> The nested quotes in my attempt to put TMPL_VARs
> into the value field make me suspicious that I 
> am misusing HTML::Template

It may look odd, but the nested quotes are fine.

If I had to guess I would say it is because there is a newline within the
tag (as it seems to be in your example).  I tried it on my installation and
*did not* get an error.  I am running version 2.7.

Looking at the change log this was something that was added in version 2.3.
So if you are running anything older than 2.3 it may be time for an upgrade.

[From: http://search.cpan.org/src/SAMTREGAR/HTML-Template-2.7/Changes]
2.3 Thu June 28 12:00:00 2001
   - New Feature: template tags can now span lines.  (Roland Giersig)


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Triplett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:39 PM
Subject: HTML::Template is choking

HTML::Template is choking with the complaint ...

HTML::Template->new() : Syntax error in <TMPL_*> tag at /XXX[here I'm 
ommiting the path]XXXX/data/templates/student_info.tmpl : 13. at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/HTML/Template.pm line 2243.

This is a typical line from my template ...
<input type="text" name="name_full" value="<TMPL_VAR 
NAME="name_full">" size="40" maxlength="40"></div>

This isn't much code to look at, but I'm hoping my blunder will be 
obvious to someone with more experience. The nested quotes in my 
attempt to put TMPL_VARs into the value field make me suspicious that I 
am misusing HTML::Template. Anyone have some words of wisdom for me?
Rick T.

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