
I use an appropriate postshedulecommand to ftp or scp the dsmched.log files from each 
node back to a central directory.

Once daily I run a perl script that makes three checks

1. q event
2. Is there a log file from this node for today (I only have one node that doesn't 
back up daily)
3. Parses each log file looking for failures.

Results are emailed to me


Steve Harris
AIX and TSM admin
Queensland Health
Brisbane Australia

>>> "Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21/07/2001 2:12:05 >>>
To all,

I'm wondering how others are monitoring their nightly backups for
completion. Currently our operations people use the web interface to monitor
backups. I've been asked to find a way to help work this out so information
is fed somewhere from somewhere automatically. I am not a programmer or dba
so my expertise is limited, actually probably non existent, as it relates to
making this happen on my own.

Do any of you have some suggestions as to how to make this work? Can you
pass along any scripts that would help me? Would this be done from the TSM
server and sent out or is it possible to run this from one computer by
pulling the data from TSM and sending it to a different computer?

If I have to re-invent the wheel it probably won't come out round.....

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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