Dear Madhurima,
More information is needed regarding data processing/scaling, initial space
group, NCS etc...Then the community can help you better. Anyway, I hope the
crystal you got and collected the data are your target protein's...How sure
you are you? How purified your sample is? Did you diss
Dear Fellows of the Map,
Chris Weichenberger has now compiled the 2016 Twilight-1 (small molecule
ligand) data. Full data up to Jan 2017 as well
as annual updates are available from the Twilight page.
As always,
1. this is an automated
I agree with Herman about shorter soak. In addition, if your crystals can
tolerate any change in pH, you can slow your reaction down by tweaking this
parameter. Another thing you should think about is the kinetics of the
reaction, especially the rate limiting step. If the rate limiting step is
Dear Petr,
Another possibility is that your very good substrate got turned over by the
enzyme and that the 5 atoms with good electron density you see is all that is
left. When you know the enzymatic reaction, this is easy to check. If this is
the case, you should try a short soak (5-30 minutes)
Dear Petr,
if I understand correcty, the mFo-DFc density (1) shows almost nothing, but
the 2mFo-DFc (2) as well as the composite omit map (3) show the ligand?
As you say, the apparent contradiction between (1) versus (2)&(3) is
unexpected. One explanation could be that the Fc are simply too b
Postdoctoral Research Associate - Beamline I23 (deadline 5th March 2017)
Beamline I23 at Diamond Light Source is a unique facility for in-vacuum
long-wavelength macromolecular crystallography (MX). It is optimised for native
phasing experiments and identification and location for lighter element
Dear colleagues,
we have a dataset with potential enzyme:ligand complex at 2.2 AA
resolution. The ligand is very good substrate for the enzyme, we used
soaking. We do not see the ligand in the regular difference electron
density, only five out of twenty atoms. However, the ligand placed at