On Fri, 2007-07-20 at 11:02 -0400, Peng Xie wrote:
> Hi, all
> I am working with this protein that only gives very thin needle
> crystals (25micron by 25 micron by 100-200micron) despite of various
> atempts to make it bigger, I am wondering if anybody here has any
> information as to where I can find a micro-focus beamline that will
> work on tiny needle crystals of this size in US. 

MacCHESS is doing work on microcrystallography. See the MAcchess web
www.macchess.cornell.edu and contact Richard Gillilan, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

APS is also making recent efforts in this area.

With the single exception of Cornell, there is not a college in the
United States where truth has ever been a welcome guest - R.G. Ingersoll
                              David J. Schuller
                              modern man in a post-modern world
                              MacCHESS, Cornell University
                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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