Prof. Gebhard Schertler
Head of Biology and Chemistry
Biomolecular Research Laboratory
Paul Scherrer Institute
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
Von: Daniel Oprian <>
Datum: 8. Juli 2010 17:16:43 MESZ
An: gebhard schertler <>
Betreff: postdocs
Dear Gebhard,
I am writing to find out if you know of any qualified students
looking for postdoctoral positions. We have two positions to fill
immediately and another opening within the next year. Current
research in the lab is focused on determining the structure and
mechanism of activation of complexes comprised of rhodopsin/
transducin, rhodopsin/rhodopsin kinase, and rhodopsin kinase/
recoverin. The work exploits many of the rhodopsin mutants that we
have worked with over the years and has the goal of obtaining
detailed mechanistic insight into formation and breakdown of the
complexes, as well as atomic resolution structures. We are
especially interested in candidates with strong biochemistry
backgrounds and/or training in x-ray crystallography or NMR
spectroscopy. Please ask interested candidates to contact me by
email (
Thanks, and best wishes,