On Sat, Mar 26, 2005 at 11:11:15PM +0530, Ankur Gupta wrote:

> I have a link like this. <a href="";>word</a>.

> When I click on the link word, I want the link.cgi to execute and then it
> should navigate to the word "word".

Then wrap that word in a named anchor or (if you are writing modern
code and don't need to support browsers as obsolete as Netscape 4) a
suitable element with an id.
> Its not happening for me. Is it valid in cgi or am I missing something.

All the browser knows is that it has recieved some HTML because it
made a request for an HTTP resource. It doesn't matter how the server
goes about working out what content to send back, CGI, mod_perl, a
static file, its all the same to the client.

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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