Since the 3494 has already read the barcodes in order to place the tape in the insert 
category, you could try checkl=no with no impact.

Steve Harris
AIX and ADSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia

>>> "Ilja G. Coolen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/05/2001 16:39:25 >>>
Hi all,

Almost everyone is right, but it needs to be mentioned that checkin using
barcode only works on libraries that are scsi controled (LIBTYPE=SCSI). If
you use ATLDD (Automatic Tape Library Device Driver)(LIBTYPE=349X) using a
network connection this feature will not work.

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Namens 
Dearman, Richard
Verzonden: woensdag 2 mei 2001 18:44
Onderwerp: 3494 checkin command

Anyone know the command on a 3494 library to checkin volumes using the
barcode only.  I added 300 new tape to my library and it wants to mount each
one instead of just using the barcode.   What is the typical command you
guys use to check in new scratch tape on a 3494.

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