Fri, 2009-11-20 at 22:24 +0100, Gerard DVD Kleywegt wrote: > 'Allo! 'Al

[ccp4bb] Stereo 3D notebook

2009-11-19 Thread David J. Schuller
ux drivers. - === You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane ===

Re: [ccp4bb] crystallography teaching advice: f(S) ?

2009-10-20 Thread David J. Schuller
x27;re a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] ALS cryopucks

2009-09-29 Thread David J. Schuller
-Puck.html - === You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern

Re: [ccp4bb] Summary for weak magnet of goniometer of MAR345dtb

2009-08-30 Thread David J. Schuller
opinion than a fact. - === You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller

Re: [ccp4bb] space groups not supported by Refmac5

2009-08-17 Thread David J. Schuller
o the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University On Mon, 2009-08-17 at 17:37 +01

Re: [ccp4bb] Refinement problem

2009-08-09 Thread David J. Schuller
r is it over 30%? - === You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller

Re: [ccp4bb] Best 3D stereo combination for Linux

2009-07-01 Thread David J. Schuller
be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world

[ccp4bb] Sample shipping question

2009-03-19 Thread David J. Schuller
that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell

Re: [ccp4bb] cross-section view of (protein) molecules in pymol?

2009-03-14 Thread David J. Schuller
o the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University On Thu, 1970-01-01 at 02:55 +0100, Sus

Re: [ccp4bb] protein folds

2009-02-26 Thread David J. Schuller
Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 14:19 +, ANDY DODDS wrote: > The original poster may be i

Re: [ccp4bb] Caution - 120 Hz LCDs: Not CRT killers yet...

2009-01-23 Thread David J. Schuller
might bring this to their attention. Cheers, - === You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane ======= David J. Schuller

[ccp4bb] Replacement for arp_waters?

2009-01-20 Thread David J. Schuller
st if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHES

Re: [ccp4bb] Planar Systems monitor

2008-12-15 Thread David J. Schuller
ystem.) Cheers, - === You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller

Re: [ccp4bb] protein crystallography universe

2008-10-14 Thread David J. Schuller
t possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane === David J. Schuller modern man in

Re: [ccp4bb] Crystallogrphy today

2008-09-22 Thread David J. Schuller
tes where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell U

[ccp4bb] 6.0.99

2008-07-27 Thread David J. Schuller
single exception of Cornell, there is not a college in the United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in

Re: [ccp4bb] Small lysozyme crystals protocol

2008-07-04 Thread David J. Schuller
Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Thu, 2008-07-0

Re: [ccp4bb] stereo with Nvidia Quadro

2008-05-08 Thread David J. Schuller
ingle exception of Cornell, there is not a college in the United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-m

[ccp4bb] Kay Diederichs and Novel_R source?

2008-04-21 Thread David J. Schuller
rsoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ccp4bb] Merging CCP4i projects from two computers

2008-03-07 Thread David J. Schuller
me guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED] On

Re: [ccp4bb] Unknown density

2008-02-25 Thread David J. Schuller
=== David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 11:54 +0100, Franck Coste wrote: > As Edw

Re: [ccp4bb] Engineering disulfide bonds

2008-02-08 Thread David J. Schuller
onment. - === With the single exception of Cornell, there is not a college in the United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Sc

Re: [ccp4bb] 3D Glasses - Vuzix HMD by eDimensional

2008-02-04 Thread David J. Schuller
truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll ======= David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ccp4bb] Python 3.0 breakage

2008-02-01 Thread David J. Schuller
uth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll ======= David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ccp4bb] Web site GOOD, Attachment BAD

2008-01-31 Thread David J. Schuller
e where they can securely post. Cheers, - === With the single exception of Cornell, there is not a college in the United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll =======

Re: [ccp4bb] Cocrystals - should they pop up under native conditions?

2008-01-22 Thread David J. Schuller
me guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 19:33 +, Brenda Patterson wrote: > Hello all, &g

Re: [ccp4bb] ideal bond length and bong angel

2008-01-09 Thread David J. Schuller
tes where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacC

Re: [ccp4bb] Have a happy new year with your very own crystallography system!

2008-01-07 Thread David J. Schuller
e in the United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS,

Re: [ccp4bb] detecting RNA from possible protein-RNA complex crystals

2007-12-11 Thread David J. Schuller
States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world

[ccp4bb] 6.0.2 installation problem

2007-11-21 Thread David J. Schuller
est - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ccp4bb] Installation problem on Fedora 8

2007-11-20 Thread David J. Schuller
= With the single exception of Cornell, there is not a college in the United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller mod

Re: [ccp4bb] speeding crystallisation

2007-08-06 Thread David J. Schuller
uest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ccp4bb] difference density ripples around Hg atoms

2007-08-01 Thread David J. Schuller
With the single exception of Cornell, there is not a college in the United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll ======= David J. Schuller

Re: [ccp4bb] Mico-focus beamline

2007-07-20 Thread David J. Schuller
uest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ccp4bb] Help with reducing crystal mosaicity

2007-07-09 Thread David J. Schuller
rsoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Mon, 2007-07-09 at 18:05 -0400, Mary Fitzgerald wrote: > Hel

Re: [ccp4bb] Survey on computer usage in crystallography

2007-06-20 Thread David J. Schuller
currently available, let alone what I wish were available. -- === With the single exception of Cornell, there is not a college in the United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll =====

Re: [ccp4bb] image plate shadow

2007-05-03 Thread David J. Schuller
ver been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll ======= David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ccp4bb] X-ray generator uninterruptible power supply

2007-03-22 Thread David J. Schuller
as ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ccp4bb] "B" in B-factor

2007-01-24 Thread David J. Schuller
welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll === David J. Schuller modern man in a post-modern world MacCHESS, Cornell University