[ccp4bb] Question about the "MStats" utiliy in UPPSALA-mapman

2010-07-09 Thread Hailiang Zhang
Hi, I am using the "MStats" utiliy in UPPSALA-mapman to compare the density inside and outside of the mask of the model (basically my target is to somehow quantify the level of noise outside the model mask). According to the instructions, I need to do: (1) MAPMAN > re m1 in.map ccp4

Re: [ccp4bb] Wilson B and Mean B factors

2010-07-09 Thread Peter Zwart
> > > I've never looked at this statistics before, so I'm a bit surprised > So am I ! > - I was expecting a larger discrepancy between Wilson B and average B at > low resolution. Although this is probably because PHENIX uses Peter Zwart's > likelihood-based Wilson B estimation (Peter - what's th

Re: [ccp4bb] Wilson B and Mean B factors

2010-07-09 Thread Pavel Afonine
Hi Dirk, this seems to be the case indeed (*): Resolution_range Wilson_B Average_B Number_of_structures 0.00 - 1.00 9.77 13.11 94 1.00 - 1.25 10.58 16.44 401 1.25 - 1.50 13.50 19.14 1050 1.50 - 1.75 17.20 21.76 3600 1

[ccp4bb] Re : Re: [ccp4bb] How to make fft-map more physically meaningful?

2010-07-09 Thread Alexandre OURJOUMTSEV
Dear Hailiang,As James said, the hermitian symmetry of Fourier coefficients, F(h)=F*(-h), that is known in diffraction theory as the Friedel's law, is an equivalent of the condition that the corresponding function (electron density) is a real function.I think if you need further information you

[ccp4bb] Free mounting system ,Resolution improvement

2010-07-09 Thread Manoj Saxena
Hi, I am trying to find best methods for controlled crystal dehydration with an aim of improving diffraction resolution (currently at 9A).I have found few references and success stories about Free mounting system. I would be very grateful if you can share your personal experiences with Free mo

Re: [ccp4bb] How to make fft-map more physically meaningful?

2010-07-09 Thread James Holton
Uhh. No. You will only get "imaginary" electron density if your structure factors violate Friedel's law. I am not aware of map calculation codes that do this (on purpose). BTW, "imaginary electrons" are really just "slow" electrons that don't respond to the x-rays as fast as the "average" e

Re: [ccp4bb] How to make fft-map more physically meaningful?

2010-07-09 Thread Hailiang Zhang
Dear Sacha: Yes, I think Fourier synthesis at a finite resolution range will generate some negative, or more generally imaginary values in real space (hope I am right again:). For the imaginary values, I think the map should take the amplitude of it (maybe I am wrong). Do they normally make the de

[ccp4bb] oasis4 _ window or redhat x64 bit

2010-07-09 Thread venkat
Hi all I am trying to run oasis for my SAD data using dual space iteration. I am using ccp4-6.1.13 and seems it has the older gui and older oasis version 6.0. I downloaded the new oasis4 and ran the program with dual space iteraction option and end up in normal termination with out any outp

[ccp4bb] One PhD position and one Postdoc position available in structural virology

2010-07-09 Thread Frank Lee
(1) PhD position One PhD position is available in Dr. Fang Li's lab at the Department of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Research involves biochemical and structural studies on proteins that guide invasion and replication of important viral pathogens. Candidates should be

Re: [ccp4bb] Mysterious density

2010-07-09 Thread Dale Tronrud
Cyclized DTT can look similar to this blob. Of course the sulfur atoms would make one end of the blob more dense than the other. Dale Tronrud On 07/09/10 05:12, Nick Quade wrote: > Dear CCP4 community, > > I have solved the structure of a protein in complex with DNA. But, > inside the protei

Re: [ccp4bb] Mysterious density

2010-07-09 Thread Paula Lario
Another thing to consider is alternate ligand conformation. The water density (elongated) and the pocket composition (aromatic) could result in two alternative binding orientations (of the buffer? I need 3D). I would play around with models to see if it fits the density. Paula Lario #778-828-

Re: [ccp4bb] Mysterious density

2010-07-09 Thread Vellieux Frederic
Blobology (a branch of macromolecular crystallography). You could maybe place benzoate in there (the 6 membered ring on "top" in the pictures), refine, compute a new map and see if you can make something out of it. Why benzoate: because the ring would find its place nicely in the "hydrophobic"

[ccp4bb] Mysterious density

2010-07-09 Thread Nick Quade
Dear CCP4 community, I have solved the structure of a protein in complex with DNA. But, inside the protein there seems to be a ligand binding pocket with some strong density (*http://picasaweb.google.de/113264696790316881054/Desktop#). *The protein was in Tris buffer, with some NaCl, MgCl2 an

[ccp4bb] Fwd: postdocs

2010-07-09 Thread Schertler Gebhard
Prof. Gebhard Schertler Head of Biology and Chemistry Biomolecular Research Laboratory Paul Scherrer Institute Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail: Von: Daniel Oprian Datum: 8. Juli 2010 17:16:43 MESZ An: gebhard schertler Betreff: postdocs Dear Gebhard, I am writing to find out if you

Re: [ccp4bb] Question about R/Rfree value difference

2010-07-09 Thread Dirk Kostrewa
Hi Tom, very nice tool! It would be good to get numerical values of the plotted distributions as well, like mean, median, standard deviation and so on. Best regards, Dirk. Am 08.07.10 15:20, schrieb Tom Oldfield: Sampath With regard to your question on what sort of statistics you should g

Re: [ccp4bb] Beginning crystallography text

2010-07-09 Thread Nic Steussy
Stout and Jensen, "X-ray structure determination", 1989 Solid mid-level theory with practical examples.  Most of the hardware discussed is very dates, but otherwise an excellent intermediate text. Nic out Bernhard Rupp wrote: The question of what textbook to use is very much context sensi

Re: [ccp4bb] How to make fft-map more physically meaningful?

2010-07-09 Thread Harry Powell
Hi Sacha is absolutely right here. This was made plain to me during a plenary session at the recent BCA meeting in Warwick, given by a powder (not protein) crystallographer - who was using histogram matching density modification, with negative densities; an expert in density modification in pro

[ccp4bb] 8th International NCCR Symposium on New Trends in Structural Biology

2010-07-09 Thread Patrick Sticher
Dear colleagues, we have the following announcements to make: 8th International NCCR Symposium on New Trends in Structural Biology 2 + 3 September 2010, ETH Zürich, Lecture Hall HG E7, Zürich, Switzerland For more i