backups is created daily on tape and this second copy is kept in
the offsite vault as long as the primary copy is maintained.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> Jim Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 28/03/2001 3:18:32 >>>
Hi everyone
period, then DRM will "forget" that it owns those dbbackups and they
will never be recalled.
Could this explain some of your trouble?
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> "Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 31/03/2001
Hi All,
I'm attempting to move TSM from being a point backup solution for a particular
application to an enterprise solution, in an environment where the customer is king
(and thinks he knows it all).
As most application owners are used to individual tape dumps, I'm getting a lot of
o what you want, but may
not be suitable for very large backups.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane, Australia
>>> ABDULSALAM ABDULLA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/04/2001 14:30:00 >>>
I think I did ask this question once back, but didn't r
ODM at 2.1 and put them back at 3.1. The question is what are
the appropriate bits?
Any AIX experts with good ODM knowledge out there?
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
software installations
>are kept there.
> I really think that this process can be made to work if I could just save the
>appropriate bits of the ODM at 2.1 and put them back at 3.1. The question is what
>are the appropriate bits?
> Any AIX experts with good ODM knowledge out there?
> Regards
> Steve Harris
> AIX and ADSM Admin
> Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
anyone use such a scheme?
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 25/04/2001 6:44:00 >>>
>Archived copies of files have their expiration date set upon the file being
>archived based on current date pl
that you should be exploring if your window is
really that tight.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> "Dearman, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 28/04/2001 3:42:19 >>>
The amount of data is the same everday 500GB fu
minute for the command to start and then change it back with
chitab "$(lsitab label | sed s/respawn/once/)"
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> "Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/05/2001 7:27:20 >>>
For al
Can anyone tell me how many fibre ports there are on a 3590 with the fibre attachment?
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
Since the 3494 has already read the barcodes in order to place the tape in the insert
category, you could try checkl=no with no impact.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> "Ilja G. Coolen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/05/2001 16:
ld like to make it as static as possible to ease the maintenance burden.
Those of you who see many TSM sites in the course of your work will have particular
things that you would like documented that seldom are.
What tips can you give me.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
;t think of anything.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> Toni Banire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 16/05/2001 20:11:24 >>>
Does anyone know if there is a way I can get TSM to not ask for a
re-boot after an install on an NT Serv
ad tapes into a drive
that it cannot access.
Thanks for your opinions
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health.
exist should produce an error?
Steve Harris
ADSM and AIX Administrator
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
Check your environment variables.
>>> Juan Carlos Venegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/06/2001 0:13:22 >>>
I have a problem with recover of data base Oracle, i'm use EBU with
TSM (TDP for Oracle), the environment and version are:
*Server TSM:
AIX V. 432
TSM Server
AIX V.43
they could have gotten into this state? Is there a 3494 log I can look
I opened and closed the IO port and checked them all in again, and all now seems
AIX is 4.3.2
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM (TSM is in testing!) Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
use the sequence
Run a backup stg of all diskpools to tape
Run a backup stg of all tapepools to tape
then run the migrate.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin (TSM in testing!!!)
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
use the sequence
Run a backup stg of all
with knowledge comment on TSM database access patterns? If these are often sequential
event the DB might be better off on JBOD disk.
OK. so once you've got your data placement organized, run your test again.
If its still unacceptable, check the archives for tips about database buffering.
certified units, is
>a big question for IBM, particularly given all the problems that
>customers have had with the field-upgraded units.)
I've just had a quote to upgrade two B1As to E1As, and its nearly as expensive as
buying new E1As!
That doesn't make sense to me.
Steve Har
y gotcha is the need to update the TSM password on all machines in the cluster. I
do this by copying the dsm.opt to /tmp and running dsmc q sess to set the password,
then change password expiry to a long time.
I've got one two node Solaris 2.6 cluster with 10 apps working this way.
3. Parses each log file looking for failures.
Results are emailed to me
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM admin
Queensland Health
Brisbane Australia
>>> "Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21/07/2001 2:12:05 >>>
To all,
I'm wondering how others are mon
ge retention by number of versions rather than by
retention period, each selective or backup due to frequency will push the oldest
retained version off the list and it will no longer be available. It will probably
make no difference, but you should be aware.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
caveat in that if you manage retention by number of versions
rather than by retention period, each selective or backup due to frequency
will push the oldest retained version off the list and it will no longer
be available. It will probably make no difference, but you should be
traight to tape. Either
the change the value of this variable or change the maximum size on your storage pool.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> Gisbert Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 28/07/2001 2:11:28 >>>
when we do a backup
Don't forget to set a long password change period.
If you leave it at 30 days, the password will change on the "usual" node, and when you
fail over the password on the failover node will be out of date.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
# This script runs weekly on all AIX machines
# its purpose is to take a dataless backup of all VGs
# this enables them to be easily reallocated in the event of loss
# Steve Harris March 2001
# We'll save them to a local file first
# Clear last weeks stuff
if c
at I could use MTLIB from my
box to do it, but there is lots of politics and several levels of outsourcing involved
here so I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.
If you have any ideas, or know of a better place to ask, please let me know.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
I've got the same problem but yes, they are a B1A to E1A move. Interestingly some
tapes move ok and others don't.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> Joe Faracchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 17/08/2001 9:28:32 >>>
ut as backup and restore
still work it's not that critical.
There was a rumour that adsmpipe would be supplied and supported with V4.
Can anyone confirm or deny whether this has come
to pass?
Steve Harris
The Wesley Hospital, Brisbane Australia
Thomas Deni
You could use adsmpipe and mt to copy the tape contents into a single adsm
archive object, then you have copypools and all the other features that
we've come to know and love.
Steve Harris
The Wesley Hospital, Brisbane Australia
Joachim Linne
What's the media cost?
It seems to me that most midrange tape media are priced by capacity and
cost of the previous generation less a small discount rather than any
relation to the actual cost of production. Does this trend continue with
Steve Harris
n run your ebu restore script using the host keyword of the restore
Don't forget to change back $ORACLE_HOME/obackup/admin/catalog.ebu at the
end of the restore if you need to.
Steve Harris
The Wesley Hospital, Brisbane Australia
was a
spike in the number of files. If you keep accounting data the spike
should show there too.
Steve Harris
The Wesley Hospital, Brisbane Australia
Thomas Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 04/10/2000
Please respond to "ADSM: Dis
h up any missed entries.
Talk to your people about it.
Steve Harris
The Wesley Hospital, Brisbane Australia.
Tab Trepagnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 11/10/2000
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PR
pool philosophy? It really bugs me that an
ADSM tape might be a DBbackup, node export or scratch and a q vol will
return a "not known" error code.
Steve Harris
The Wesley Hospital, Brisbane Australia
"Tyree, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.M
This looks like a case for Oracle RMAN incremental and differential
backups. Check the Oracle doc. As your documents won't change much, you
might be able to get away with full backup one weekend in 4, differential
other weekends, incremental nightly or something similar.
Steve Harris
disk files, the
copypool reclaim is a tape to tape operation.
Steve Harris
The Wesley Hospital, Brisbane Australia
rh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 25/10/2000 04:24:30
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTEC
Don't forget that a selective is another version and can push a changed version off
the back off the queue if you have a limited verexists in your backup copy group
Steve Harris
Unix, ADSM Contractor
Queensland Health
>>> "MC Matt Cooper (2838)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Steve Harris
AIX/ADSM Admin Contractor
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> Paul Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/21/00 02:24pm >>>
We are in the process of creating offsite copypools for DR purposes. We are
constrained with the number of tape drives and the
Use standard unix
echo "y" | ebutool -db_name=db -purgejobs=5
>>> David Longo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/12/2000 1:30:52 >>>
I have TSM server and a client with Oracle database 7.3.4 with Ebutool To delete old data we have to manually enter command:
ebutool -db_name=d
t;, parms=""
This is the only error message I've been able to find, which I surise indicates that
we aren't even getting to the TDP code.
Any suggestions gratefully received
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin Contractor
Queenslan Health, Brisbane Australia
Thanks for the reply Thiha,
I retried the make and this time it worked. Obviously I was doing something wrong the
first time, but I have no idea what.
>> Thiha Than <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/12/2000 3:04:29 >>>
>>If the TDPO manual says libobk.a for Solaris, it's the problem with the
look at the info for MOVE MEDIA in the Admin Guide
>>> ameerul madzali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/12/2000 13:53:09 >>>
Hi all,
i have a TSM on Aix 4.3.3 attached to a Magstar MP3570 C01 (1
There are 19 slots for the tapes. Lets say there are 5 of the tapes which
are marked
r from anyone with a working Bare metal procedure for Solaris.
I'm aware of TKG's offerings but they aren't possible in this environment. Also be
gentle with me as I'm an AIX person adrift in a Solaris sea .
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Administrator
Queensland Heath, B
Hi All,
Is there a discussion list similar to this one for IBM 3494 tape libraries in general,
ather than just ADSM related queries?
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Qheensland Health, Brisbane Australia
. This ensures that the data is readable and that the
source tape is physically located once in a while.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> sekar n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 20/12/2000 0:29:51 >>>
I think throughput, in gene
This "once a month snapshot" idea is a hangover from old manual tape handling
The user attitude is that they want exactly the same functionality that they had,
whether or not it is needed.
I'm still fighting the good fight on this one, but one way to handle this is to set
retonly to
You are right effectively some data has expired.
the tape was being filled with an aggregate, i.e a bunch of files that are stored as
one unit.
As the aggregate couldn't fit on the tape, it was logically expired and then placed on
the next tape
Steve Harris
AIX and
important fo future versions
monitor that one, not ADSM-L, and it has been very quiet of late.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> Doug Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/01/2001 5:30:05 >>>
I have successfully connected to a
Did someone run a delete volhist ? Perhaps for some other record type and forgetting
the type parameter, which defaults to ALL?
>>> Shekhar Dhotre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/01/2001 0:30:19 >>>
Hi all,
I have set retention of one week on TSM Database volumes,
for some reason I am not getting
s the
type of option, the scope of the option (archive, all, etc.), and the
name of the source file. This command is valid for all UNIX, all
Windows, and NetWare clients. See publications for these platforms
for more information.
Your prayers have been answered
Steve Harris
Hi Ray,
This dsm.sys is from a test solaris box that has multiple clients Client version is
server is aix
identical copies of this dsm.sys reside on two boxes (qhsu007 and 8) that are Veritas
and the application acc-ora-ottr and its IP address swap between them.
hrough how to do this and what authorities are necessary?
Client is 4.1.2 talking to server, and I want to use web client as well as
server-scheduled backups
Many thanks
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Both a drive microcode update and a library update are needed to handle 3570 C XL
(7GB) tapes.
Have you applied these?
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Administrator
Queensland Health,
Brisbane Australia
>>> Miles Purdy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 24/01/2001 0:26:56 >>>
m.dsk and other appropriate files copied
from the old machine, and bring up the server
If external disk is too hard, a database backup and restore should work too.
export/import of nodes is only needed when the new server is on a different platform.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM admin
Queensland H
officially, is it likely that TDPO will work with 8.1.7? Has
anyone tried?
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
er just to encrypt the password on the other machine in the cluster - which is
not acceptable in a production environment.
Is anyone aware of any way around this limitation?
Client Solaris 2.6
Server AIX 4.3.2
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Adminstrator
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
le schedules for a node? IE a
daily, monthly and an annual. I like to set it up so each has a different
management class and I'm trying to figure out how to do it without using a
different nodename for each.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
could set up a three level hierarchy
disk-> 3575 -> something slow
to get the best of both worlds
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> Miles Purdy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/02/2001 4:54:16 >>>
Hi LuAnn,
we are also in the exact s
eds to be restored
immediately and maybe have some canned macro to do this in the heat of an emergency.
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
ouble, the
OS choice should be immaterial.
There seems to be a marketing opportunity here for a bundled OS and TSM server Combo
to run on a low cost box..
Has anyone heard any whispers about TSM under AIX 5L on Intel? That would be a mighty
combination .
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
In My TSM 3.7 Manual set in the Admin Guide Chapter 18 Monitoring the TSM server
there is a section on logging TSM events to receivers and a subsection on Logging
Events to the Tivoli Event Console
Is that what you are looking for?
Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health
a max day retention period. Anything
Thanks Gang
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
This e-mail, including any attachments sent with it, is confidential
and for the sole
Why would you buy a new library?
Expand the 3494 with extra frames, and add more drives in those frames. More than one
server can share a 3494, and it would take a mighty workload to make the robot run out
of puff.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
ec1. This should normally do nothing. If it
doesn't investigate why.
Run a database backup to tape
Manage off-siting of secondary copies with home-grown scripts, the DRM component of
TSM or the Autovault product.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Austr
Hi Jack.
I was in the fortunate position of having lots of tapes and lots of slots so I
increased my reclaim percentages from 50 to 80.
After three months, things have now stabilized and I get the same effects as I did
before with much less effort. When a reclaim does run I really do get some
at this command will be run
every time you run a schedule against the node!!
Bill Boyer
DSS, Inc.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Steve Harris
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: Backing Up Ora
long password expiry period.
What I'm thinking is that the password for the *administrative user* for the node is
expiring, but I haven't yet been able to sit down for long enough to figure out some
tests to prove or disprove this.
Ideas are welcome.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
like that for some of our
own sites, but the smaller sites are mainly netware only and they didn't want the
hassle of an NT box just to do backups.
Of course this requires DRM on each server, but if you buy enough licences I'm sure
you'll get some sort of discount.
Steve Har
script or two to do this stuff.
I'd also like to check my specifications against reality so that if the admins add
another filesystem, for example, I'm alerted to that fact.
Can you please share how you do this at your site?
Many thanks.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Bill and Paul thanks for the input.
The full requirement is for a full monthly backup kept 13 months and a yearly snapshot
that is to be kept indefinitely.
I did an analysis of 4 options using my current production servers and data volumes
Monthly archive,
Monthly incremental to "monthly" node
The tail is wagging the dog here.
They can specify what they want backed up and when, and you deliver it in whatever
manner you see fit. They should have no say in how.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin,
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 29/06/
t retention.
That may be so in commerce, but in government, the main objective is to not get your
butt kicked. In one sense money has nothing to do with it, once the expenditure has
been approved. So the padding is very thick.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin,
Queensland Health, Brisbane Aus
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 16/07/2002 6:34:33 >>>
Our TSM-servers are sending messages to TEC (if necessary) and most of the
time it works great, but sometimes certain (random) messages are logged in
the Activi
You are getting the runaround.
Our Solaris admins use this script on solaris 2.6 to determine NIC settings. The key
command is ndd -get.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
## Loop through each class of interface
echo "&qu
The way to manage a full library is to use the move media command. This will mark the
tapes as out of the library and optionally record where they are.
Take a look at the admin guide section on managing a full library.
Ring me if you get stuck
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
There's a stat of cumulative log consumption that can be seen with Q LOG F=D, and can
I'm not sure how this works in normal mode - I use rollforward - but it might be worth
a look.
Let us know how it turns out.
Steve Harris
AIX and
ne else seen it?
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
This e-mail, including any attachments sent with it, is confidential
and for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Thi
thers sit idle. )
It can also improve efficiency of non-tape resources - like diskpools.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 28/07/2002 1:53:12 >>>
This may be a math problem. How much data are you trying to send over
Hi Guillaume
RENAME FILESPACE may help here
Rename the new filespace to some "temporary" name
Rename the old filespace to the new name
Run incremental backup
After a suitable period, delete the "temporary" filespace.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
sy and
The only downside is that TSM-A has its derriere exposed to a single tape failure,
although any data should be available from TSM-B if required.
I think that one is about $0.04 worth
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Systems Admin
Process 1833 for EXPORT NODE running in the
BACKGROUND processed 94915 items for a total of
13,265,207,444 bytes with a completion state of SUCCESS
at 08:43:28.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
ta as necessary
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health
Brisbane Australia.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 28/08/2002 2:44:27 >>>
Hi All;
This may seem like an obvious question, but for some reason I'm having some trouble
with it. The way this system was setup Tivo
rcise and ease or difficulty
of licence mangement was a huge issue amongst the admins at various levels in the
organization, for several different products. At that time TSM had a big plus because
managment was easy. It is no longer.
, either expand the TSM database to the
required size to accomodate archives, or do a monthly export of active data, or a
monthly backupset of each node, or set up a new node that gets backed up monthly.
See the archives at This is probably our most frequent issue.
Steve Harris
onnnection of you so desire.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/09/2002 22:44:06 >>>
In the long run, we are attempting to quantify exactly how "busy" our
ATLs/drives are over time for a number of r
Robin suggests periodic full backups by changing the mode.
A less intensive approach is to run selectives over parts of of your node every day,
so that over a week/fortnight/ month you will have backed up everything at least once.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
ith this Snap backup functionality? any gotchas? Do you
use the normal incremental backups successfully? what about images?
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin,
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
This e-mail, including
unOS 1
xxsu010 SunOS 1
xxsu012 SunOS 1
xxsu013 SunOS 1
xxsu014 SunOS 4
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
This e-mail, inclu
Hi Anthony,
I'm assuming that this filesystem needs to be online all the time. Are you mirrored,
and can you do an AIX Split mirror backup?
If so, split the mirror, change the lv type to something other than JFS and do an
image backup. I've not tried this, but it should work.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
This e-mail, including any attachments sent with it, is confidential
and for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). This confidentiality
is not waived or
our region. There may be problems with your client retention
policies, with Database backup processing, with obsolete filespaces that need to be
deleted or any number of other things, more than we can help you with on this list.
Good luck.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin,
Queensland Health, Br
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 27/09/2002 4:57:27 >>>
Has anyone tried to script a BMR solution for NT or AIX using tsm. Everyone
keeps saying the Bare Metal Restore is just a bunch of scripts that access
TSM but has anyone tried create those
d would be handy.
Now such disk subsystems aren't cheap, but compared to Enterprise class EMC or IBM
arrays they are peanuts and sequential backup pool performance won't be much of an
I know people have talked about this sort of thing on the list before. Is anybody
doing it?
your reclaim should work.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/10/2002 15:07:43 >>>
Hi All,
I have a big problem here. Help requested.
I have a 3583 LTO library with 2 drives. TSM Server v4.2 on AIX.
I have been
econds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?: Yes
Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed: 053ABS
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 03/02/02 22:56:10
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Thanks in advance
Steve H
ive to buy
and upgrade.
Have you thought of going with a slower and perhaps cheaper library as a tertiary
store and keeping your 3575 as a secondary store? What the hey, use a 3494 as your
tertiary store and still keep the 3575!
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Aust
Is anyone out there using a 3494 attached to an AS400/Iseries?
I'm having trouble getting the SNA Comms to work. According to my IBM source someone
in The Netherlands has the same problem too.
Please reply direct if you think you can help.
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM admin
And, they keep putting funky new things there with every release
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Guy
Queensland Health
Brisbane, Australia
>>> "Prather, Wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 15/02/2002 5:21:28 >>>
Paul! I didn't know you were one of "us" !
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