On 10/2/05, Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's more and nitpicking seems petty
Yep, you're right on the money with that. It does indeed seem petty.
So did Randal "I am Unhealthily Obsessed With The Flinstones"
Schwartz's earlier post. One would assume (apparently erroneously,
however) tha
2.3 Thu June 28 12:00:00 2001
- New Feature: template tags can now span lines. (Roland Giersig)
-Original Message-
From: Rick Triplett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:39 PM
Subject: HTML::Template is choki
e you want would be something like this:
use Image::Magick;
my $image = Image::Magick->new;
-Original Message-
From: Ingo Weiss [mailto
There is embperl like was mentioned. Also Mason is very popular and well
-Original Message-
From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:57 AM
Subject: PHPerl
Hi all,
Is there a way to embed Perl
return $time;
sub first_day
my $time = shift;
my @time = localtime($time);
$time[3] = 1;
return timelocal(@time);
sub get_date
my $time = shift;
my @time = localtime($time);
return sprintf('%02d-%04d', $time[4]+1, $time[5]+1900);
The trick is to use Time::Local to find the first day of the month, then
subtract 1 day.
This prints:
use Time::Local;
use constant DAY => 86_400;
$current = time;
$previous = first_day($current) - DAY;
$current_2 = first_day($previous) - D
I'm stumped on where to look but there must be a module to handle
interactive programming. What I mean is printing out a list of things,
the user selects what he wants, hits enter and the program continues. I
presume the module would enable going back to change things and handle
multipage input
which can be clicked on to provide the complete data for the single
record, how do I get back to the page with the list of records?
Obviously I can pass all the search criteria to the detail script and have
it pass them back again to repeat the search. But I know there must be a
better way t
- I unquoted the hash keys. They only need to be quoted if there are
spaces or special characters in them. In this case they will automatically
be treated as single quoted strings without having to actually use quotes
around them. It's really a matter of preference on if you want to
I'll see if I can explain it gently as you seem to be a gov't worker ;)
There is no "perl" translation... you just aren't thinking about it in a
web-app type of way. The sequence would look like this...
1. display page "A" to user
2. user submits page "A" with hidden form field
3. perl script pr
t it.
If you could give us an example of the query string, maybe that would help.
My guess would be that the query string is malformed.
-Original Message-
From: Sara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 6:56 PM
To: beginners-cgi
Subject: quotes problem
-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: Where is Apache::Session
I'm looking for the download of Apache::Session.
Casey West wrote:
> It was Wednesday, October 15, 2003 when Rob Dixon took the soap box, saying:
> : Does anyone know of a tidy way to go about the tedious
> : business of laying out HTML forms using enclosing
> : tags?
> I admit that the internals of CGI::Form
Does anyone know of a tidy way to go about the tedious
business of laying out HTML forms using enclosing
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not worried about size or performance. See below.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Date::Manip;
my $date = ParseDate('20030910 13:50:25.6');
my $seconds = UnixDate($date, '%s');
print $seconds, "\n";
** OUTPUT **
To unsubscribe, e-
ed to specific port
(ActiveState), or modules (Tk). This is a good list for any beginner(ish)
question, no matter the subject... just as long as it is a Perl question.
-Original Message-
From: Li, Kit-Wing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 2:40 PM
To: cgi cg
print -e 'C:/Program Files';
print -e 'C:/Program Files/WinZip';
-Original Message-
From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 9:13 PM
Subject: File existence under Microsoft IIS
I have b
# untested
$text = "...";
$text =~ s|().*?()|$1$2|s;
...Or if you wanted to keep the tag...
# untested
$text = "...";
$text =~ s|().*?.*?.*?()|$1$2$3|s;
-Original Message-
From: Wiggins d'Anconia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September
n this if the HTML isn't well formed, or if there are extra
spaces in your tags.
If you want something for the command line you could do this...
(Note: for *nix, needs modification for Win [untested])
perl -e '$x=join("",<>);$x=~s|.*?||s' myfile.html >
ll of the above.
-Original Message-
From: David Glucksman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: cgi error
Hello everyone,
I am new to Perl and CGI so I need some help. I have a
simple cgi script:
print &quo
This is really an Apache question, not Perl. Most things that can be done
in the Apache config can be done in a .htaccess file, assuming the main
Apache config file allows you to do so. You might want to check out the
Apache docs at http://httpd.apache.org.
-Original Message-
is result. For versions < 5.8
this will do what you want:
my ($color, $animal) = /the (\w+) (\w+)/i;
which, to my mind, is a lot neater anyway.
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r client it running.
Using a DB to do this is straight-forward since all you need to do is query
the DB that have a "send_date" column that is older than the current time,
and send those records. If you use a text file you need to worry about
parsing, updating, locking, and everything e
to store your schedule. Each hour a cron launches
your send script which queries the schedule (On Oracle: Select * from
schedule where send_time > Sysdate), then iterates through each sending a
-Original Message-
From: Scot Robnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, J
rnet but is an internal machine.
Any help on solving this problem would sure make my upcoming vacation much
nicer ;^)
Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards,
for they are subtle and quick to anger.
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Rob Richardson wrote:
> Dave,
> Your response dovetails nicely with my next question.
I don't think the list has a response from Dave at the time of writing?
> The module I'm working in begins as follows:
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use CGI qw/:stan
Your response dovetails nicely with my next question. The module I'm
working in begins as follows:
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard center strong *big delete_all/;
After putting parentheses after my calls to "br", the program compiled
and started running. It barfed, though,
Greetings again!
I could of course be wrong...
I just found that I had "use warnings" and "use strict" commented out
in the module that compiled!
Excuse me for a while while I track down a hundred or so violations
that uncommenting them uncovered.
--- Rob Richards
my $testString = br;
When I compile this, I get the following error:
Bareword "br" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at brtest.pm line
When I comment the "package Brtest;" line, I don't get the error.
What is happening?
Thanks again!
I am attempting to use objects to organize a program somewheat
intelligently. I am running into a problem using the CGI method "br".
My main routine has the following use statements:
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI qw/:standard center *big delete_all/;
It begins writing H
Right, Apache 2.0 supports this with filters.
-Original Message-
From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 5:32 PM
To: Edson Manners; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: I am having trouble using SSI(Server side includes) from cgi
using perl
CGI is
It's OK, my feelings aren't hurt :)
On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 15:45, Hughes, Andrew wrote:
> I think you meant, "Thanks, Rob."
> Andrew
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 4:45 PM
Give this a shot and see if it errors:
use CGI;
my $query = new CGI;
my %params = $query->Vars;
my $username = $params{'username'};
On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 15:29, Mike Butler wrote:
> Thanks, Andrew. I added CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); to the script. That's
> a big help. The error message tha
ally is.
> 2) Does anyone know of a module out there that does global search and replace on
> whole
> directories and all subdirectories?
You could take a look at File::Searcher, but it shouldn't be too difficult going the
way you are.
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owards a better solution?
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h my $string ("123.23", "123 ", "123.23", "234.234", " 2 ", " .3
"," 12. ") {
if ($string =~ m/(\d+?\.\d*|\.?\d+)/) {
my $num = $1;
print ">>$num<<\n";
} else {
print "unkno
Your logic looks find, and works on my machine (although I made it command
Try switching on warnings (#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w) and use strict (use
Probably most likely is that you script can't read the file. You should
really always check if a file has been opened successfully yo
$test =~ /foo.*?bar/;
+ = 1 or more (greedy)
+? = 1 or more, non-greedy.
-Original Message-
From: Rob Benton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with regular expressions!!!
How does it translate?
* = 0 or more of preceding char
? = 1 or 0 of preceding char
*? = ???
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 21:41, Michael Kelly wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 05:53:45PM -0600, Rob Benton wrote:
> > It looks odd to me b/c * and ? are both quantifiers...
> * and ?
It looks odd to me b/c * and ? are both quantifiers which usually
triggers an error when you try to run it. See if this works for you:
$file_completename =~ /([^.]*)\.(.*)/;
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 15:28, Marcelo Taube wrote:
> As u probably have guessed some part of my code is not working proper
If I use:
my $query = new CGI;
my %params = $query->Vars;
to grab the incoming parameters is it safe to just send all of them over
to a new cgi script like this:
my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new( fields => \%params, method => 'POST');
print $form->render();
Or will that pass along built-in para
Is there a way to print a 'button' input type without a label next to it
using the FormBuilder object? I can't find the right combination.
I always wind up with this
Next |Next |
and what I want is
|Next |
Scroll up and down to the bottom of the page then see if the borders
screw up.
On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 14:57, Bob Showalter wrote:
> Rob Benton wrote:
> > Mozilla, Konqueror, Opera, and IE all act the same way. Check out this
> > page to see what I mean. The top, bottom, and ri
1000+ rows is a rare situation on my page but in can happen. It's a dbi
script. I couldn't really think of a better design but I am open to
On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 15:07, Brett W. McCoy wrote:
> On 12 Mar 2003, Rob Benton wrote:
> > > > Is there a li
, 2003-03-12 at 12:02, Bob Showalter wrote:
> Rob Benton wrote:
> > Is there a limit to how many rows you can put in an html table? I
> > can't find anything wrong with my script but when I get over 1000
> > rows or so in my tables they start drawing weird borders.
Is there a limit to how many rows you can put in an html table? I can't
find anything wrong with my script but when I get over 1000 rows or so
in my tables they start drawing weird borders.
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I've noticed that when using the formbuilder that field names that have
underscores in them are replaced with spaces. And also that if a field
has a '.' in it, that . and everything after are truncated when
printing. Is there any way to modify this?
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and operations will do different things based on the
context they are called in. For example when setting a scalar to an array
(like above), the number of elements is returned... but when setting an
array to a list (like above) you get as many elements as you have variables.
Hope that helps.
red{$bag_name}->{image_name} = $imgName;
# set the quantity. should it be additive with +=?
$bags_ordered{$bag_name}->{quantity} = $bag_quantity[$i];
# print the structure for testing using Data::Dumper
print Dumper \%bags_ordered;
-Original Message-
From: David Gilde
probably be frowned
You really need to ask them to know for sure.
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:43 AM
Subject: How much is too much
I write MacPerl at work to munge local files but u
; could this start at the bottom of the file
> and read backwards
Nothing built in. A quick search of CPAN shows a module called
Hope that helps.
-Original Message-
From: Jamie Bridges [ma
> Basically, i'm trying to write a little abstraction layer
Someone already did the work for you, check out Class::DBI.
Here is a good article on it, it might be all you need.
-Original Message-
From: Peter Kappus [mailt
I found the problem. In one execution path, my script has the
following steps:
$month = param('month');
$day = param('day');
$year = param('year');
$position = param('position');
$indmonth = param('indmonth');
$selection = param('selecti
I have successfully added the new functionality to the script I have
been upgrading. Now the old functionality doesn't work. When I try to
use it, I get an error page announcing Error 500, Internal Server
Error. The log file contains the following message:
"Premature end of script h
x27;&&' but a higher priority than 'and', so:
$bool = $SRF == 1 && $SRL == 1
$bool = (($SRF == 1) && ($SRL == 1))
$bool = $SRF == 1 and $SRL == 1
($bool = ($SRF == 1)) and ($SRL == 1)
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--- Michael Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Only and's short-circuit. Or's test every argument by necessity.
In just about every Perl script that has to read from or write to a
file, you will see a line similar to the following:
open (MYFILE, "myfile.txt") or die "Can't open myfile.tx
ly talks about CGI? I have a
couple whose titles include "CGI", but they say nothing about CGI. All
they talk about is Perl.
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n run from cgi I get the following error...
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ","
I'm using the Pg module, any idea why it won't run from the web?
Good judgement comes from experience, and experience -
well, that comes from poor judgement.
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quot;, $tag->{NUM}, "\n";
print "\n";
Something like that?
-Original Message-
From: Mike(mickako)Blezien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 2:44 PM
To: Perl List
Subject: Better regrex method
I'm working on a project whe
modules used) in memory so that it starts up faster the next time it is
called, and it *can* cache variables if your code isn't written with
mod_perl in mind.
I hope that helps.
-Original Message-
From: Hal Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:27
CPAN that
I should look at?
Good judgement comes from experience, and experience -
well, that comes from poor judgement.
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When my form processess it needs to ftp into a site to grab information - can I use a
here document for that? Any quick example please.
Thanks, Rob
Todd Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
wrote in message
I have the following code - when someone enters a whatever ' whatever into one of my
forms my script dies because of the single quote. Aggg... of course the first time
I come across it is when my boss is testing out the script.
$sth = $dbh->do( "insert into maintenance (owner, email, ma
Does anyone know how to capture the carriage return to prevent a user from
accidentally submitting the form by pressing 'return' before they actually finish
completing the form?
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When I run perl -c myscript.cgi to test the syntax or perl -w ..., it produces this:
Too late for "-T" option at maintenance.cgi line 1 (my line 1 is just the shebang line
with the -T option). Does this mean that something is wrong?
Carl Franks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr
d how do I just avoid
the private or my declaration by specifically declaring a variable as a global
variable (using vars?).
foreach $var (@email){
$var =~ /(^.*)\\@.*/;
@names = (@names, "$1 ");}
@names = map (uc($_), @names);
Todd Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Rob Roudebu
I've seemed to have narrowed down the problem to $sth variable, I guess I can't
declare this as a private variable because it "prepares" it and needs to have it at
least local or global to access it?
Rob Roudebush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think pulling the I
o I push warnings to browser?
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Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness
Please help - I need to password protect my form by COB today. I initially had just a
password field at the bottom to authenticate prior to clicking submit. Is there
anything better - say something that launches when a link is selected to the form??
Nate Brunson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
urces would be appreciated.
Thanks, Rob
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Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®
I'm not sure, but how do you set a cookie and have it
expire in ten minutes?
--- Sean Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a small series of web pages that talks to a
> database and uses
> forms to input/alter data.
> In order to get to the
Okay my script takes names from a fom and puts them into an array - then later I need
to match a $variable (one of the names) against that array and take that specific
element out of the array. I figure there is probably an easy function to do this?
@array=(john, lucy, mike);
I ne
I'm using mailx from within a script, so I can't use it interactively open (MFH, "|
mailx -s 'Subject' [EMAIL PROTECTED]")
print MFH < wrote: On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 06:05:07PM -0800, Rob
Roudebush wrote:
> My CGI script shoots out an automated
On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 06:05:07PM -0800, Rob Roudebush wrote:
> My CGI script shoots out an automated e-mail using mailx. Is there any way to
>change the "nobody"?
> -Rob
Hi Rob,
Yes, you can change the "From:" header.
Are you actually constructing an em
My CGI script shoots out an automated e-mail using mailx. Is there any way to change
the "nobody"?
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Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email!
this through it's web interface so I figured there
must be a way.
Rob Helmer
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users ) to run specific commands ( or groups
of commands ).
You then just need to preface your command with "sudo", like instead
of :
cp /tmp/file /root/file
You do :
sudo cp /tmp/file /root/file
Rob Helmer
On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 11:35:01AM +0100, Paolo Cavicchini wrote:
I'm trying to avoid assigning each param("somekey") to a variable in order to expand
it in my here document.
I can refer to it as a hash element without any variable assignment using - print
param("somekey"); - but I don't want to have to use print statements instead of a here
document to disp
Okay, I created a HTML Form that calls a CGI script.
After the form is submitted it sends out e-mails with
a link inside to certain managers. They follow the
link which is a separate HTML page that calls a
separate CGI script.
Question: I need to keep track of the managers who
follow the link an
Has anyone ever turned the mysql timestamp format 20020303223726 into something more
readable like - 03/03/2002 22:37:26? I am also trying to do this from an array (the
timestamp is in a array). I just figured somebody has probably done this already.
Thanks, Rob
Is there anyway to display text input fields with text already inside, that can be
modified and submitted?
Bhanu Prakash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Perl Listers,
I'm unable to retrieve cookies once I set them! I
can see my html headers on my page once they are set,
along with the page, but w
Wouldn't single quotes do the trick?
Curtis Poe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: --- W P wrote:
> i don't want to just escape those characters. they were merely examples. i
> was hoping maybe there was some built-in way to escape ALL the characters
> that mean anything to regular expressions.
I currently use mysql and it works great - I have at least 10 different forms running
on Apache that I've created in the past month or so.
fliptop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Bruce Ambraal wrote:
> Hi All
> How possible is this.?
> This a good Idea?
personally, i'd use postgresql (
In the CGI script put $varwhatever=remote_addr;
vijayak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: All,
I am Just a Beginner in this & I want to know about
How to track the client IP, when a web request is made to my server, and pass is to
one variable for further use.
thanks a lot if you can give some
o count to 10 in Perl:
> push@A,$_ for reverse q.e...q.n.;for(@A){$_=unpack(q|c|,$_);@a=split//;
> shift@a;shift@a if $a[$[]eq$[;$_=join q||,@a};print $_,$/for reverse @A
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games
> http://sports.yahoo.com
Good judgement comes from experience, and experience -
well, that comes from poor judgement.
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Does anyone know how to upload a file to your site?
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games
$link = "http://server.net/cgi-bin/epage.cgi?pin=$shawn\&mess=$mess
print "Location:$link";
if($rob ne "") {
$link = "http://server.net/cgi-bin/epage.cgi?pin=$rob\&mess=$mess
print "Location:$link";
This works if only one checkbox
Thanks for the suggestion, Fliptop. Someone finally pointed out my problem:
data tainting was on, and I had to untaint the data before Perl would let me
use it in something as exposed as a filename.
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...then it works like a charm. I've also tried this with a keyword read in
from a text file; that didn't work either. Any suggestions?
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This is what I use.
sub CryptPW {
my($passWord) = $_[0];
my($salt) = join '', ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand
my($crypted) = crypt($passWord, $salt);
return $crypted;
Good judgement comes
I setup something similar for an ISP once and I had the cgi-bin script
right out the information to a file. Then I had another script that ran
every 10 minutes and setup the user based on the info in the file.
Good judgement comes from experience, and experience -
well, that comes from
Thanks, this one worked.
my($mailprog) = 'sendmail';
my($recipient) = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") ;
#Do mail stuff
delete $ENV{PATH};
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open (MAIL, "|-", "$mailprog" , "-t");
gives me the following in the error log...
Can't use an undefined value as filehandle reference at
/home/rob/cgi-bin/completeOrder.cgi line 9.
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Kipp, James wrote:
> >
> > my($name) =
MAIL "Subject: Test\n\n";
format MAIL =
Name: @<<<<<<<<<
write (MAIL);
The log file gives me this error message...
Insecure $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at
How can I detect the browser language using mod_perl?
I tried this:
but it doesn't seem to work..
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Is there a simple way for a script to scan a file and know if it is a valid
file type? What I mean is if I have an mpeg file that has been renamed to
something like movie.html or movie.gif is there a way to know that it is not
a valid html or gif file?
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I want to be able to create graphic logos witha perl script - any ideas on
how to do this?
What I mean is I will provide a list of titles and a list of font styles
then the script will create a gif for each title using a random font style..
Can it be done? Is it difficult? I've never tried
Hi Shawn,
I'm currently working through the same learning curve on OOP in perl and
bought a copy of 'Perl Developer's Guide' by Ed Peschko and Michele deWolfe.
I'm finding the tutorial style suits my beginners/intermediate level, and it
also comes with a CD full of code examples.
(I plan to buy
Thanks folks,
Bill Luebkert showed me that three of my scripts were actually DOS files,
and needed to be saved properly. I'm now a much happier camper!
Rob Yale
-Original Message-
From: Lisa Nyman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 8:33 AM
or is very general, but any help pointing me in a
direction for debugging it would be most appreciated.
Rob Yale
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100 matches
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