Today, our reports are timing out after about 1 hour. This problem
started happening around 4:35am PST. It seems to happen with only
particular accounts.
On Sep 16, 8:58 am, "" wrote:
> same problem here, report stuck in pending
> On Sep 16, 6:39 am, "j.e.frank" wrote:
I'm getting the following exception thrown from the Adword api every
single time I try to run a report (only happening for one client
account...all other client accounts work fine):
"Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow."
I'm assuming that I need a SOAP request for Google to troubleshoot
s how this can be done.
> Thanks,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Oct 13, 11:35 pm, bgraves wrote:
> > I'm getting the following exception thrown from the Adword api every
> > single time I try to run a report (only happening for one cl
addressed. Note
> that I do not monitor this email account regularly, so you have to
> update the forum thread to let me know that you have mailed the
> details.
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Oct 16, 12:12 am, bgraves wrote:
For some reason, this only happens with 2 of our client accounts: I
keep getting this Exception thrown every time I call
scheduleReportJob(). It seems like the problem is with the actual
accounts. Can Google repair these accounts so I pull reports for
them? I've email account details directly t
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Oct 20, 9:51 pm, bgraves wrote:
> > For some reason, this only happens with 2 of our client accounts: I
> > keep getting this Exception thrown every time I call
> > scheduleReportJob(). It seems like
In v13 of Reporting, the phone cost was included as part of the grand total
in Campaign summary report. How do I get this phone cost now?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Why doesn't the API return Ad objects right now? I've included all the
fields I'm interested in my selector, but it's missing most of them...any
insight? Here's my SOAP trace:
---"; xml
ect is not coming back from the
> server.
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,'
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Friday, 2 March 2012 05:46:47 UTC+5:30, bgraves wrote:
>> Why doesn't the API return Ad objects right now? I've included all the
>> fi
In v13 of Reporting, the phone cost was included as part of the grand
total in Campaign summary report. How do I get this phone cost now? If I
change all my code to use a Campaign Performance report, will the phone
cost be reported...somewhere?
Will Dynamic Search information be reported in a future version of the
API? If so, is there any timeline when it will be available?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Even after re-downloading, I'm still getting this error in my code when I
try to unzip my report:
"ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip.GZipException: Error GZIP header, first magic
byte doesn't match"
It unzips fine using WinRAR. Does anyone else get this programatic error
(I use .NET)? Have you foun
I've noticed recently that we've been getting an adID for display
campaigns/keywords when pulling a Criterion Performance Report. This adID
is different to the adID we've been using for the same exact keywordID in
the Ad Performance Report but this new adID refers to a different adGroup
Currently, the API only tells me if the keyword is biddable or negative but
not whether it is a Display Keyword or not. How can I find this out? Are
there campaign or adgroup settings that will tell me this?
Also find us on our blog and disc
Upgrading from v201109 to v201209 produced the following error:
Invalid ReportDefinition Xml: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a:
Invalid content was found starting with element 'selector'. One of '{"
Figured it out...using utilities now object (sets the latest version of
Dim report As ClientReport = utilities.GetClientReport(reportDefinition)
On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 5:17:14 PM UTC-7, bgraves wrote:
> Upgrading from v201109 to v201209 produced the following er
Does this have anything to do with the UI changes made this setting for
Adwords UI? How do I get this value now? If I can't, how can I refactor
the code that depends on the setting?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Whenever, I run a Criteria Performance Report from the API, I don't get any
statistics on Age Range or Gender.
For example, I am seeing AgeRange metrics when I run a report directly from
AdWords under display Network / Age (clicked download). However, I don't
see any AgeRange metrics when I ru
orres - AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, December 27, 2012 4:02:52 PM UTC-5, bgraves wrote:
>> Whenever, I run a Criteria Performance Report from the API, I don't get
>> any statistics on Age Range or Gender.
>> For example, I am seeing AgeRange me
I created an ad around 2pm today. My account is on PST. I couldn't find
it using today from 9am-3pm but I could find it when I used 7pm-11pm. Why
do I need to use a future date/time range to find something instead of
using a range when it was actually created?
Here's my soap requests/respon
Luckily, I'm calling this ReportUtilities function from a web service so it
times out after 2 hours. This only happens with a small number of my
client accounts (the accounts aren't consistent) and seems to resolve
itself later in the day. Since this started happening every day since last
Whenever I change my tracking parameters in the keyword destination URL,
the URL is available when I read it back using the AdWords API. However, I
can only see (or use) the keyword destination URL when I change my bidding
option from CPA to CPC custom bid mode. Otherwise, only the ad destinat
Currently, the only way we can get Sitelink statistics is if we log
into the account and click the Ad extensions tab. However, a better
way would be to run a report on Sitelink performance using the Adwords
API. Is there a particular report that will give us the information
we are seeing on the A
I've noticed that when my campaign doesn't have any keywords (ads
only) but there is still traffic being reported on kwSite called
"boomuserlist::23287" with a kwSiteType of "BoomUserList". Also, even
though there aren't any keywords, it still gives me a keywordid. Is
this "fake" keyword or somet
Is there an "official" URL where I can get an exact date for when this
service will no longer be available?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
According to the documentation, I need to use MMdd HHmmss zzz for
the dateTimeRange. Unfortunately, if I use "PST" or "pst" for zzz,
the api always throws the following exception:
For instance, I can't have my min portion containing "20110209 172
Figured it out: "-08:00" instead of PST
On Feb 10, 5:35 pm, bgraves wrote:
> According to the documentation, I need to use MMdd HHmmss zzz for
> the dateTimeRange. Unfortunately, if I use "PST" or "pst" for zzz,
> the ap
7;t be throwing you an
> InternalApiError.UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR when you give an
> invalid string for dateTimeRange.
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Feb 10, 9:05 pm, bgraves wrote:
> > Figured it out: "-08:00" instead of
Will it be possible to obtatin a Change History report through the
AdWords API? Currently, to find out what bid changes were made, we
still have to log into the account and get it in from the Reporting
and Tools tab.
Also find us on our blog an
45 seconds isn't small enough for some of my accounts (throws
TOO_MANY_CHANGES exception). Are we expected to call this service in
a long long loop of 5 second increments just to get a day's worth of
change history? This seems rather a waste.
On Mar 23, 11:40 am, Eric Koleda wrote
Okay, here's the requestId from the SOAP request generated (using a
second limit!) on Monday at 11:33am PST:
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
I haven't tried one at a time. I'm getting a list of all my campaign
IDs and using it in my selector. Did you take a look at my requiestId
On Mar 28, 11:28 pm, "Anash P. Oommen"
> Hi Brian,
> Do you get this error even when running for one campaign a
Has this been changed yet? If not, when will the limit be increased?
On Mar 30, 10:58 pm, "Anash P. Oommen"
> Hi,
> I did, and I opened a request with the Change history team to have this
> limit increased. Once that is done, you should not get TOO_MANY_CHANGES
> error very frequently.
POST /api/adwords/ch/v201008/CustomerSyncService
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS Web Services Client
Protocol 4.0.30319.1)
Thanks for researching this. We definately need to be able to get the
changes that occurred (even with conversion optimizer adjustments).
Without these changes, I really can't see the benefits of using this
service. We've spent countless hours coding and troubleshooting the
implemenentation of th
I've noticed that reports initiated between 3am-7am on
Tuesday,Thursday, and today this week are taking much longer than
usual to complete. Yesterday, in fact, some of our reports were
pending for over 3 hours. This wasn't happening at all last week and
our reports ran at a reasonable rate. Is t
I am currently following Google's recommendation for handling the the
TOO_MANY_CHANGES error by narrowing the date range until I
successfully receive the CustomerChangeData. I am only doing this for
a single campaign within a 24 hour period by decreasing the range by 1
hour until I get the changes
I live in California and my client is in a different country which is
9 hours ahead of us. So at 3pm PST, my client is done for today and
wants their report. How long do I need to wait after this time to
pull an acurate report? Basically, can I start pulling activity
reporting using the API for
It's taking even longer this morning (twice as long, in fact) to pull
reports. Is v13 reporting having issues?
On May 16, 8:36 am, Kevin Winter wrote:
> Hi,
> From time to time, the reporting backend may experience some hiccups due
> to maintenance or heavy load which may delay reports slightl
I just sent you an email. Today, daily keyword activity reports took
20-58 minutes to run this morning which is the worst I’ve ever seen
it. You asked for CIDs. Do you mean the client account #s?
On May 24, 8:42 am, Kevin Winter wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you send an email to
Most of our v13 reports worked this morning. However, 2 of them got
stuck like you've mentioned. One of them finally finished after
pending for a few hours (usually takes minutes). The other report
getting stuck or I occassionally get this message from the API:
Exception: The specified account h
This only happens on one of my accounts but for some reason,
CustomerSyncService is returning changed Ad IDs that refer to Ads that
cannot be retrieved. How is this possible and how can I fix this
problem so I can use CustomerSyncService again (right now I cannot use
it due to this issue)?
In my code, I'm creating a new TemplateAd and then setting it with the
same fields (just changing the destination URL) from another
TemplateAd. For some reason, it's throwing an exception on a
"videoId" field which isn't even in the original TemplateAd. Is this
field a requirement (even if it's a
At 8:41am, I started getting this exception for all my client
"User does not have permissions to use AdWords API (e.g. read only or
reports only user)"
This error doesn't make sense since I'm only pulling reports using
these accounts for months now. Is there an issue with v13
Sorry, I just figured out why I'm getting this error: client
canceled. :(
On Jun 30, 8:57 am, bgraves wrote:
> At 8:41am, I started getting this exception for all my client
> accounts:
> "User does not have permissions to use AdWords API (e.g. read only or
> reports only
I keep getting this error on several accounts. This started happening
a couple of days ago. How can I prevent this from occurring? I need
to retrieve these Ads ASAP. Here's my SOAP request...
POST /api/adwords/cm/v201008/AdG
Again, why is it giving me an error on videoId? Is this required in
the current API? How can I create a TemplateAd just like my existing
one that doesn't have a videoId? If I need a videoId, where do I get
it? Make one up???
On Jul 5, 12:43 am, "Anash P. Oommen"
> Hi,
> I don't think
Until this month, the data returned from the API matched Google UI.
However, right now, if I select last month's date range, I end up
getting $3 to $8 more Cost than what the UI is showing for the same
exact date range. I've tried using both "Campaign" and "Account" for
my selectedReportType. Unf
More specifically, most campaigns have a matching cost. However,
depending on the account, one or two campaigns are either showing $3
or $4 less (exactly) in the UI vs. the API.
On Jul 5, 2:52 pm, bgraves wrote:
> Until this month, the data returned from the API matched Google UI.
> H
OKay, it looks like the UI doesn't include the phone cost for the
campaign. This is confusing since the API includes it. Is there a
reason for leaving this out in the UI?
On Jul 5, 3:26 pm, bgraves wrote:
> More specifically, most campaigns have a matching cost. However,
> depen
Yes, but my issue is the fact that I don't want or have a video. Why
does TemplateAd require one??
On Jul 5, 11:34 pm, "Anash P. Oommen"
> Hi,
> AdWords API doesn't allow you to upload videos, so you have to upload the
> video, get the videoId using MediaService and then use it.
> Seeh
I noticed this error occuring constantly last week with several
accounts. Yes, many many retries eventually resolved the issue. This
week, I haven't noticed the issue at all.
On Jul 6, 9:27 am, Eric Koleda wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you noticing any patterns with this error? Do retries resolve the
The precision is due to the fact that I need to get all the changes
since the last time that the CustomSyncService ran a get operation. I
don't see why the precision matters since the very next call to the
service takes a dateTimeRange starting from the last precise
dateTimeRange. Since neither o
Thanks. It looks like I used AM instead of PM for the date in my first that example wasn't valid. I can't recreate the issue
now when using the correct date: using "20110630 131132 -07:00" gives
me the criteria change. I'm not sure why I didn't get the change back
on 6/30 and I can't
After spending days updating my reporting code from v13 to v201101,
I've come across missing fields for the Keyword Performance report
type for the ReportDefinition. The Keyword Performance report
contained the creativeid in v13 but it looks like it's unavailable in
v201101. Am I now required to
I've read the issues mentioned in the threads you've included but no
one has mentioned the issue with creative information missing from the
keywords performance report. ALL creative information is available in
the v13 keyword performance report and I cannot use the Ad Performance
report in v201101
I'm sure lots of people have had issues with the Keyword Performance
Report missing information (like managed placement used, creative
used, etc.) It seems that the only solution that I've read on this
forum is that it is necessary to merge all 3 reports together...but
how? Just wanted some feedb
way you
> see data in the adwords ui.
> And we're stuck on how to integrate the managed placementreport. What
> do you do here? Do you put the placement in the same column as thekeywordand
> have a flag in the table to indicate that the entity is a
> placement rath
Why is this happening now? Only the placement deletions are being
returned (not the destination URL changes of several Ads):
POST /api/adwords/ch/v201008/CustomerSyncService
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS We
I figured it out. It looks like this problem is related to the
timezone of the account (-08:00) which is different than our timezone
On Aug 16, 9:22 am, bgraves wrote:
> Why is this happening now? Only the placement deletions are being
> returned (not the destination URL chan
I was under the impression that reports would only take a few seconds
after I upgraded to the new reporting API. However, not only does it
look like I need to pull 3 different kinds of reports just to get the
same data as the v13 Keyword Performance report, but the speed is
drastically slower that
I want to sort my reports by KeywordId (so I can merge faster since
I'm having to pull 3 different reports to get a v13 Keyword Performace
report). Here's the code I'm using for sorting:
Dim orderBy As New OrderBy
orderBy.field = "KeywordId"
orderBy.sortOrder =
For some reason, my Keyword Performance and Managed Placement
Performance reports have this "topVsSide" column which sometimes
causes the number of rows to double is the value is different. I wish
to remove this column from my reports to prevent this behavior but
can't find the report definition f
Finally found it: it's called "Slot"
On Aug 23, 3:32 pm, bgraves wrote:
> For some reason, my Keyword Performance and Managed Placement
> Performance reports have this "topVsSide" column which sometimes
> causes the number of rows to double is the value is d
Any ETA when a solution will be available? Currently, merging 3
different reports into 1 for all our accounts is an extremely painful
On Aug 23, 10:10 am, Eric Koleda wrote:
> Hi Ernnie,
> Unfortunately it isn't possible using v201101 reporting to get all criteria
> types in one report
I keep getting the following error after calling client library
Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.Reports.ReportUtilities.DownloadClientReport() :
"Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream."
This is the 3rd time in a row that this exception was thrown. I
didn't get this
Since we have so many client, it takes too long to pull one report at
a time and I want to use async processing to pull multiple reports at
the same time. What is the maximum number of requests I can make at
the same time? Does the API throw an exception if this is exceeded?
Does it depend on my
Thanks but that link isn't specific to how many simultaneous calls to
the report download are allowed. Do you have any information on this?
On Sep 7, 4:40 am, "Anash P. Oommen"
> Hi,
> AdWords API treats report downloads the same way as any other API calls, and
> will respond with a Rat
Many of my Destination URLs were changed at 5:13pm (GMT+1) on Sept.
7. I tried using the CustomerSyncService to find these changes and
update them in our dateabase. Unfortunately, the service isn't
returning any changes at all. Any idea why this is happening? Would
it have anything to do with t
Since Friday of last week, we've noticed that it's been taking longer
and longer to get a "Completed" ReportJobStatus back when making
Keyword Performance Report requests. Today, we are timing out (after
2 hours!) waiting for a response. Is this being looked at currently?
I'm not getting any RateExceededErrors. However, it seems that the
more requests I make, the longer it takes to get a response
back...some report requests are timing out after 2 hours. I'm using
v13 ReportService. Does this service behave differently?
On Sep 9, 7:08 am, "Anash P. Oommen"
I have migrated to v201101 (not in production yet) and have had
nothing but problems with reporting. As far as getting the the report
in seconds, you need to download them in GZIP format to get them in a
reasonable amount of time...otherwise getting the XML is extremely
slow. This is a minor prob
This error hasn't happened before. Did Google change requirements for
this service? I've always sent my request with my current timezone
and never received this error before. Please reply ASAP since this
error is causing our clients to panic during Black Friday. Thank you
in advance for your he
What format is the API expecting for the data range then? How should
I format the named timezones?
On Nov 29, 2:43 pm, Eric Koleda wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for reporting this issue. It looks like there was recently some
> changes in the validation code for timezones in this service. Using na
Can you give me the acceptable format string to use in the min/max
dateTimeRange request for the API. Currently, I'm using this format:
"MMdd HHmmss zzz"
On Nov 30, 2:59 pm, Eric Koleda wrote:
> Hi,
> A fix should be going out next week or so that will allow numerical
Still getting the same INVALID_TIMEZONE error today using numerical
offsets (haven't tried "" specifier yet). I thought the fix would
be rolled out by now (currently using v201008). When will it be
On Dec 5, 9:32 am, David Torres wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> The fix should be rolling out t
I've noticed that the Keyword Activity report in v13 has 6 times as
many rows as the v201101 Ad Performance Report. This is due to the
fact that I am missing a lot of impression/position data due to
missing keywordid row data that I have in v13. Is v201101 filtering
out keywordid rows that have l
How can I create a report with v201109 that has the same data (and
number of rows) as the v13 Keyword Activity Report. I've looked at
the various "Performance Report" that v201109 offers but I need one
that combines both keyword and ad performances. For some reason, I
get 6 times less rows as the
Is there a particular AdWords class that I can use to get the
AuthToken or do I have to POST to the ClientLogin URL?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
1) Why is the AuthToken now required for v201109 but not v201101
Reporting service?
2) What other v201109 services required AuthToken?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
I'm getting a Ad Performance Report in v201109 and it only has 28 row
elements in the XML. However, v13 of the Keyword Activity Report has
196 row elements for the same client/date. Yes, I understand that the
reports are different but the Ad Performance report should have all
the keywordIDs that
I've noticed that it's a requirement for the current client
libraries. However, for v12.4 of the client libraries (from last
summer), it wasn't a requirement at all for v201101 for reporting (I
didn't try the other services).
On Jan 26, 7:45 pm, "Anash P. Oommen" wrote:
> Hi,
> Every service r
Thanks Anash! I couldn't find a VB.NET example but C# works for
me! :)
On Jan 26, 7:41 pm, "Anash P. Oommen" wrote:
> Hi,
> There's the AuthToken class. You could use it like:
> new AuthToken(config, "adwords", email, password).GetToken();
> For config, you could either use user.Config, o
Yes, but I was just explaining that it was created automatically with
the AdGroupUser in v12.4 of client libraries. Now, it has to be
created before the AdGroupUser is created.
On Jan 30, 8:10 am, Danial Klimkin
> Hello,
> AuthToken is used to authorize user and identify which accounts
When I included a predicate for enabled/disabled/paused, I got
significantly more rows than the v13 Keyword Activity Report. How do
I set up the predicate to get the same number of rows?
On Jan 30, 3:01 pm, Eric Koleda wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you including a predicate to explicitly include deleted
This started happening immediately with all my client accounts after I
started using the latest .NET client libraries (v13.3). Here's my
SOAP trace:
I need reporting at both an ad/criteria level (just like the v13
Keyword Activity report). The keyword performance report alone
doesn't achieve anything close to this. Each day I need to pull both
an ad performance and a criteria performance report and merge them
together. Unfortunately, neither
I only want to change the destination URL. So when I get my
Criterion, I'm not including all the available Criterion fields in my
selector. Does that mean that all my Criterion fields will get
"erased" when I do a SET operation using mutate? If so, how can I
tell the API to return all fields (or
I don't understand what you mean since I am not sending fields for
updating using SET. I am sending the entire Criterion object
(required for AdGroupCriterionOperation)...
Dim operation As New AdGroupCriterionOperation()
operation.operator = [Operator].SET
operation.operatorSpecified = Tru
Please reply to this post or directly to my email. We've just upgrade
to the latest API version (v201109) and are having an issue that is
adversely affecting campaign performance. We’ve noticed that if one
keyword/match type exists in multiple adgroups, changing the
destinationURL for the keyword
90 matches
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