Hi Mitchell,
Thank you for the information that you provided. However, I had to delete your
most recent response as it contained your entire logs information.
Moving forward, the account specified in your API request header is not the
411-3XX-58XX account and instead another account which I hav
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Hi Ernie, thanks for your response. I have been liaising with Marketo
support for several weeks to troubleshoot this issue, and they used the
Adwords API to do this. I will obtain the requested information and send
through privately as soon as I can.
On Wednesday, March 31, 20
Hi Mitchell,
Could you confirm if the issue is encountered in Marketo tool? If yes, then I
would advise to reach out to their support team instead via this link to help
you address the issue. Our team unfortunately doesn't have access or visibility
this tool to investigate and address the issue
When I authenticate the Marketo Launchpoint Service "Google Customer Match"
using a MCC account, the service for some reason only allows me to view and
sync audiences to one of the child accounts managed by that MCC. When we
run a script to see what what Google reports about this account, it