Dear aspiring drug discoverers

A reminder that the deadline for the next round of proposals for XChem fragment screening is *next Wednesday*, as part of Diamond's general Call for Proposals.

Full details <> are on the XChem webpage <>.

*NEW*:  we are now inviting a broader set of projects:

 * Two-tiered access:  if you have an exciting system but don't yet
   know how to progress it, you can ask for exploratory access ("Tier 1")
 * BAG access:  several labs and collaborations have requested
   increased flexibility, and they can now apply as Block Allocation
   Groups.  If you wish to submit this route, I suggest you also email
   me directly.

Happy screening!


Prof Frank von Delft
Associate Professor Principal Investigator: Protein Crystallography
Structural Genomics Consortium
Oxford University
+44 1865 617583 (office: W,F)

Principal Beamline Scientist: I04-1
Diamond Light Source
+44 1235 778997 (office: M,T,T)
+44 7471 026103 (mobile)


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