Hi all
I am trying to run oasis for my SAD data using dual space iteration.  I am 
ccp4-6.1.13 and seems it has the older gui and older oasis version 6.0.  I 
downloaded the new oasis4  and ran the program with dual space iteraction 
and end up in normal termination with out any output files. I have attached the 
log file below.
I contacted the author did not get any immediate response. 

Is it any one success in using OASIS4 with dual space iteraction and density 
modification using ccp4i GUI for redhat
X64 bit or in windows? 

Also I try to get OASIS4 binary for window, but it is not  available. (only for 
Linux and mac)

Is it possible to get either new binary OASSIS4 with new graphical interface in 
CCP4 either linux or windows?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


log#CCP4I PID 31264

<html> <!-- CCP4 HTML LOGFILE -->
 ### CCP4 6.1: CROSSEC                  version 6.1 : 06/09/05##
 User: unknown  Run date:  7/ 7/2010 Run time: 13:17:47 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

 $TEXT:Reference1: $$ comment $$  "Calculation of Anomalous Scattering Factors 
at Arbitrary Wavelengths",
Don T. Cromer. J. Applied Cryst., Vol. 16 (1983) 437-8

 $SUMMARY :Reference1:  $$ Crossec: $$
 :TEXT:Reference1: $$

            ATOM <atom>   - atomic symbol
     either NWAV <nwav> <wav_1> .... <wav_nwav>  - list of <nwav> wavelengths
         or CWAV <nwav> <centre> <step>  - <nwav> wavelengths centred on 

                               and separated by <step>
            END or <EOF>  - end input and run

            NORD <nord>   - interpolation method (default 2)
            VERB          - verbose output  (default only final table)

FORMATTED      OLD     file opened on unit   1
Logical name: CROSSECDATA, Filename: /home/ccp4-6.1.13/lib/data/crossec.lib

 Data line--- ATOM SE
 Data line---        NWAV 1 0.979
 Data line---        END  

  Atom symbol and number SE       34
 NORD value:    2
 Number of wave lengths to analysis    1

 $TABLE:Wave length v F' and F"-  SE   :
 $GRAPHS:Lambda v F' and F" SE   :A:2,3,4: $$
 Atom_type Lambda  F'  F" $$ 
 Lambda  F'  F" $$ 

SE          0.9790    -7.3911     3.8404

 CROSSEC:  Normal termination
Times: User:       0.0s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00  


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