Dear Hailiang,As James said, the hermitian symmetry of Fourier coefficients, 
F(h)=F*(-h), that is known in diffraction theory as the Friedel's law, is an 
equivalent of the condition that the corresponding function (electron density) 
is a real function.I think if you need further information you can make a look 
into some basic textbook or write me (or to somebody on your choice :-) a 
direct personal mail; I am not sure if we need to bother the whole community by 
further details of this discussion. You can write and send to CCP4bb the resume 
afterall if you want.Best regards,SachaDe: James Holton <>> 
Uhh.  No.  You will only get "imaginary" electron > density if your structure 
factors violate Friedel's law.  I am not aware of > map calculation codes that 
do this (on purpose).> > Yes, I think Fourier synthesis at a finite resolution 
range > will generate some negative, or more generally imaginary values in real 
> space (hope I am right again:). 

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