Does deleting a feed using a mutate (REMOVE) FeedOperation delete its associated ExtensionFeedItems?

2015-08-14 Thread Parker Crist
Hi, I am wanting to delete all of the sitelinks I have in a particular feed using the AdWords API, and delete the feed itself. To do so, do I first need to disassociate the FeedItems from their campaigns with a CampaignExtensionSettingOperation, then delete the ExtensionFeedItems themselves, t

Re: lastChangeTimestamp in CustomerSyncService interpretation

2015-08-14 Thread Umesh Dengale
Hi Chirag, The lastChangeTimestamp field will return the date based on dateTimeZone

Re: Adwords API php limit query

2015-08-14 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hello Andrada, In the GetKeywords example , you will see that there is a variable called Paging

Re: CustomerFeedError.FEED_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_TYPE @ operations[0].operand.placeholderTypes; trigger:'PlaceholderType: 7', CustomerFeedError.MISSING_FEEDMAPPING_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_TYPE @ oper

2015-08-14 Thread Umesh Dengale
Hello, Please check out our how to enable log document to enable the logs in the client library of the AdWords API(e

Adwords API php limit query

2015-08-14 Thread Andrada Crisan
Hello, I am interested to get the first 10 keywords in querying google adwords api. How must be defined the selector in php to display this result? Example code: //start code function InsertKeywordsIntoDBTypePlacement(AdWordsUser $user) { // Get the service, which loads the required classe

Re: Alternative to targettingideaservice placement ideatype

2015-08-14 Thread Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
Hi Chirag, I checked on what features will be available in the next release. Unfortunately, I don't see this feature on the list, yet. Regards, Nadine, AdWords API Team On Friday, August 14, 2015 at 4:31:02 AM UTC-4, Chirag wrote: > > Hello Josh, > > It's been 5 month since this is required. >

Re: Get a performance report grouped by label

2015-08-14 Thread Charlie Saunders
Thanks, Josh! I was hoping there was a way to make label the primary dimension (e.g. with the CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT) to get around this since this report is available in the web app, but now I know. Thanks again, Charlie On Friday, August 14, 2015 at 9:16:56 AM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdW

Re: Got exception [AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED] when trying accept invitation to link account

2015-08-14 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, In the step where you are trying to set the link to *ACTIVE*, are you using OAuth credentials for the AdWords account (ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID)? That request will only work if the credentials are for a user who *already* has access to ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID. It sounds like you may be using the ACCOUN

Re: Is it possible to add Sort in a CampaignPerformanceReport ?

2015-08-14 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hi Jonathan, Unfortunately, the clauses *ORDER_BY *and* LIMIT *(sorting and paging) are not supported through reporting . However, as a workaround, you could sort it manually once you have your report in a Spreadsheet fi

Re: Get a performance report grouped by label

2015-08-14 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Charlie, Yep, this is still the case. What it comes down to is that each report in the AdWords API is implicitly segmented/grouped by a dimension. For example, the AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT will give you (at least) one row per ad, the ADGROUP_PERFORMANCE_REPORT will give you one row per ad group

Oauth2 with Test Service Account

2015-08-14 Thread nick . horatiu
I am trying to retrieve campaign data using a test adwords service account via the Java client library. Despite being able to obtain a refresh token the actual call to the CampaignService class throws exception with error code: [AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER @ ; trigger:''] My setup is the

How to create an ad group or criterion with the AUTO BIDDING strategy???

2015-08-14 Thread Harutyun Sardaryan
Hi. Does anybody know how to define the bidding strategy as Google Ads's AUTO BIDDING when create an Ad Group or Criterion?? Previously I have used the bidding strategy as CPC or CPM, by passing to the biddingStrategyConfiguration an objects of type CpcBid or CpmBid . So how to define an auto b


2015-08-14 Thread Kio Mat
Отправил Вам детали четверг, 13 августа 2015 г., 18:39:14 UTC+3 пользователь Danial Klimkin написал: > > Добрый день, > > > Пришлите, пожалуйста, полный лог запроса на создание и полный ответ > сервера по email (Reply to author справа). > > Если не было ошибки, поля должны использоваться. > > >

lastChangeTimestamp in CustomerSyncService interpretation

2015-08-14 Thread Chirag
Hello All, If I got lastChangeTimestamp in CustomerSyncService as *20150814 011235 PST8PDT * Should I consider same as *2015-08-14 01:12:35 GMT - 8?* Is lastChangeTimestamp always be in *PST8PDT? or* It should be in* different zone account wise?* There is no documentation there to explain

Re: Alternative to targettingideaservice placement ideatype

2015-08-14 Thread Chirag
Hello Josh, It's been 5 month since this is required. Any hope to get update on this service? Thanks, On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:14:31 UTC+5:30, Chirag wrote: > > Hello All, > > Since ideatype : placement is depricated from v201409, Is there any > alternative to have Placement Idea type res