Hi Jan,

For example :


The others (there were at least 2 other instances, for example tdf#147130), all seem to have had similar comments deleted in the interim.


Le 14/06/2022 à 19:42, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :
Hi Alex,

Alexander Thurgood píše v Út 14. 06. 2022 v 09:52 +0200:

I have reported a number of bugs against Collabora Productivity in
the LibreOffice bugzilla over several years (basically since the
product was first released via the AppStore).

I see now that my reports are being closed as NOTOURBUG, and being
told that I should report them to Collabora.
I have no idea what is going on, can you please point me to some bugs
where this is happening?

Thank you in advance!

All the best,

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