Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Green, Todd Jason
I like cases like this as cautionary tails for the crystallography class. In this case, the sequence is mismatch in several places, ex. residues 1165-1170 should be 1153-1158 which flows nicely after you add a residue to 1151. There are other places where the mainchain has slid and is out of reg

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Keller, Jacob
I don’t think anyone mentioned contacting the authors first—doesn’t this seem like the first thing one should do? Jacob + Jacob Pearson Keller Research Scientist / Looger Lab HHMI Janelia Research Campus 19700 Helix Dr, Ashburn, VA 20147 Desk: (571

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Roger Rowlett
If it is as it appears, it is disappointing to see this in JACS. I would expect better. Unfortunately, reviewers don't always get a lot of information to judge quality of structures (which has been discussed extensively  on prior occasions on this board), so some trust is involved that what dat

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Robbie Joosten
Even though PDB-REDO cannot salvage this model without extensive rebuilding which is what Tristan showed, it is fun to look at the maps and B-factors near the ligand. The B-factors go way up and the negative difference density disappears, as does most of the 2mFo-DFc density. It’s obviously not

[ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Carter, Charlie
Begin forwarded message: From: "charles w carter, jr">> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2 Date: July 19, 2019 at 1:32:53 PM EDT To: Patrick Loll>> Hi Pat, I, too have fallen into this rabbit hole while Mark Ro

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Bonsor, Daniel
Would it be possible to add a public annotations section to the PDB, to allow us to potentially flag/warn whoever downloads that particular structure, there could be something wrong with it, such as wrong space group, no/poor density fitting for ligand. Something similar to PubPeer maybe? Dani

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Patrick Loll
The idea of contacting the editor (and/or author) is an excellent one, and indeed the correct thing to do scientifically. However, I’m disillusioned: I’ve been down this path before with a high-profile vanity journal, and while the editors paid lip service to the notion that the record should be

Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Kay Diederichs
Hi Tristan et al, before people invest their time into re-refining a model against the deposited data, I'd suggest that these data are dubious - see table S3 in ! The data processing statistics look "surprising"

Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Tristan Croll
I couldn't resist doing a little playing with 6mo0 in ISOLDE. The sequence past Gly1151 is wrong - after jumping a small gap (density clearly indicates a single missing residue here), it continues on from 1165. Corrected the following sequence to GVVTRS, deleted the ligands, did some basic ener

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Bärbel Blaum
Hi Rhys, the reported B-factors for the “ligands” are all way below the reported B-factors for the protein chains, with the worst of the three complexes reporting unitless numbers 23.2 and 64.8, respectively, just to highlight *one* striking feature of the data collection and refinement table.

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Manfred S. Weiss
Hi Rhys, all three structures are at modest resolution and they don't seem to be properly refined. At least they are all below average. I wonder how this paper made it past the referees. I haven't checked the paper, but there are ways and means how to deal with weakly bound ligands in the best p

[ccp4bb] Protein Crystallographer Vacancy - 1 Year Industrial Position

2019-07-19 Thread Jenny Moore
We are looking for a motivated and independent protein crystallographer with Masters or PhD level qualifications ideally having worked with different crystallization systems. Based in Jealotts Hill, Berkshire, this position is an ideal opportunity for scientists interested in a c

Re: [ccp4bb] [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Mark J van Raaij
The validation reports are pretty bad, so it seems to be a case where the referees and editor have not checked them. And, like Herman wrote, the models do not appear to agree well enough with the maps - in all three cases. Mark J van Raaij Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas Centro Nacional de

[ccp4bb] AW: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Hi Rhys, There is definitively some density present for a ligand, but the active site region looks completely misfitted, and the ligand density may also belong to unfitted protein residues. One first needs to get the protein chain right, and should then look if there would still be density avai

[ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Rhys Grinter
Hi All, I was chatting with a colleague during a recent synchrotron visit and they'd recently come across some ligand/drug bound structures associated with a paper recently published in a high impact factor journal. They had pulled the associated SFs from the PDB and found that the electron densi

[ccp4bb] Job Posting: Postdoc Position Available at Rice University Houston

2019-07-19 Thread Yang Gao
Dear All, A postdoctoral position is immediately available in Dr. Yang Gao’s lab at Rice University, Houston. The Gao lab utilizes structural biology techniques to investigate the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication, repair and recombination. We employ cryo-electron microscopy, x-ray crysta

Re: [ccp4bb] RES: [ccp4bb] Se-SAD phasing

2019-07-19 Thread Tim Gruene
Dear Mario, you probably want to run more than NTRY 1000. With today's computers, NTRY 5000 or NTRY 1 should not take very long. You high resolution cut-off in shelxd, 2.7A, is the default, as shelxc adds 0.5A to the high resolution limit of the full data set. In your case this seems reaso