Dear colleagues,

we have a dataset with potential enzyme:ligand complex at 2.2 AA resolution. The ligand is very good substrate for the enzyme, we used soaking. We do not see the ligand in the regular difference electron density, only five out of twenty atoms. However, the ligand placed at the active site (model used from structure of a mutant variant) is refined well, giving no negative peaks in difference electron density map and nice observed electron density. I have calculated composit omit map with annealing in Phenix (input model did not contain the ligand) and the electron density for the ligand is there.

I have my own opinion, but we are desperate to obtain such data (more than 40 crystals already tested). My question is, would this be proof of presence of the ligand with reduced occupancy? Will this map convince the reviewers? Is there any other way to validate presence of the ligand?

Best regards,

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