On Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 08:21:02PM +0530, Rajesh Raghammudi wrote:

> I am using HTML::Templating system for my project and the requirement is, 
> URL given at the address bar should not be changed throughout the 
> application

Yuck. The web is not designed to work like that.

> I could able to achieve this and works fine for me (I have a 
> login page and users have to login to access the application).
> The problem I am facing is, If the user refreshes or does anything, nothing 
> will happen and everything works fine, but when the user places cursor at 
> the address bar and presses Enter, then the page is getting redirected to 
> login page asking the user to login again.

I'm guessing you are passing everything as POST data? Use a session to
track where the user is at any given point, and return them there if
they revisit the page without submitting POST data.

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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