On Tue, 6 Feb 2007, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> Thread Hijacking on a mailing list or newsgroup
> Many people find that they are scolded on a list or newsgroup for thread
> hijacking despite the fact that they changed the subject line, which
> would seem to them to create a new thread. Most news a
On Tue, 6 Feb 2007, John Drescher wrote:
> Bacula sends the data directly from the filedaemon on each client to
> the storage daemon with out going through the director (main bacula
> server).
If network speed is an issue, one can always configure IP-over-san...
On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, James Cort wrote:
> I'd like to see if that can be pruned at all, but unfortunately my box
> only has 1GB of RAM and dbcheck fails rather horribly with an out of
> memory error when doing check for orphaned file records:
More ram is cheap, if your box can fit it...
> Checki
On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, Juan Luis Frances wrote:
> What version of bacula?
> I had the same problems with 1.38.5. I attach my "dirty" patch.
I had a more elegant solution for dbcheck which I keep meaning to
send to Kern and it keeps getting buried.
Basically it just uses "Select count()" for coun
On Sat, 3 Feb 2007, Scott Barninger wrote:
> I would like a bit of feedback. There are still a few apparent users of
> RedHat 9 based upon sourceforge download statistics.
We still have Rh6 and 7 boxes in service here
> It would seem to me that the time has come to discontinue those packages
On Sun, 4 Feb 2007, Florian Heigl wrote:
> I'm currently working on clustering bacula (howto follows as all quirks
> are removed) My requirement is running a bacula fd on each of the
> cluster nodes, and one for the cluster package. If someone thinks, this
> makes no sense, I'd be also glad to
On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, G. Armour Van Horn wrote:
> I also note that the autoloader depends on barcode labels for tracking
> the cartridges, but it isn't clear (at least to me) in the Bacula
> documentation whether or not Bacula can print these labels. If not, how
> do you go about preparing the cartr
On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Or use a specialized label printer which can print label to
> self-adhesive tape. Don't stick the tape to the cartridge, only slide
> the labels into their slot.
If you use laminated plastic labels then they're easy-peel if need be
> You need the right w
On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> The manuals I looked through this morning did not mention the barcode
> format used on the labels, btw.
The most universal format is Type 39 in narrow width.
Most changer barcode readers will handle a variety of formats.
You need to check the manual for
On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Just so that it is clear, Eric did propose this change to me before
> implementing it, and I agreed, but clearly I was wrong and did not
> understand all the consequences. Anyway, I hope we can fix it.
If the early disconnect feature is implenented, th
I know this is outside the scope of the list, (despite someone having this
on the wishlist), but I'm looking for a *nix-compatible (pref linux)
hierarchical storage system.
Explanation: A HFS (*) is a virtual filesystem, similar to unionfs.
Files are kept on "slow media" (tape or CD or DVD or
On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Jesper Krogh wrote:
> The attached Tape is an LTO-3(Quantum PX506) with has a reported rate at 80
> MB/s (I havent tested this). The network is a gigabit network, which I can
> put around 600 mbit/s through using nc in both ends on some junk-files.
Is that "native" or "compre
On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Andreas Helmcke wrote:
> And worse:
> Today I had the problem, that the job which should run on drive 1 was
> held because of no available volume. So the drive was locked and the
> tape, which was needed for drive 0, was held in drive 1 blocking the job
> for drive 0.
This ha
On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Erich Prinz wrote:
> While I can't even begin to venture a guess to the challenge, I find it quite
> fascinating and anxious to see some input to this thread. Learning is a great
> thing.
There are quite a few "HSM linux" hits on google, including one aborted
project from
On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Jason King wrote:
> Now my tape still shows that I have put 100G of
> data on it...but the catalog shows that no job actually ran.
Not quite, it shows no job completed - the attributes are despooled to
tape after the job finishes.
> Question is, can I update the catalog wit
On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> Not quite, it shows no job completed - the attributes are despooled to
>> tape after the job finishes.
> A file's attributes are actually written to the Volume *before* the file's
> data.
Oops. I was referring to the database insertions, not attribute
On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Jason King wrote:
> My tape does have more than one job on it...but only a few...and it was
> for bacula testing anyway. I could purge the whole tape and start it
> over but I want to make sure that the bacula database stays updated if I
> do it. How would I go about deleting
On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Martin Simmons wrote:
> 2 hours sounds excessively long for an LTO drive.
Up to 2 hours to read through the tape sounds about right for LTO2
However, any more than that is excessive.
Take Surveys. Ea
On Thu, 15 Feb 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> Kern, I've been wondering about this for a while. Wouldn't it be better to
>> have the file details for aborted backups inserted to the database than
>> simply dumped?
> This is currently what Bacula does when you do not use spooling -- i.e.
> neither
On Thu, 15 Feb 2007, Martin Simmons wrote:
>> Up to 2 hours to read through the tape sounds about right for LTO2
> True, but after btape prints:
> Reposition from 1:5084 to 307:14499
> it should be doing fsf 306 if configured correctly. Hopefully fast winding
> the tape doesn't take 2 hours
On Thu, 15 Feb 2007, Miki Lewinger wrote:
> If I purge (sometimes I need to) jobs, there are volumes that remain
> with very little used space in them, and until job/volume retention
> periods are reached, they just remain there, taking space... As far as I
> understand migrating jobs would reorga
On Thu, 15 Feb 2007, IEM - network operating center wrote:
> thanks a lot, i will try this asap.
> (unfortunately my superloader currently refuses to eject the tape from
> the drive into the slots,...)
Bacula 2.* locks the drive door.
You may need to issue an explicit unlock command to the tape
On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> One thing to do if this situation occurs again is to do a "status storage"
> before doing the mount. That will give us some idea of what Volume Bacula
> thinks is loaded.
I've encountered this a few times as well. Status Storage shows that
bacula belie
On Sun, 25 Feb 2007, Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> Is there a way to automatically skip the back-up job if there is "no route to
> host"? At the moment the failing back-up job is retried 6 times before it is
> ended. Therefore the resources are blocked for half an hour which which is
> highly undesirable
On Sat, 24 Feb 2007, Rex Wheeler wrote:
> Does anyone know what kind of errors that the "VolErrors" column totals?
Primarily write errors and database vs tape file number mismatches
Do you have the expertise to write something which can parse this
information or would it need to go on the Bacul
On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Pierre Bernhardt wrote:
> I dont't want to install a comlex postgresql or mysql server.
> Is it principle possible to use sqlite instead of using mysql or postgresql?
Even if it is possible, sqlite is only feasable for testing, or for very
small backup sets - such as
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> It looks to me like Samba shares don't support more that 2GB.
Incorrect. My CIFS servers are happily providing 1000+Gb shares.
It's certainly suboptimal for Bacula to be reading or writing to remote
shares though. Far better to put a samba-fd directly
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Rex Wheeler wrote:
>> Do you have the expertise to write something which can parse this
>> information or would it need to go on the Bacula wishlist?
> I do have the expertise, but not sure about the time. It would be a
> reasonable undertaking. It would involve:
> 1) Upda
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, Bill Moran wrote:
> That "400G with compression" is just an average. There's no guarantee
> that you'll get 2x compression. Personally, I find it false advertising,
> but nobody's listening to me.
I tend to agree, especially now some makers are advertising based on 3:1
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, Michel Meyers wrote:
> Wasn't there a difference between 'Concurrent with spooling' and 'really
> concurrent as in interlaced'?
> I seem to recall something as if the
> latter wasn't tested/recommended
It's fine to lay data to tape using concurrent/interlaced, however
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> No, I think you're absolutely right - job concurrency without spooling
> is not exactly recommended. Rightfully so, in my opinion, because you'd
> really have a bad performance when restoring.
> Due to that fact, I suppose noone ever tested it.
I tested
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, Steen wrote:
> If I am not mistaken, the 'Volume Use Duration' is conceived of in the
> context of limiting additions to a used but not full volume by following
> jobs to a certain timeframe (which is practical in terms of the rotation
> scheme)
Very practical in the case o
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, Bill Moran wrote:
>> A fire safe might fit the bill here.
> I've always wondered about this.
> If I put _plastic_ tapes in a fire safe, how long does the safe actually
> insulate the tapes from the heat that will damage them.
Not long.
A standards-compliant "data safe" on
On Sun, 4 Mar 2007, Bill Moran wrote:
> Interesting, but I suspect that's a little out of the price range for
> someone wanting to protect their data at home. I know I wouldn't
> even know where to put such a thing at my house.
Small data safes can be had for as little as $500...
On Mon, 5 Mar 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> I'm also seeing this using Bacula 2.0.1 on RHEL-4 with a jukebox
>> holding two LTO-3 drives. It's an intermittent problem that I haven't
>> been able to reproduce reliably, so I haven't opened a bug report on
>> it yet.
> The above is a known bug (at l
On Mon, 5 Mar 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> This is not a bug, but rather an insanity check. If you want to have idle
> jobs remain in the system longer, take a looks at src/lib/watchdog.c --
> someplace in that file there should be a tag that sets the timeout, which you
> can make longer as you wi
I have a number of machines which have been switched off in the last 6
months and want to save their last complete backup to an archive pool in
order to both free up the main pool and to ensure there's one last copy of
In some cases, there is one last full backup in the system, so
On Tue, 6 Mar 2007, Brian Debelius wrote:
>> 2. Your Why clause is really a continuation of the What, so you need to
>> provide some reason why we might want to implement this -- off of the top of
>> *my* head, I don't immediately see one.
The thing that springs to mind is closing off a tape whic
On Fri, 9 Mar 2007, HAWKER, Dan (external) wrote:
> Don't you just hate these kinds of things?? And there I was thinking
> electronic pieces of kit were supposed to be logical and predictable :)
Unfortunately, DDS is just plain flakey
Modulo other factors as mentioned - someone switching off an
On Fri, 9 Mar 2007, Ralf Gross wrote:
> How usefull is spooling in this case?
Not useful if only doing one job.
Essential if running concurrent jobs.
> For 2TB I would need ~18h with spooling and ~11h without. I'm not sure
> how critical shoe shining is for LTO3 drives. But it would be
> defini
I know I've seen discussion on this in the past
Is there an easy way to rename a job without having to generate a new full
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On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, Xeos Laenor wrote:
> Congratulations to him (and surely the others) and thanks a lot to you ;-)
> Great Job guys !
Has anyone built a bacula-fd for suse-9 at all?
Take Surveys. Earn Cash.
On Wed, 14 Mar 2007, Adam Cécile wrote:
The problem is the PV132 is an autochanger with two LOT3 drives.
So I have only one "storage" directive.
I still don't know how can I do what I explained above, any pointers ?
Add individual drive definitions as storage items in bacula-dir and then
I'm after a bacula-fd binary for Tru64 V5.1
Has anyone compiled such a beast?
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On Fri, 16 Mar 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>> Has anyone built a bacula-fd for suse-9 at all?
> Yes. No rpms here, though.
All I need is a bacula-fd-static...
Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of I
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007, Darien Hager wrote:
> The prep job uses an empty fileset and runs the prep script *after*
> the bulk of the job.
If you make the prep job an "admin" job instead of an "archive" job you
won't need to define an empty fileset. :)
On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>>> Has anyone built a bacula-fd for suse-9 at all?
>> Yes. No rpms here, though.
>> I'm quite sure someone else will have an rpm soon for the FD at least.
> Hopefully the above is true, but if I recall correctly, the Bacula project
> (i.e. Scott) i
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Ok, I have an FD for SuSE 9.2 which should also work on SLES9.
> Statically linking was not possible, after some playing around, I always
> ended up with:
> I can not find static .a libraries for linux-gate (whatever that is) and
> libattr, so I assume t
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> What I don't understand is why you don't build your own current (non-static)
> version of Bacula on your older systems.
Because in several cases they won't compile - lack of libraries, etc.
These are old boxes and they're "frozen" - no updates of core s
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> I'll add my results here - they seem to fit :-)
> Bad luck, Alan: I can't get a static FD even under SuSE 8.1. Seems to be
> some problem with the acl library. I tried to disable ACLS during
> configure, but --disable-acl was accepted but did not work.
I am just starting down the LDAP path for our network and already I can
see how it can supplant and tie together at least 6 disparate databases
we use into a unified whole, while simultaneously being more flexible and
providing more useable functionality.
It has the potential to be extremely po
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, David Boyes wrote:
>> - First, have a default limit of the number of records that will be
>> inserted
>> in any one batch request. This should guarantee that an out of memory
>> problem will not normally occur.
> Can we calculate this based on available memory at execution
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, Marc Cousin wrote:
> I think I haven't explained the memory issue correctly :
I realise it's an issue for large selects, but in the case given:
> The example Kern gave is :
> "SELECT JobMedia.JobMediaId,Job.JobId FROM JobMedia "
On Thu, 22 Mar 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> This is static-bacula-fd from 2.0.3 build using GCC 4.1.1 on
> Tru64 5.1B-4 against ZLib 1.2.3 and OpenSSL 0.9.8d. "It works
> for me..."
> It was contributed by:
> Scott Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks Scott! :-)
On Sat, 24 Mar 2007, Marc Cuypers wrote:
> I'm asking this because backups without spooling are faster than those
> with spooling. Is this normal?
Yes - for a single job
If you have multiple concurrent jobs running the individual backups will
run as slow as a single backup, but because they wi
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, Brian Debelius wrote:
> Changes below in bold
Only for those using a HTML mail client.
Please use Unified diff format (diff -u), as this makes using
the 'patch' command very easy... :)
Take Surveys.
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, Lonny Selinger wrote:
> 2.5 hours later I relabeled as lited above. Result ... after some backups
> again it went to 9.3G and error'd out again. What could I possibly be missing?
> Are there other files I should remove when starting from scratch or is there
> another way to de
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, Lonny Selinger wrote:
>> Given the media is new, the problem could also be a tape dropped in
>> transit - in which case spooling it to the end and back (retensioning) may
>> solve your problem.
> I'll give this a shot and see what happens :) ... DLT tapes are a single
> spo
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, Joseph Wright wrote:
> A useful feature would be to halt a job and then resume it, for when
> restarting bacula. In fact I think it should happen
> by default that if a job gets cut off for some reason, such as a
> network timeout, it should be possible to resume
> later and
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, John Goerzen wrote:
> Not really. It works with mtx just fine. I think I maybe added a
> couple of sleep statements into the changer script because the robot
> wasn't ready to accept new commands immediately with mtx returned, but I
> haven't tested it with current mtx/drive
On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Josh Fisher wrote:
> It is udev, rather than autofs, that creates /dev/disk/* entries. The
> udev rules must be a bit different for Centos/RHEL. Kind of strange,
> since Fedora has had it at least since Core 4.
RHEL4 is based on Fedora Core3
On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Erich Prinz wrote:
> Others have experienced issues relating to antivirus scan engines
> interfering with successful backups. Perhaps it is interfering with
> the communications between the daemons (different machines from what
> I gather.)
> The others have tested by disabl
On Thu, 29 Mar 2007, Alan Brown wrote:
>> The others have tested by disabling AV then running a test job.
> It would be nice if there was a way of telling AV software not to inspect
> files being opened by Bacula
F-secure helpdesk inform me that if an executable i
On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> If something won't start as a non-root user, you need to find out why.
> All that bacula-dir needs is to own the files that it needs to write
> to/have appropriate permissions to read the files it needs to read.
> This goes the same for the -
On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> It'd be nice to be able to lock things down even more tightly. I've even
>> been tempted to setup chroot environments for bacula-fd and -dir
> I assume you mean bacula-sd and bacula-dir. If you really mean bacula-fd,
> please tell me how you can accomp
On Sun, 8 Apr 2007, John Drescher wrote:
> And then there is reliability. I from my own experiences I can
> easily say that DVD media is less reliable than tape but it does
> depend on several factors. I would never use RW media for a backup
That really depends on the media. CDRW is far more reli
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Lucio wrote:
> Hello list,
> I have a little system I want to backup on DVD with Bacula. It needs to backup
> not more than 100Mb/day. Will bacula reuse the same DVD appending new
> sessions to it?
I have not tried this in a real backup situation, however it has appended
On Fri, 13 Apr 2007, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
> No point preaching to this audience about the value of open source. ;-)
The only thing I'll say is that the PAID support we've had with
proprietary software has mostly been nowhere near as good as the community
and paid support for open source.
On Sat, 14 Apr 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> This decision is motivated by the fact that the number of emails has grown to
> be quite large, and hence to read them all requires a good deal of time.
I think there is a big need for a bacula-newbies list...
The same questions do tend to be cropping u
On Fri, 13 Apr 2007, Emery Guevremont wrote:
>>> 13-Apr 13:54 btape: btape Fatal error: Attempt to write on read-only
>>> Volume.
>> Isn't the above clear?
> I understand that's what bacula is saying, except the tape isn't set in
> read-only.
You will have the same effect if the userid ac
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> Checking for orphaned File entries. This may take some time!
> Found 103804 orphaned File records.
> ...before this begins to take an inordinate amount of time? My total DB
> size is only 110MB or so -- doesn't seem like this should be a big deal
> t
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Mariusz Czulada wrote:
> BTW. If it was mentioned previously - is it possible to add "multi SD
> migration" to the TODO list (question to developers, I think)?
Add it to the wishlist and wait.
> I hope I'm not the only one to use this feature. IMHO it could be very
> import
On Fri, 20 Apr 2007, Salvo PAESANO wrote:
> Do you have some advise about model?
> Personally I see the NEO 8000 system, it look like work with Tivoli but
> I have no idea if it works with bacula.
It should do. The robot is supported by mtx and the drives are seen
individually by the OS.
I have
On Fri, 20 Apr 2007, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> This is really a MySQL specific question, but can you give me a hint on
> how those are created?
>> +---++-+--+-+---+-+--++--++-+
On Mon, 23 Apr 2007, Mike Vasquez wrote:
> I have 12 machines that are supposed to backup to tape on the weekends. In
> my dir conf I have Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5 and in the Storage directive
> named Autochanger, I have the Maximum concurrent Jobs = 20.
What about in bacula-sd.conf?
On Tue, 24 Apr 2007, Salvo PAESANO wrote:
> Do you know if it is possible to backup fiber-channel disk directly on a
> library with Bacula?
> So I have a SAN and for performance, I want to backup the SAN FC Disk
> directly on cadrige with Bacula without using the network.
You still need a
On Sun, 29 Apr 2007, Jonathan B Bayer wrote:
> Has anyone ever thought about doing with Bacula and Mindi what Mondo
> and Mindi do? Mondo and Mindi are a complete disaster recovery
> solution for one computer, in that a complete image is taken of the
> system, stored in whatever media is selected
On Thu, 10 May 2007, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> That's what I'm referring to... if you have a file on your client that
> is stamped sometime in 2034, for example, it will be backed up until
> that date regardless if I understand correctly. There does not seem to
> currently be a solution to that (o
On Tue, 15 May 2007, Michel Meyers wrote:
> Just a guess/question: Do you have compression enabled in your job? If
> the client's doing compression, that might throttle its throughput.
Another thing to consider is the speed of the spool disk(s).
I had to stripe the spool across several dedicated
On Fri, 18 May 2007, Antoine Durr wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know of any systems that are similar to Quantum/ADIC's
> AMASS software?
Item nine in thw Bacula projects page is very similar.
Personally I think Hierarchical Filestorage systems are a bit outside
Bacula's remit, but there is defin
On Mon, 21 May 2007, Flak Magnet wrote:
> I don't have as complex of a setup at yours, but you might have some luck
> checking out the Prefer Mounted Volumes setting for the director.
> http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/Configuring_Director.html#SECTION00142
I have Prefer Mounted
On Wed, 23 May 2007, Ivan Adzhubey wrote:
> One more question: currently, the size of my spooling directory is 250GB and I
> need to add another server to backup list that holds 1.1TB of data. Will that
> create problems?
> On a more general note: how do you guys deal with huge
> datasets?
On Wed, 30 May 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>>> Looking at the query.sql file where did the values of VolWrites >
>>> 399 and VolMounts > 50 come from?
>> Someone in the Bacula project used that as a number.
> Might have been me :-)
> These values work for my DDS and DLT tapes. They defini
Sourceforge already has an archive function and Nabble has been used in
the past for address harvesting purposes.
Please remove them from the list, their subscription serves no purpose
except to attract naive users and generate advertising revenue for Nabble.
On Fri, 15 Jun 2007, John Drescher wrote:
> The problem here is after manually switching tapes in the autochanger
> someone must run the update slots command from bacula before any jobs are
> run. This can be as simple as clicking on a button that feeds the command
> into bconsole.
Or even more s
On Mon, 18 Jun 2007, Sascha Wilde wrote:
> as my other mail shows I successfully used file retention top shoot my
> food -- so I'm thinking of deactivating retention all together. What
> is the value I must set for File and Job Retention, to disable it all
> together?
If you set all three retent
On Mon, 18 Jun 2007, Sascha Wilde wrote:
>> If you set all three retention variables (File, Job and Volume) to the
>> same value then there will be no problem.
> There still we be the problem, that the information I want to keep
> will be lost from the database after some time (what ever value I
On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, David Romerstein wrote:
> My gut tells me that, if one drive in a new-ish device fails, the
> likelihood of a second failing at-or-near the same time is pretty high, as
> the drives themselves are likely to be from the same manufacturing batch.
Your gut and my experience.
On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Jeff Kalchik wrote:
> My point is that there are always alternatives. Speed costs, how fast do
> you want to go.
Or put another way:
"Good, Fast, Cheap - pick any two"
This SF.net email is sponsor
On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Brian Debelius wrote:
> Why does bacula ask for a slot number to mount, when I mount my VXA
> autochanger?
It allows you to select a specific tape to mount.
If you have no specific tape to mount, use slot 0
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> on RAID5 volumes. I pointed out that his high performance database had
>> been running on a RAID5 (hardware implementation over Fibre Channel)
>> volume set for 6 months.
> With a lot of NVRAM in the storage cabinet? ;)
2Gb NVRAM (battery backe
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007, Jeffrey C. Baldwin wrote:
> Does the Bacula project have a 'commercial' arm that provides pay support?
There are people who provide paid Bacula support.
There is no native netware client, simply because none of the active
coders have "felt the need" for it yet. (*) Similarl
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Someone's got to do the work. Looks like someone has been doing
preliminary work on it as of late, but I don't expect that it will be
Bacula 2.2 (I could be wrong), so it will be awhile.
Maybe this is a pain in the a** for a lot of people here
On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> If you print them to 1/2" inch label tape, the barcode printer
> generated ones should work. If you prefer labels on paper, use a
> program like barcode and place the labels on the sheet.
Lest anyone worry that they need to keep typing and pressing print
On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
> Portability is an interesting question.
Hammers vs screwdrivers.
Bacula is a backup solution, not a data transport one.
In any case, one doesn't need a Bacula installation to retrieve a tape's
contents - merely bextract.
On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Ken Gunderson wrote:
> What model are you using? I have one, I forget which, but I don't
> recall printing barcode labels as being one of it's features.
It's a Brother P-touc PT550, but almost all current Brother, Dymo and
Epson printers have barcode printing as standard.
On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Martin Simmons wrote:
>> See above. There are very few enterprise-grade packages which can do
>> "snapshot" restores via incrementals and they cost a great deal of money.
> Ironically, lots of open source unix backup systems do implement it!
Yes, but only for smaller packag
On Wed, 27 Jun 2007, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> The same here. Anyway, Kern has told me he will (most probably) work
> on that some time, but it's not one of the high priority things.
Incidentally the work involved in this overlaps a LOT with the snapshot
restore and synthetic backup issues which kee
On Thu, 7 Sep 2006, James Harper wrote:
> Ideally the enclosure would be tough enough for someone to take home
> each night (probably in a handbag :) without stressing the enclosed
> drive too much.
> Even more ideally, it would allow the use of a docking station so that
> either the whole enclo
On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, Jaime Ventura wrote:
> Hello,
> Can anyone help me find the reason why bacula is asking me to create a
> new volume?
> 08-Sep 12:33 bserver-sd: Job Job.jtgv.gsi.2006-09-08_12.33.41 waiting. Cannot
> find any appendable volumes.
> Please use the "label" command to create a n
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