[ccp4bb] Postdoc Crystallographer Position - Berkeley

2009-03-24 Thread Paul Adams
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Postdoctoral Researcher Job ID: 22539 Division: Physical Biosciences Date Opened: 3/24/2009 Summary: A postdoctoral position is immediately available to study structure and function of macromolecular complexes and enzymes using X-ray crystallographic methods. This pos

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Tim Gruene
Hello Roger, did you publish your results? Your case sounds very educational and might be interesting for teaching purposes, so a reference would be a nice thing to have. Tim -- Tim Gruene Institut fuer anorganische Chemie Tammannstr. 4 D-37077 Goettingen GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A On Tue, 24

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Phoebe Rice
My favorite trick was to define domain-wise ncs restraints, extensively minimize with and without them, then plot the difference in real-space R factor per residue. Ones that jump up when restrained are usually involved in crystal packing, etc, and should be removed from the restraints. In my clums

Re: [ccp4bb] hkl2000 license

2009-03-24 Thread Ed Pozharski
Assuming that you did everything else correctly (e.g. placed the new cr_info file you got from HKL into /usr/local/lib), are you sure you included un-mar165 in your info file? They have this "mar" option which refers to "MAR imaging plate detectors (except MAR345)" and thus does not cover CCDs (t

Re: [ccp4bb] hkl2000 license

2009-03-24 Thread Sabuj Pattanayek
> home computers.  I do have the current def.site from biocars downloaded. >  The error that keeps coming up is " No valid license for un-mar165.  ERROR > CODE 5".  We tried getting an additional license (from HKL2000) for the > particular detector but it still doesn't seem to work.  Any suggestion

Re: [ccp4bb] PDB Submission of SAD data.

2009-03-24 Thread Huanwang Yang
Dear Francis You do not have to tell which columns were used for refinement. The program should pick FP/SIGFP. You can deposit the foo.mmcif and your coordinate to the PDB. The alternative to convert/validate your mtz file is to use the server http://pdb-extract.rcsb.org/auto-check/ . It is ea

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Ethan Merritt
On Tuesday 24 March 2009 12:20:17 Mischa Machius wrote: > Having dealt with quite a few cases of more than one molecule in the > AU (including a couple of dreaded 12-meric assemblies... bleah), I am > still looking for the best way to identify proper NCS operators for > the myriad of potentia

[ccp4bb] hkl2000 license

2009-03-24 Thread Keith Romano
Hi all, I recently collected data at Argonne National Laboratories at BioCars on the 14 IDB beamline. The detector is a mar 165 ccd detector. I was unable to process my datasets at the synchrotron (HKL2000) hoping to process them at home. However, I'm unable to display the frames on HK

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Mischa Machius
Having dealt with quite a few cases of more than one molecule in the AU (including a couple of dreaded 12-meric assemblies... bleah), I am still looking for the best way to identify proper NCS operators for the myriad of potential combinations of fragments. As has been said, it is generally

[ccp4bb] PDB Submission of SAD data.

2009-03-24 Thread Francis E Reyes
I have a mtz from Autosol/resolve that has the following columns: OVERALL FILE STATISTICS for resolution range 0.002 - 0.261 === Col SortMinMaxNum % Mean Mean Resolution Type Column num order Missing complete abs.

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Roger Rowlett
I had a student solve a medium resolution (2.3 A) data set with (unfortunately) 12 identical protein chains in the asymmetric unit. To save a little time, and to take advantage of a large amount of potential averaging we used NCS to do the initial phase of the refinement. For 10 of the 12 chain

[ccp4bb] Beam Time at LS-CAT Sector-21 at APS

2009-03-24 Thread Joe Brunzelle
I would like to take the time to welcome all general users to the newest beam lines at the Advance Photon Source, Life Sciences CAT Sector 21. http://ls-cat.org There is time available for rapid access, the dates are listed on the website and users can subscribe for

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Skrzypczak-Jankun, Ewa
I have seen proteins refined as 'the same', modeled to an averaged map etc only to have one of them with much higher Bj because most likely they are NOT the same so watch out by treating them as 'the same' you are losing the very valuable information that you might be looking for Ewa *

Re: [ccp4bb] pins - was Re: images

2009-03-24 Thread McAuley, KE (Katherine)
> So, yes, a universal pin solution exists, and the hardware is not > expensive, but I gave up a long time ago on trying to get > other beamline > scientists to expand their support of pin types. But this is > not to say > that there has not been progress. Aina Cohen I think > deserves a lo

Re: [ccp4bb] OT: Crystallisation compatible detergents

2009-03-24 Thread Annie Hassell
Darren-- Last year I attended the Membrane Protein Crystallization Course organized by Vivian Stojanoff at BNL. James Love talked about screening detergents using ASEC, and we have set this up in our lab now (not as elaborate a system used at the NYCOMPS). We use a "universal buffer" with a b

Re: [ccp4bb] pins - was Re: images

2009-03-24 Thread James Holton
Edward A. Berry wrote: And what about different format of pucks/cassettes/tongs etc? I can still read my old Vax backup tapes (on a linux box with an exabyte tape drive), but my old Yale-style pins won't fit in the Hampton Research cryotongs available at the beamline, they don't sit well on the

Re: [ccp4bb] OT: Crystallisation compatible detergents

2009-03-24 Thread Pascal Egea
Hi Darren I believe that the most frequently used detergent for protein crystallization (not including membrane proteins) is octyl-glucoside. The most important parameter is the CMC of the detergent and the size of the micelles of free detergent if you have micelles around. These considerations do

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Engin Ozkan
Sang, They are always different. But depending on your data/parameter ratio, you may be better of assuming they are similar (with NCS restraints) or even identical (with strict NCS). Ask to a friendly crystallographer around you when employing NCS is good for you. Crystallographers with high

Re: [ccp4bb] OT: Crystallisation compatible detergents

2009-03-24 Thread Joyce, Gordon M.(NIH/NIAID) [F]
Dear All, I found this paper quite informative on the procedure for screening and selecting detergents for protein crystallization. http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2005/04/00/sx5021/sx5021.pdf Best wishes, Gordon M. Gordon Joyce, Visiting Fellow, Structural Immunology Section, Laboratory

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread cockburn
Hi Sang Hoon, You should do the refinement in BUSTER, which uses a novel method to impose NCS restraints. These restraints (called LSSR restraints) were designed specifically to provide an answer to your question in a systematic way, by comparing the local environments of corresponding residue

Re: [ccp4bb] OT: Crystallisation compatible detergents

2009-03-24 Thread Van Den Berg, Bert
Hi Darren, I'm not aware of any (membrane) protein crystal structures solved with tween20. It's heterogeneous, and its color suggests it contains impurities and/or oxidation products, making it even more heterogenous. It would be better to test the behavior of your complex in the presence of we

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Oliviero Carugo
Dear SHJ, there is no reason to expect that the 3D structure of two molecules within the same asymmetric unit are identical even if their chemical formula is identical. These two molecules experience slightly different crystal packing contacts are are expected to be different. Obviously, in gener

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Jim Fairman
Sang Hoon, Each molecule in the asymmetric unit is most likely different. I work on a protein that crystallizes as a homodimer with 2 molecules per asymmetric unit and there are some differences between the two (eg: electron density visible for the 14 N-terminal residues in one molecule, but not

[ccp4bb] OT: Crystallisation compatible detergents

2009-03-24 Thread Darren Hart
Hello, We can make a nice 1:1 complex between two proteins that then gradually precipitates during storage at 4 degC. With 0.005% Tween-20 the complex is stable and does not preciptate noticeably. We have used this in buffers to measure the kinetics of binding by Biacore so it is clearly compatible

Re: [ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Folmer Fredslund
Dear Sang They are really different! And I guess you would probably want to use NCS restraints depending on your resolution. Regards, Folmer 2009/3/24 Sang Hoon Joo : > I am refining my crystal structure in which I have two identical > chains in one asymmetric unit. > Space group is H32 and eac

Re: [ccp4bb] Problems with phasing a protein (1300aa)

2009-03-24 Thread Anastassis Perrakis
>Since Phil is generous enough to offer to rename the Mn(I/sd) column to I/SIGMA >and maybe rename I/sigma to I/rms-scatter or so, if Jim could also rename >one of his columns, and Wladek can add one, we can have a standard. >Or even better if everybody would use then we would even start

[ccp4bb] Practical Workshop on Characterization of Protein Complexes in Structural Biology

2009-03-24 Thread Vivian POGENBERG
Dear all, I would like to draw your attention to the following scientific event in preparation: Practical Workshop on Characterization of Protein Complexes in Structural Biology EMBL-Hamburg, 30th June - 3rd July 2009. The workshop is aimed at advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fe

[ccp4bb] two identical proteins in one asymmetric unit

2009-03-24 Thread Sang Hoon Joo
I am refining my crystal structure in which I have two identical chains in one asymmetric unit. Space group is H32 and each chain yields me a biological trimer as expected. The problem is, do I have to assume they are identical, or they are really different. After each cycle of refinement, if I try

Re: [ccp4bb] Problems with phasing a protein (1300aa)

2009-03-24 Thread Jim Pflugrath
Hi Tassos, It's a bit early in the year to have our annual I/sigI discussion on the CCP4BB, isn't it? Usually, we wait until at least April 1. :-) >. >d*TREK could confuse people further as to which one should be used for reporting and >decision making. > >. >The Big Question Again:

[ccp4bb] postdoctoral position available in Cambridge

2009-03-24 Thread Matthew Higgins
Postdoctoral Vacancy Research Associate A Wellcome Trust funded postdoctoral position is available to work with Dr Matt Higgins in the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge University on the structural biology and biochemistry of cell surface proteins involved in severe and cerebral malaria.

[ccp4bb] misdirected email

2009-03-24 Thread Manfred S. Weiss
Dear all, I am terribly sorry about my mis-directed email. Please accept my sincere apologies. Manfred. -- * * *Dr. Manfred S. Weiss

Re: [ccp4bb] Problems with phasing a protein (1300aa)

2009-03-24 Thread Anastassis Perrakis
Hi - I must agree that if one RTFMs its clear. Now, back to the real world. My experience is that most SCALA users tend to look at I/sigmaI. I admit that I had been using that for deciding data cutoff, many times, but thats another discussion. The vast majority of "Table 1" I see report I/si

Re: [ccp4bb] refmac not rerunnable

2009-03-24 Thread Pavol Skubak
As far as I know the compatibility has been broken because of adding new features such as intensity based refinement or multiple anomalous scatterers to the GUI Pavol -- Sent from: Leiden ZH Netherlands. > This is VERY VERY VERY irritating! > > Why has it been allowed... > Is there any advant

Re: [ccp4bb] Crick-Magdoff and anomalous

2009-03-24 Thread Marc SCHILTZ
Ethan Merritt wrote: Please also have a look at A Olczak, M Cianci, Q Hao, PJ Rizkallah, J Raferty, & JR Helliwell (2003). "S-SWAT (softer single-wavelength anomalous technique)" Acta Cryst. A59, 327-334. in which the authors show several derivations for the estimated anomalous signal, base