Re: [ccp4bb] Off-topic, protein in dye-front (ion front?) on native-PAGE

2018-09-28 Thread Xiao Lei
Hi All, Sorry to bring this old topic up again. I planned to run tricine gels but I found a possible error in table 2 (4% stacking gel formula) in Hermann Schägger protocol (Nature Protocols volume 1, pages 16–22 (2006), the author wrote 3ml 3X gel buffer in a total of 12 ml solution, it should b

[ccp4bb] PDRA Position, Leicester, with Peter Moody

2018-09-28 Thread Peter Moody
I have a BBSRC-funded PDRA position for someone to come and work with me at the Leicester Institute for Structural & Chemical Biology, and so this is about to be posted on Please contact me using my university email, and not through this account (as the message will probaly get lost)

Re: [ccp4bb] R-merge is too high !!

2018-09-28 Thread Rajesh Kumar
I totally agree with Berry. Please consider Rpim, CC1/2 and I/sigI for cutting the data. Rmerge is old approach as it is data redundancy dependent. Thank you Rajesh ---x With regards Rajesh K. Harijan, Ph.D. Schramm Laboratory Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1300 Morris Park Ave., Bro

Re: [ccp4bb] R-merge is too high !!

2018-09-28 Thread Edward A. Berry
The fact that chi^2 is approximately 1.0 in all shells says that the deviations are about what is expected from the error model. The fact that Rpim is much lower than Rmeas means that you have rather high redundancy. This would seem to be a case of collecting low dose per image and making up fo

[ccp4bb] Two positions for Associate Research Scientists, Protein Crystallization at Bristol-Myers Squibb Princeton, NJ, USA

2018-09-28 Thread Sheriff, Steven
Bristol-Myers Squibb has two open positions for Associate Research Scientists, Protein Crystallization The only way to apply for these positions are at the following URLs: [If you have questions, please

[ccp4bb] Deadline for Diamond XChem proposals next Wednesday

2018-09-28 Thread Frank von Delft
Dear aspiring drug discoverers A reminder that the deadline for the next round of proposals for XChem fragment screening is *next Wednesday*, as part of Diamond's general Call for Proposals. Full details a

Re: [ccp4bb] R-merge is too high !!

2018-09-28 Thread Ditlev Egeskov Brodersen
1) Double check space group (run POINTLESS with unmerged data). 2) Process only as much data as needed for full completenes and see what you get (Rpim is OK, so the means of your structure factors are good, which also is consistent with your low refinement R factors and the maps). Best, Ditlev

Re: [ccp4bb] R-merge is too high !!

2018-09-28 Thread Phil Evans
It is well known that Rmerge is a terrible criterion for determining a resolution cutoff, see eg P.A.Karplus,K.Diederichs,Science336,1030(2012) As the intensities get weaker at high resolution, Rmerge tends to infinity, with no sensible cutoff. CC(1/2) is generally considered the best criterion

[ccp4bb] Job Offer: Group Leader in Structural biology or Biochemistry

2018-09-28 Thread Fan Jiang
Dear colleagues, Viva Biotech, located in Shanghai, China, is specialized in structure-based drug discovery providing preclinical drug discovery research services to global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We have opening for program leader in structural biology and biochemistry. Anyone

[ccp4bb] AW: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] R-merge is too high !!

2018-09-28 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Liang, The first thing I would do is to look through your complete scan. ADXV has an option to display a movie of all images. It might be that some regions of your scan are very weak or otherwise bad. Merging these regions with good regions will produce high Rmerges. I would also check for

[ccp4bb] R-merge is too high !!

2018-09-28 Thread Zhang Foggy
Dear All, Sorry for the off-topic. I recently collected a set of data. The diffraction spots are extremely sharp. However, When I used HKL3000 to scale it, I get a final resolution at 3.1A with overall R-merge ~0.54 (R-merge in the highest 3.2A-3.1A shell: 1.59). Then I solve the structure with f