On 12 Aug 2019, at 19:45, Matt Zand wrote:
use CGI;
Do read [CGI: CGI.pm has been removed from the Perl core][1]
Should I install Perl on the server or does it come with Apache package.
Apache HTTPD does not include a Perl distribution although some third-party bundles include both Perl and Apache HTTPD.
You would also need to configure Apache so it will run the Perl program through the perl runtime.
I am getting no response.
If you are getting no response at all, then your problem is unlikely to be related to a lack of Perl. That would cause it to return an error response.
[1]: https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/CGI/lib/CGI.pod#CGI.pm-HAS-BEEN-REMOVED-FROM-THE-PERL-CORE