Re: [ccp4bb] EDR (Sophos) and CCP4 compatibility

2022-10-04 Thread Andrew Purkiss
Hi Mark and Dave (who just beat me to it), Generally Sophos has been fine. However, I did get the following a couple of weeks ago which Sophos cleared up for me by deleting the relevant files. "Generic ML PUA detected at C:\CCP4-7-1\7.1\bin\check_cell_sg.exe" "Generic ML PUA detected at C:\

Re: [ccp4bb] PAIREF - Warning - not enough free reflections in resolution bin

2022-09-30 Thread Andrew Purkiss
Is the data anisotropic? This would explain the strange processing statistics beyond 3.0 Angstrom. If using Dials directly it is worth looking for abnormalities with the reciprocal lattice viewer. I've seen similar issues with the completeness being low, when data is weak in one direction, despit

Re: [ccp4bb] AW: Strange cysteines

2021-12-22 Thread Andrew Purkiss
As you say, the Cys are too far apart for it to be a disulphide and it looks like oxidation of the Cys. This could be due to radiation damage, but other causes are possible. A former colleague had one in betaB1-crystallin, which is visible in pdbcode 1OKI at position 38. The difference density wa

Re: [ccp4bb] Micro/Macro crystal seeding experience

2020-12-18 Thread Andrew Purkiss
acharel em Ciências Biológicas > Universidade Federal de São Carlos > > phone: +55 16 99766-0021 > >"A sorte acompanha uma mente bem treinada" > ____ > > > To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click t

Re: [ccp4bb] Stabilizing Mitegen reusable bases/mounts

2020-11-16 Thread Andrew Purkiss
Hi Everyone, Just to put a word in favour of the re-usable bases. We've been using them for many years with little issue. The advantage of being able to make up "emergency" loops when needed during a freezing session being a big advantage. I have occasionally noticed the slipping pin issue (and

Re: [ccp4bb] Tyr pushed out during refinement

2020-10-19 Thread Andrew Purkiss
I've seen a similar behavior when, for the Phenix.refine refinement strategy, I accidentally selected both XYZ (reciprocal-space) and XYZ (real-space) at the same time. As well as a Phe jumping out of density in one NCS copy, planarity was very poor for several sidechains (but no obvious pa

Re: [ccp4bb] {Disarmed} Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 7.1 problems

2020-04-25 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
I had a similar problem with the beta. Do the different systems have different processor manufacturers? At that point, a couple of weeks ago, the relevant code then ran fine on Intel processors, but crashed on AMD. However, this was part of the CCP4Cloud software, I2 seemed to work fine aft

Re: [ccp4bb] Macromolecular Crystallography workshop in South America 2020

2020-02-05 Thread Andrew Purkiss
arratt, PhD. Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, USP, > > > > Brazil > > > > > > > > Applicants: > > > > 25 students will be selected, prioritizing advanced PhD, > > > > postdocs and young researchers. The Course will provide > > &g

Re: [ccp4bb] 3D stereo and pymol

2018-05-18 Thread Andrew Purkiss
Just to add that for the Dual-Link DP-DVI to work, you need an active adaptor which includes a supplementary USB power connection.Some years ago, we purchased some from Dell, with new machines. They are considerably more expensive than simple passive adaptors, but we have had no problems with a sta

Re: [ccp4bb] Model parts rearrangement

2015-07-08 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Having just faced this problem, I used the coot 'symm shift reference chain here' command (in Extensions / Modelling menu) to assemble the model from the scattered fragments. This should be scriptable, but I didn't think it was worth the effort for the 20 odd fragments I had. Hope this he

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Position at Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute.

2014-06-13 Thread Andrew Purkiss
individuals should be made by email to Professor Neil McDonald at Closing date for applications is sometime over the summer, 2014. -- Andrew Purkiss X-ray Laboratory London Research Institute Cancer Research UK

Re: [ccp4bb] repulsive effects of arginine

2013-10-08 Thread Andrew Purkiss
condition also potentially affecting what is charged. Andrew Purkiss. On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 18:34 +0200, Nadir T. Mrabet wrote: > Yes, indeed Andrey. > And this results from resonance (tautomerization) of the guanidinium group. > > Regards, > > Nadir Mrabet > > Pr. Nadi

Re: [ccp4bb] mmCIF as working format?

2013-08-07 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Quoting "Jeffrey, Philip D." : Nat Echols wrote: Personally, if I need to change a chain ID, I can use Coot or pdbset or many other tools. Writing code for this should only be necessary if you're processing large numbers of models, or have a spectacularly misformatted PDB file. Problem.

Re: [ccp4bb] stereo monitor for DELL T7600

2013-03-01 Thread Andrew Purkiss
in Emitter runs fine even on a > FX 380 Quadro without 3pin connection! > > Am 01.03.13 13:17, schrieb Andrew Purkiss: > > On Fri, 2013-03-01 at 12:52 +0100, mesters wrote: > >> Why a quadro 4000? For coot, pymol, etc., a quadro 2000 is more than > >> sufficie

Re: [ccp4bb] stereo monitor for DELL T7600

2013-03-01 Thread Andrew Purkiss
g that the emitter is connected. I don't think that there are any plans to use USB to drive the stereo synchronisation (the mention of USB has been in the release notes for many years now). -- Andrew Purkiss X-ray Laboratory London Research Institute Cancer Research UK >

Re: [ccp4bb] harvesting in cold room (was: cryo for high salt crystal)

2012-07-13 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
( found with a quick google) and on one of the UK Liquid Nitrogen supplier's websites ( Hope this helps,

Re: [ccp4bb] Chiral volume outliers SO4

2012-07-13 Thread Andrew Purkiss
is just one of the > two, then the molecule is distorted (IFF the restraint file is correct!). If > both have inverted chirality than the problem can be fixed by label > swapping. Hacking the restraint file to allow both positive and negative > chirality would allow you to distort the molecule.

Re: [ccp4bb] Linux stereo set-up

2011-12-01 Thread Andrew Purkiss
ing of glasses to individual computers. The standard 3D Vision systems uses Infra-Red and the glasses can get confused with if two people are using stereo next to each other. The 3D Vision Pro is considerably more expensive though. Hope this helps, Andrew -- Andrew Purkiss X-ray Laboratory

Re: [ccp4bb] adxv

2011-11-22 Thread Andrew Purkiss
Hi Rajesh, That is a very old version (1.9.4) of ADXV. Try the current version from here version 1.9.8 works fine for us and opens Pilatus data without modifying the files. Hope this helps. Andrew Purkiss -- X-ray Laboratory Manager, London Research

Re: [ccp4bb] cryo protection

2011-10-26 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
lways necessary?" Erika Pellegrini, Dario Pianoa, and Matthew W. Bowlera Acta Cryst. (2011). D67, 902–906 -- Andrew Purkiss X-ray Laboratory Manager Cancer Research UK London Research Institute. Quoting Leonard Thomas : Hi All, I have run into a very sensitive crystals system when i

Re: [ccp4bb] UV imaging of crystals

2011-09-15 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Quoting Ed Pozharski : On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 20:50 +0100, Andrew Purkiss-Trew wrote: Molecular Dimension do such an adaptor which fits to existing microscopes. Do you by any chance know the price? I can seemingly "order" it through the website for the hefty price of $0.00, which i

Re: [ccp4bb] UV imaging of crystals

2011-09-15 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Quoting "Harman, Christine" : Hi All, I was curious if any of you have tried or even know if it is possible to adapt a stereoscope (in my case an Olympus SZX10 model) so as to view protein crystals with UV illumination. Basically, I want a cheap manual version of what a Rock UV Imager does

Re: [ccp4bb] HOLE & CHANNEL

2011-08-15 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Oliver Smart is now with Global Phasing and HOLE is supported by/available from the Sansom lab at Oxford: Quoting "Hargreaves, David" : Dear CCP4, I'm looking for the authors of the programs (listed below). I want to analyse our crystal systems and would lik

Re: [ccp4bb] Multiple conformations of disulfide-linked cysteines

2010-03-08 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Quoting Andrew Purkiss-Trew : Quoting "Critton, David" : Dear CCP4BB, I am building a protein structure containing a pair of cysteines linked via disulfide bond. This disulfide bond (i.e. the cysteine S-gamma atoms) refines well at 2/3 occupancy, however the electron densit

Re: [ccp4bb] Multiple conformations of disulfide-linked cysteines

2010-03-08 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Quoting "Critton, David" : Dear CCP4BB, I am building a protein structure containing a pair of cysteines linked via disulfide bond. This disulfide bond (i.e. the cysteine S-gamma atoms) refines well at 2/3 occupancy, however the electron density suggests that these cysteines each adopt a

Re: [ccp4bb] I compressed my images by ~ a factor of two, and they load and process in mosflm faster

2009-09-18 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
The current bottleneck with file systems is the speed of getting data on or off the magnetic surface. So filesystem compression helps, as less data needs to be physically written or read per image. The CPU time spent compressing the data is less than the time saved in writing less data to t

Re: [ccp4bb] weak magnet of goniometer of MAR345dtb

2009-08-28 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Quoting aidong : Hi, We have recently installed a new home source diffraction system using MAR 345 dtb. It works much better than the rigaku because this new device has automatic motor control system. However, we have a lot of trouble to mount crystals. The magnet of MAR goniometer is

Re: [ccp4bb] images

2009-03-19 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 18:19 +, Frank von Delft wrote: > Maybe, but images without experimental context (sequence? ligands? > purification? crystallization format? -- PURPOSE OF EXPERIMENT!?!! > relationship to the other 15 similar datasets) are as good as no > images. And as far as I know,

Re: [ccp4bb] Google marks CCP4 web site as a potential security threat

2009-01-31 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Quoting "Miguel Ortiz Lombardia" : The same is true for IUCr, Nature, Science, EMBO (!), Wiley, and ScienceDirect websites, among many others... including! Hope it's a (short-lived) bug. Pedro The bug is for them to decide what we have or have not to consider as a threat an

Re: [ccp4bb] Google marks CCP4 web site as a potential security threat

2009-01-31 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Quoting "Pedro J. B. Pereira" : Miguel Ortiz Lombardia wrote: Dear all, While searching for some definition of rotations angles I have bumped into this very disagreeable indeed discovery: google adds now a step if you want to go to places _they_ consider as potentially dangerous. You can

Re: [ccp4bb] structure (factor) amplitude

2009-01-12 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 10:42 +, Ian Tickle wrote: > I was taught 'structure amplitude' - makes perfect sense to me! Why > does 'structure amplitude' make any less sense than 'structure factor'? > > It also clearly made sense to Phil Coppens, a crystallographer of > considerable repute, see ITC

Re: [ccp4bb] Molecular Dynamics for dummies.

2008-07-03 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
Just a word of warning regarding metals in macromolecular simulation. There is no 'good' way of modeling protein-metal interactions in many cases. Some metal ions are very polarizable (Ca 2+ being one example) and the simple mechanics used in protein simulation don't allow for this. Even using a po

Re: [ccp4bb] Pointless 1.2.15 and ccp4i

2008-03-27 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
> > If it's going to crash, it will crash immediately on starting from the > command line > > Phil > > On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 14:39 +, Andrew Purkiss-Trew wrote: > > Dear List, > > > > I am having a problem with running the latest version of pointle

[ccp4bb] Pointless 1.2.15 and ccp4i

2008-03-27 Thread Andrew Purkiss-Trew
edora Core or SuSE. I have not, yet, recompiled the program from source, but that is next on the list. Has anyone else had this problem? Many thanks Andrew Purkiss-Trew