Hi *,
Sophie suggested that I might want to raise what I perceive as an issue
here on this list, that is connected, but not identical, to the issue
relating to the Attic question, and the questions around the sidelining
of features/functionality in commercially developed and distributed
an 12, 2022 at 10:09 AM Alexander Thurgood
It seems increasingly obvious that the provider of these commercial
versions is not interested in maintaining database functionality
and the
supporting Java functionality that accompanies the Base module. The
reasons for t
Hi Paolo,
Answers/comments/response inline :
Le 12/01/2022 à 14:56, Paolo Vecchi a écrit :
*1) Support offering from commercial entities*
There isn't much we can do in this area as each company chooses its
own business model.
Offering a SLA to fix a bug could mean spending a day in fix
Hi Michael,
Thanks for jumping in on this thread, and I appreciate you having taken
the time to address my points.
Comments inline :
Le 12/01/2022 à 21:45, Michael Meeks a écrit :
Unfortunately - this tends to dis-aggregate the funding again - so
we end up either with too little money
Thanks Ilmari !
I seem to have missed that !
Will need to try it out again, and apologies for my erroneous statement
in that case.
Le 13/01/2022 à 21:08, Ilmari Lauhakangas a écrit :
On 13.1.2022 21.56, Michael Meeks wrote:
On 13/01/2022 12:35, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Hi all,
I'd just like to comment on the exchange below, from my perspective:
Le 10/02/2022 à 15:27, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
Then there is a number of donors who ask to stop the recurring
donation. Some of them provide a reason, which in some cases is that
he wanted to donate once and not
Hi all,
See my comments inline under Julien's.
Le 25/03/2022 à 09:18, Julien Nabet a écrit :
Firebird is not the only pb, charts aren't displayed anymore in
reports and the whole reports part is dependent on old Java external
Yes, the issue of charts in reports no longer being
Hello to all,
Might I suggest that a discussion be had, either by the Board, or the
ESC, and a decision be made of public record, as to where bugs relating
to Collabora Productivity are to be reported ?
I have reported a number of bugs against Collabora Productivity in the
LibreOffice bugzil
Hi Jan,
For example :
The others (there were at least 2 other instances, for example
tdf#147130), all seem to have had similar comments deleted in the interim.
Le 14/06/2022 à 19:42, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :
Hi Alex,
Alexander Thurgood píše v Út 14. 06. 2022 v 09:52
ot the way to retain volunteers like myself, quite the contrary.
In fact, had I been of a less phlegmatic disposition, I would have told
you all where to go, in no uncertain terms.
Le 14/06/2022 à 21:58, sophi a écrit :
Hi Alex,
Le 14/06/2022 à 09:52, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :
It is neither a question of overblowing or "paranoia", (thanks for the
gratuitous comment by the way, in tdf#147130), but I raised the issue as
to where bugs for Collabora should be reported when it was first
released via the AppStore and was told, multiple times, and no less by
Michael Meek
My ha'penneth below.
Surely, the point of TDF is/was to foster community driven contributions
by all ?
If a languishing codebase was already there, and people are now prepared
to update it and have a go at making something of it, shouldn't TDF be
seen to be supporting such an initiative ?
Hi Florian,
Interesting decision by the BGH.
Did I misread, or isn't the impugned clause (“Der Vorstand ist in seiner
Vertretungsmacht durch den Zweck der Stiftung beschränkt.”) still
present in the amended version ?
If so, how is that now different to the previous situation (other than
Thanks Thorsten 👍
Le mer. 13 juil. 2022 à 23:41, Thorsten Behrens
a écrit :
> Hi Alex,
> Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> > Did I misread, or isn't the impugned clause (“Der Vorstand ist in seiner
> > Vertretungsmacht durch den Zweck der Stiftung beschränkt.”)
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to draw the Board's attention to the existence of the products
"Documents Pro - Write & Edit"
"Office PDF Suite - for Word, Spreadsheet, Slides & Adobe PDF Docs Editor"
These products are being sold respectively for 14,99 € and 39,99 € on
the AppStore, which i
GO Office 2021 (Xiaoqin Chen / HNBSoft Team) - 9,99 €
DOC Mate:for MS Office (Cynoble Technology Limited)
Le 08/09/2022 à 10:15, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to draw the Board's attention to the existence of the
"Documents Pro
vant licence and source code.
>We have already issued take down notices in the past so we will keep
>situation monitored and act accordingly.
>Please feel free to forward to me links to other examples so that we
>complete our list of action items.
Hi Andreas,
Perhaps I'm missing something, but why would the board have these figures,
unless the private company distributing the product agreed to provide them, or
was under some contractual obligation to do so?
Just trying to understand exactly what it is you're trying to say, or prove, as
Hi Italo,
Le 13/01/2023 à 10:18, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
Hi Alex, some people see LibreOffice in the Apple Store, and some
don't see it (I don't see it, and I see different things from you). We
are investigating with Apple. The new version 7.4.4 was approved, and
has been uploaded without is
Thanks Sophie !
Le 13/01/2023 à 11:58, sophi a écrit :
You don't see it currently because their is a special request for
France that we have to comply with first (ANSSI certificate). Once
this done, you'll be able to see it :)
Christian provided a direct link, but we don't know if it will wor
Hi Charles,
Le 03/01/11 17:00, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
> Yes, you get the idea. Although I would certainly not dismiss donations
> of 500, 1000, 2000 euros. They do make a real difference.
If the Stiftung is not yet in existence, how, in concrete terms, is the
"whip around" done ? By dona
Le 21/01/11 15:21, Michael Meeks a écrit :
Hi all,
> There is some concern about the lack of clarity on whether
> incorporating libreoffice (or other marks) into a domain name
> is allowed - this is an area people often want to tread on, and
> we should probably directl
Le 14/01/11 15:46, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
Hi again,
"- Accompanying Symbol: The first or most prominent mention of a TDF
Trademark should be accompanied by a symbol indicating whether the mark
is a registered trademark ("®") or an unregistered trademark ("™"). "
How is anyone to know which
Le 28/01/11 13:47, Michael Meeks a écrit :
I might add that "non-commercial" use of a trademark is also, in some
jurisdictions, not considered to be an activity that infringes a
trademark holder's rights. One of the basic rules is whether there is a
risk of confusion in the buying public's mind /
Le 28/01/11 13:47, Michael Meeks a écrit :
Hi Michael,
> I suppose they need permission :-)
With the caveat of the "fair use" exception, which does not require
permission. The notion of "fair use" varies from country to country. In
some countries, you are even allowed to use registered
Le 28/01/11 13:48, Michael Meeks a écrit :
> Good point; 'business' is confusing, I switched it to company name to
> make it more comprehensible:
> "Thus uses of the Marks in a domain name or company name without
> explicit written permission from TDF are prohibited."
Le 04/03/11 01:00, drew a écrit :
Hi Drew,
> Well which is it - is the community logo w/registered trademark, mark or
> not? - it is both ways on the wiki page above - PNG w/out any mark, SVG
> with 'registered trademark", while on the trademark policy page it seems
> that maybe it is just a "tm"
Le 10/03/11 13:40, sophie a écrit :
Hi all,
> I've proposed that we write a charter with local associations, where
> when they earn money using our name, a percentage of this revenue is
> reversed to TDF. It could be a small amount for basis and if more, done
> as a donation. However it seems th
Le 12/05/11 18:28, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
Hi *,
> Actually only 30 unconfirmed ones (well, those that use the unconfirmed
> state).
> I don't know who would have the rights to do so, but enforcing
> unconfirmed state for non-developer/non-qa people might make sense to
> get a better ove
Le 16/05/11 11:25, Petr Mladek a écrit :
>> Bug 36991 - crash when duplicating draw page with linked wmf pictures
>> I think a crash in a basic function that might affect many users is not
>> acceptable.
> I agree that it is annoying and we should fix it ASAP. It seems to
> behave very rand
Le 16/05/11 19:31, Bjoern Michaelsen a écrit :
Hi Bjoern,
> Looking at the bug shows:
> - It did not only happen with Ubuntus build.
> - It did not only happen on Ubuntu.
> - It does not happen in Libreoffice 3.3.2 on Natty even for people
> reporting it before. 3.3.2 on Natty is the first offi
Hi all,
A recent discussion on the developer list has brought me to ask myself
where, if anywhere, there is a positive statement or decision on
development strategy that implies or explicitly mentions that
"enterprise stability" can/will only be expected in the LibreOffice
product if companies / a
Hi Thorsten, all,
Le 18/05/11 10:01, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :
> TDF's mission surely also includes catering for 'business' users.
> Our ability to perform that will grow over time (remember, we're
> starting this organisation from scratch) - and encouraging people
> who can afford it to get pa
Le 06/07/11 11:48, Tom Davies a écrit :
Everyone : To me, the point has more to do with SC communication. Once
again, a topic has raised its head that I considered "dealt with", and
now it is back on the table.
Although not a member of the SC, the question of the legality of
screenshot usage and
Le 08/07/11 12:01, David Nelson a écrit :
How much clearer can this page be :
"You may only copy, modify, distribute, display, license, or sell the
content if you are granted explicit permission with
Le 09/07/11 23:32, Simon Phipps a écrit :
> As someone who also has worked in this field for the best part of a decade,
> and given the advice Alex has already provided appears extreme, I would
> suggest also seeking counsel from another specialist if TDF wishes to pursue
> this path, perhaps fr
Le 09/07/11 23:26, Bernhard Dippold a écrit :
Hi all,
Someone suggested I sling in some caselaw or other references on whether
copyright protection is available for UIs :
Just one caselaw review :
In European Union Court of Justice C
Le 30/07/11 18:39, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Hi Florian
> I received a trademark use request from an extension vendor. For
> confidentiality reasons (the product has not yet been launched), I'll
> remove the name, but the request is as follows:
> Back of the product box:
> LibreOffice
Le 31/07/11 10:21, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Hi Florian,
> legally, the German association "Freies Office Deutschland e.V." is the
> current trademark holder, as TDF doesn't exist as legal entity yet.
Ideally then, reference should be made to the FOD Verein and not to TDF.
Not mentioning th
Le 31/07/11 16:53, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Hi Florian,
> hmmm... do I get it right that not mentioning any trademark protection
> is better than mentioning that a mark is protected, but not naming the
> registrant?
The easiest way around such a situation in the present state of...flux,
Le 20/08/11 11:34, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Hi Florian,
> "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation" are registered trademarks of
> their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks
> in one or more countries. Their respective logos and icons are subject
> to internat
Le 23/08/11 10:18, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Hi Florian,
> Alex, how does that sound from a legal point of view? Is it strong enough?
"Usage is explained in our trademark policy."
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Le 23/08/11 10:18, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Second thoughts,
> subject to international copyright laws. Uses are explained our
> trademark policy.
better still :
"Use thereof is explained in our trademark policy."
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Le 23/08/11 15:25, Simon Phipps a écrit :
Hi Simon,
>> better still :
>> "Use thereof is explained in our trademark policy."
> I agree that's more precise English. I am a little concerned it's uncommon
> usage that those with English as a second language might consider difficult,
> and th
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