On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Jason King wrote:

> Now my tape still shows that I have put 100G of
> data on it...but the catalog shows that no job actually ran.

Not quite, it shows no job completed - the attributes are despooled to 
tape after the job finishes.

> Question is, can I update the catalog with the data on the tape?

bscan will do it, but you won't be able to resume the job.

> Can I "ERASE" that job from the tape so that the next backup job will
> take place at the beginning position of that errored out backup job so
> as not to wast 100G worth of tape?

Only if the failed job is the only one on the tape - in which case all you 
need to do is purge the entire thing and start over.

If not, then no.

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