Quoting aidong <a...@xmu.edu.cn>:


We have recently installed a new home source diffraction system using MAR 345 dtb. It works much better than the rigaku because this new device has automatic motor control system. However, we have a lot of trouble to mount crystals. The magnet of MAR goniometer is significantly weak so the pins do not stick on. The old pins we used nicely in old rigaku are not working most of time. The new pins from hampton research particularly designed for ALS high-through put data collection are not easily working either. I wonder whether anyone has similar experience and it could be fixed by replacing with a stronger magnet base. Thanks for your suggestions in advance.

Have you made sure that the electro-magnet for the goniometer is switched on and working. You can switch the magnet on and off on the control panel and a pin will not 'stick' without a green light here.

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