On 12 Aug 2019, at 19:45, Matt Zand wrote:
use CGI;
Do read [CGI: CGI.pm has been removed from the Perl core][1]
Should I install Perl on the server or does it come with Apache
Apache HTTPD does not include a Perl distribution although some
third-party bundles include both Perl a
to do CGI programming in PHP (which you already know), but
PSGI[1] is the flavour du jour for server side web programming with Perl.
CGI is still a plausible option though. It has the benefit of simplicity (but
isn't the most efficient option).
[1] http://plackperl.org/
David D
perl that I use is:
> open (MAILHANDLE,"| mail $address -s \"$subject\" -- -F MyName \n");
Use an abstraction layer: http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Email::Sender
http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Email::Sender::Manual::QuickStart has an example
of what you want to do.
Naji, Khalid wrote:
How can I logout via a perl-script from Apache?
That depends on the authentication method used.
Usually it just comes down to "Stop sending your authentication data or
token with each request".
David Dorward
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David Dorward
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data to server using the
CGI interface
8. Server sends output HTML back to the browser
Templates are used because it is easier to edit HTML in a template then
it is to edit Perl that generates HTML.
David Dorward
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s easy to edit
(and line 6 pulls a stylesheet in).
David Dorward
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ng it up)
and replaces placeholders with the data (and has things to loop over
arrays when you have repeated data).
David Dorward
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of the rest
of the site.
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
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David Dorward
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JuneEarth wrote:
> How to make CGI sessions to be shared among multi-webservers? Thanks.
They have to use a shared data store for the session information. Using
a database for that would be one approach.
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
To un
at bit of the code, so it
is hard to say.
You also appear to be using (which is deprecated) where you
should have a and your HTML is invalid due to a missing start
tag for a paragraph.
David Dorward
ppear to be using an internal
feature of Apache to perform HTTP Basic Authentication. While it is
possible to perform HTTP Basic Authentication using a CGI script,
that isn't what you are doing.
You might have better luck on an Apache mailing list.
David Dorward
ally a good thing: http://
... but I'll stick to Template-Toolkit
David Dorward
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http://www.example.com/etc/passwd on practically any system.
David Dorward
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the image just a square box is displayed ..
So look at the server logs to see what the server thinks is happening
when the image is requested.
David Dorward
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You could also look at sending a content disposition of
attachment. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2183.txt
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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ppear it the CGI.pm
documentation ( http://search.cpan.org/~lds/CGI.pm-3.29/CGI.pm ).
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
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would I work these into my application?
In what sense? There are plenty of things you /could/ do with PDF files
in a CGI app. What do you actually want to do?
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
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For additiona
emplate-Toolkit (or HTML::Template, or etc. etc. etc.).
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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ond form loads I get "Content-Type: text/html;
> charset=ISO-8859-1"
> strings :(
I haven't a clue why you would get that. You haven't provided enough
of your script.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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It gets a
lot of buzz, at least.)
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g HTML from Perl.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 03:05:48AM -0800, cool planet wrote:
> How , it is possible to download java applications (jad/jar) via
> perl - cgi ?
It is no different from downloading any other resource.
> can i see few examples ?
> goto another page in my system. In php I could use the
> header("Location: www.blah.com") todo this, is there anything like that
> in perl?
You can just print them directly (since CGI expects headers followed
by a blank line followed by message), or CGI.pm has a heade
testing for
$q->param('foo') eq 'baz' and falling over IE's problem of sending
"Bar" as the value.
... but you haven't provided anywhere near enough information about
the problem to say for sure. Real URL? HTML? Perl?
David Dorward
On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 10:25:33AM +0200, sfantar wrote:
> Why are there differences between the output of the CGI mentioned below
> which displays the content of $ENV{HOME} et $ENV{PATH}?
The environment the webserver runs is different to the environment
your shell runs.
David D
program in
> exactly the same way: $q->param{'param'}.
Because CGI.pm is quite smart.
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
"Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another."
-- The Greatest Sho
and various special characters that replace spaces and ', and such?
Use the CGI module.
perldoc CGI
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
"Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another."
-- The Greate
parameter. If the parameter is multivalued (e.g. from
multiple selections in a scrolling list), you can ask to
receive an array. Otherwise the method will return a single
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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int $cgi->redirect('http://www.yahoo.com');
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sing (which is unlikely).
> And now when I am calling the script:
> http://mysite.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?cat=C_and_C++/Ad_Management
However, the "+" character _does_ have special meaning in URLs - it
represents a space character. You should URL encode the data you pull
from the d
q(Download my artwork);
Or, if you really want to use FTP:
print q(Download ftp://example.com/myfile.zip";>my artwork);
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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mple.net' http://www.example.com/
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ut then carry on and try to read the directory anyway?
> foreach $elem (@interrogabili)
> {
> next if $elem =~ /^\..*/;
> $elem = $home->param($elem);
> }
> Why the $home->param($elem) line doesn't work?
You don't define $home anywher
gh in
violation of the HTTP spec - probably due to laziness in that
overwriting the referer header with junk means that the software doesn't
need to recalculate the content-length).
If you are trying to stop spammers from using the form handler to send
many messages, then no. Forging a referer
re i place the subdomain of the value domain2.com ?
name => 'domain2.com',
subdomain => 'www.domain2.com',
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
"Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another."
> use Mail::Sendmail;
I'm not familiar with Mail::Sendmail, but I'm betting that it replaces
the new line with an escape sequence. That has nothing to do with
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
"Anybody remotely i
sage body).
Using a prewritten, well-tested formmailer (such as NMS) is a good way
to solve the problem.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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enter a "To,
> CC, or BCC" address.
Nor should you allow new lines ...
$subject = "User entered data with\nBCC: spam victim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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actual filtering?). Nothing in your question is CGI
related, have you got this working as a command line script but are
having trouble converting it to work under CGI? What code have you got
so far?
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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Its possible, but I find that building a data structure that represents
the page, then dropping it into a template (using Template-Toolkit of
HTML::Template) makes things more manageable.
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
"Anybody remotely interesting is mad,
default of every browser I've
ever tried it with. In fact, its the default type mandated by the HTML
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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$action eq 'search') ...
if (!defined $action) {
} elsif ($action eq 'search') {
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Relative URLs?
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best place to ask.
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n your specific needs.
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On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 10:18:37AM -0400, Chris Devers wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, David Dorward wrote:
> > XHTML 1.1 is XHTML 1.0 Strict with Ruby added.
> Really?
> As in the scripting language Ruby?
No. As in the Ruby Annotation language.
ion. This should be in
addition to the link as JavaScript is optional, and meta refresh
isn't standardised.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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avour of the better
supported HTML 4.01 (the Strict variant).
Using CSS for layout, HTML (or XHTML) for semantics, relationships and
structure, and JavaScript for behaviour is generally lumped under the
umbrella heading of "Standards based design".
David Dorward
pt. I've no idea why you would want
that functionality though. It sounds like a band-aid solution to more
serious underlying problem.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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Link to a new frameset document.
Neither really involve Perl or CGI.
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in the context of email messages.
Whoops, beg pardon.
Section 19.5.1
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 17:46 -0500, Tony Frasketi wrote:
> I'm trying to find a way to force a download dialogue box to come up
> when the user clicks on a link on a web page
David Dorward <http://dorward.me
want to test if they have
selected the "Choose type message" option, then you need to check if $mt
contains the data "0".
The length of "0" is 1 (since it is one character long), so (length($mt)
== 0) will always fail.
if (
(!defined $mt) ||
($mt eq '0&
> Is there another way to do it
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n't say, but usually a module which takes a file
can take either a filename or a filehandle.
If your only intention is to read it, then you might be better off
with get() instead of getstore().
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
To unsubscr
e HTTPS - and if you don't use
HTTPS then any password you send it going to be clear. The difference
here is that it is visible in the URL - and so exposed to the
look-over-the-user's-shoulder-in-the-real-world attack.
David Dorward http://dorward.me
You can use JavaScript to spawn a second window, although it might be
blocked by popup blockers (the specifics of such a solution are rather
off topic for this list though, so I'll suggest you look elsewhere if
you want to go down that path).
David Dorward
gt; The file is: $ENV{QUERY_STRING}.
Use CGI.pm. Don't try to access CGI related enviroment variables
directly. CGI.pm solves most of the problems you will run into
You should pay a visit to http://validator.w3.org/
David Dorward
ser granting permission will let them escape the
sandbox. I wouldn't swear to it, I've done very little with applets.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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ittedly, that's something like 90% of web
> users, but Firefox, in particular, seems to be growing fast now.
I seem to recall somebody managing to run ActiveX and IE under WINE :)
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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he server doesn't have permission to access the user's file
system over the Internet, and since that file system might be UNIX
type, DOC type, or some other unknown type - it isn't a particularly
useful feature to build into HTML.
David Dorward
the address bar and presses Enter, then the page is getting redirected to
> login page asking the user to login again.
I'm guessing you are passing everything as POST data? Use a session to
track where the user is at any given point, and return them there if
they revisit the page witho
ximum hacker
> protection... comments?
Err... "Ha!"? (Code is only secure as the person who writes it, I find
it rather harder to write secure code in PHP, it doesn't come with
such sane features as, for example, DBI bind variables.)
David Dorward
On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 07:43:58PM +0200, Glauco Magnelli wrote:
> Excuse me, you're right. I want hide Perl code from
> other users of the server.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
To unsubscr
On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 02:51:51PM +0200, Glauco Magnelli wrote:
> I would hide source code in my CGI Perl scripts.
Which source code (Perl, HTML?)? From whom (other users of the server,
visitors to the website?)?
David Dorward http://dorward.me
or: red; }
label { color: red; }
... should do the trick if the generated markup is good.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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u should consider that GET
is supposed to be used when retrieving any information from the server
and POST when you are changing something. (This has implications such
as GET being bookmarkable, and POST causing most browsers to warn
about resubmitting data).
David Dorward
application/msexcel is not a MIME type registered with the iana.
> Incidently, I discovered that this mime type works and
> excel automatically converts the HTML to excel tables.
Excel is not the only piece of software to read Excel files.
David Dorward
nt and
doing The "Right" Thing).
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o host it. Nothing to do
with Perl or CGI though.
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toring it on the server and asking the client
to pass a token about (typically in a Cookie) to identify which set of
data belongs to the user (this is usually done with sessions:
http://search.cpan.org/~sherzodr/CGI-Session-3.95/Session.pm )
David Dorward
a request for an HTTP resource. It doesn't matter how the server
goes about working out what content to send back, CGI, mod_perl, a
static file, its all the same to the client.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 10:30:59AM +0100, Ing. Branislav Gerzo wrote:
> I have simple question, in my CGI script I have:
> print $query->header(-type=>'image/jpg');
This is wrong, the registered MIME type for JPEG images is imag
a number
of products out there which munge it (e.g. replacing http://foo with
XXX:X). You can't depend on it.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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out markup authoring questions being
inappropriate for a Perl CGI list).
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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Browser support isn't very good, Internet Explorer doesn't support it
(for instance).
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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The reason I am asking is the usabiliy problems associated with meta tag
> redirects - they break the back button.
HTTP redirects do not break the back button.
David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk/>
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On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 11:41 +1100, Cat wrote:
> Been using a cascading menu written in javascript but would like to
> convert this to perl so that on mouseover it drops down further
> options to click through.
If you want something on the client to change in response to an action
then you either n
likely they are form encoded space characters. If you pay a visit
to Google and search for something including spaces, you will probably
see the same effect.
I suspect you will find that when you get the value in your CGI script
you will see them converted back to spaces.
David Dorward
#x27; contains only the CSS specs, nothing else. Is that as it
> should be?
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 18:51 +, David Dorward wrote:
> By default a ed style sheet applies to screen media only.
Whoops, I got that backwards. Its
On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 12:05 -0600, Bill Stephenson wrote:
> I just spent several hours formatting a web page template with a Style
> Sheet only to find that when the browser sends the page to a printer it
> apparently tosses the CSS info and renders it in the default HTML. Very
> frustrating
referenced using.
(Relevant background lost as I'm too busy to repair other people's top
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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> where the next redirect doesn't change the address bar.
I'm really not clear what you are refering to by "It" or "the one"
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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For a
On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 12:49 -0500, Chasecreek Systemhouse wrote:
> However, before you go traipsing off to research - try using
> target="_new" and have the NEW url open in a NEW window.
or not, since:
(a) New windows are a usability hazard
(b) _new is not an allowed value for the target attribut
On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 15:35 +1100, Cat wrote:
> What made me work with php was it's ability to draw reusable page
> elements like the header, menu, footer from another html page from a
> fixed html page.
> Now I know that this can be done in perl when the pages are generated
> by a script,
nformation to the user, it is essential
that you do not depend on any data generated from JavaScript to either
exist or be accurate.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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ugh some things might be
easier in one or the other. I suggest you pick a language and stick to
it. (Perl is a good choice :D )
> the newbie at perl & php.
If you are a PHP beginner AND a Perl beginner then its even more of a
bad idea to try to use them both at the same time!
David Dorw
On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 14:51 -0400, Ingo Weiss wrote:
> > That suggests you are trying to access /cgi-bin/ instead of
> > /cgi-bin/someScript.cgi. Have you checked the HTML output of the
> > previous script? Is the HTML valid?
> I checked it and it validates as XHTML 1.1 transitional
That is ver
if you
explicitly visit the URI of the second script? Does the problem occur
with user agents other then lynx (if not, then it suggests the problem
is with the HTML and lynx isn't managing to compensate for your
David Dorward http://dorward.m
On Tue, 2004-10-19 at 13:41 -0700, Bill Jones wrote:
> Should CPAN be re-implemented as a Torrent?
No, it shouldn't.
(a) CPAN changes frequently
(b) Most people don't need a complete CPAN archive
> P2P is really hot and raging in some circles. Maybe torrents can benefit us in
> legal ways?
According to the perldoc for getstore, the second parameter should be
a file, not a directory.
You should probably be checking the response code that getstore
returns as well.
David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk
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ed to convert
the LaTeX to something your printer can understand (maybe
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On 10 Aug 2004, at 21:52, Sun, Jian wrote:
Could anybody help me to figure out How to display a Text file
using the web browser in a CGI program?
* output suitable http headers such as the content type
* open the file
* read the file
* output the file
Where are you having difficulty?
On 15 Jun 2004, at 14:24, David Dorward wrote:
Bad form, following up by own post et al. However:
$hostname = escapeHTML($hostname);
Should be:
$hostname = escapeHTML(escape($hostname));
as the data needs to be url encoded as well as html encoded.
David Dorward
" not "$hostname".
David Dorward
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submit forms
without clicking on any submit button, so you need to have the form
handler act in a sane way if $query->param('button_name') isn't set.
Where can I find documentation on all the attributes of the components
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