I am trying to retrieve campaign data using a test adwords service account 
via the Java client library. Despite being able to obtain a refresh token 
the actual call to the CampaignService class throws exception with error 

[AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER @ ; trigger:'<null>']

My setup is the following:

1. I have a production MCC Account set on prod_mcc_em...@domain.com. On 
this account, from Google Developer Console, I have created a new project 
and then requested a developer token for this account which is currently in 
status "Pending approval". I created a new Client ID from Google Developer 
Console > API & auth > Credentials > OAuth2 and specified "Service Account" 
for its type.  

2. I have created a secondary test MCC Account on 
test_mcc_em...@domain.com. Just like before I created a new project from 
Google Developer Console and created a new Client ID and selected the 
Service Account Type. In Google Adwords page, under Accounts, I've added a 
new test AdWords account under the test MCC account. This test AdWords 
account does not have its own email (as does the test MCC Account) but is 
linked under the test MCC account. 

3. I have added a dummy campaign for the test AdWords account (the one 
linked under the test MCC account).

4. I have downloaded the private key file for the test MCC Account.

The code that I am using to get the refresh Token is this:

      GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()

      return credential;

The refresh token is retrieved with no errors (I can't tell though whether 
it's indeed the correct refresh token).

With this refresh token I'm running the following code to retrieve the 
       AdWordsSession session = new AdWordsSession.Builder()

      AdWordsServices adWordsServices = new AdWordsServices();
      CampaignServiceInterface campaignService = 
adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignServiceInterface.class);

      // Create selector.
      Selector selector = new Selector();
      selector.setFields(new String[] {"Id", "Name"});

      // Get all campaigns.
      CampaignPage page = campaignService.get(selector);

The last line, however throws the exception which I've mentioned:

Exception in thread "main" AxisFault
 faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server
 faultString: [AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER @ ; trigger:'&lt;null&gt;']
@ ; 

[AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER @ ; trigger:'<null>']

One variation which I have tried is to create a third AdWords account, 
which has an email address (test_adwords_em...@domain.com) associated to 
it, link it under the test MCC Account, and change the code which creates 
the credential to include the call to 
setServiceAccountUser("test_adwords_em...@domain.com"). In this case the 
call to credential.refreshToken() fails with an error message "401 
Unauthorized". I've also tried using 

I'm not sure what the problem might be, whether there's an issue with the 
way the account hierarchy is structured, whether there's something missing 
from the accounts themselves or whether it's even possible to use a test 
service account to retrieve data. Some help would be greatly appreciated.


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