The precision is due to the fact that I need to get all the changes
since the last time that the CustomSyncService ran a get operation.  I
don't see why the precision matters since the very next call to the
service takes a dateTimeRange starting from the last precise
dateTimeRange.  Since neither of the ranges show the change but a
combination of the ranges (without the precision) does, there is
something definately wrong with the CustomerSyncService.  Are you
saying that I can no longer be precise about the dateTimeRange?

On Jul 8, 11:54 am, jstedman <>
> Have you tried not being quite so precise with the dateTimeRange. For
> instance, try using 1 PM-1:30 PM and see if it shows up. Asking it to
> be exact down to the second could result in errors due to time drift,
> system propagation time and database replication delays.

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