Thanks Paolo, will do.



Le 8 sept. 2022 à 13:36, à 13:36, Paolo Vecchi 
<> a écrit:
>Hi Alex,
>we have been looking at the issue in general both in terms of use of
>"LibreOffice" and the promotion of LibreOffice based apps without links
>to the relevant licence and source code.
>We have already issued take down notices in the past so we will keep
>situation monitored and act accordingly.
>Please feel free to forward to me links to other examples so that we
>complete our list of action items.
>On 08/09/2022 10:42, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
>> Hmm, trawling the App Store shows that there are other similar
>> products that also do not reference the underlying FOSS source, code,
>> or licences.
>> For example (with search string "libre office" :
>> Ace Office:for word processing (Cynoble Technology Limited) - in app
>> purchases
>> GO Office 2021 (Xiaoqin Chen / HNBSoft Team) - 9,99 €
>> DOC Mate:for MS Office (Cynoble Technology Limited)
>> Alex
>> Le 08/09/2022 à 10:15, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I just wanted to draw the Board's attention to the existence of the
>>> products
>>> "Documents Pro - Write & Edit"
>>> and
>>> "Office PDF Suite - for Word, Spreadsheet, Slides & Adobe PDF Docs
>>> Editor"
>>> These products are being sold respectively for 14,99 € and 39,99 €
>>> the AppStore, which in and of itself is not a surprise.
>>> More surprising to me is that the products look like LibreOffice
>>> the screenshots that are available (or maybe, I
>>> haven't done a detailed comparison as I don't have OOo anymore).
>>> Again, this wouldn't be a great surprise per se.
>>> However, nowhere do I see any recognition in the AppStore blurb
>>> the product being derived from, or produced with, LibreOffice (or
>>> code, nor any mention of a licence, opensource or
>>> otherwise.
>>> There is a copyright mention, but it glibly states "(C) Word
>>> Documents Processor"
>>> The only reason I found the product in the first place is because I
>>> put the keyword "ODF" in the AppStore search filter and this was one
>>> of the results.
>>> Does anyone have any further information about who is behind these
>>> products, and if so, why they are failing to recognize the
>>> contribution of the FOSS community behind it, the licence(s) under
>>> which it is distributed, and  seemingly, a link pointing to the
>>> availability of the source code ?
>>> Is the Board going to do anything about it, and if so, what ?
>>> Alex
>Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
>The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
>Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
>Legal details:

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