Re: Root/Amin Privilege

2001-03-19 Thread Alex Paschal
kill server. I think you can start the server under any ID you like and it'll still work. If not, they can provide a script to start the server under root. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but if there is something else, it should be pretty easy to address. Al

Re: Root/Amin Privilege

2001-03-20 Thread Alex Paschal
t. O:) Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Thomas Denier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 9:32 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Root/Amin Privilege > My management has directed the move of

Re: Define Drive

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Paschal
.7 Admin Guide, page 53. Of course, this assumes the drive is already Available to AIX. Er... Or whatever OS you're using. define library manual8mm libtype=manual define drive manual8mm drive01 device=/dev/mt1 define drive manual8mm drive02 device=/dev/mt2 Good luck, Alex Paschal Storage A

Re: Confusion with retention values.

2001-03-31 Thread Alex Paschal
it works? If it works the way I think it should, that could account for why Patrick is seeing files stay around longer than his 90 days. Thanks, Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Andy Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: very few tapes expiring

2001-04-11 Thread Alex Paschal
Can we get some Q STG F=D, Q SCHED T=A, Q VOL F=D, Q DEVC, and Q DRM output for some effected tapes and tape pools? Alex -Original Message- From: MC Matt Cooper (2838) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 8:47 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: very few tapes exp

Re: finding unused mgmt classes - why didn't this work?

2001-04-17 Thread Alex Paschal
The following select statement might be a way to find out what you wish to know. However, it'll probably take a while to run. select domain_name, class_name from mgmtclasses where class_name not in (select distinct(class_name) from archives) Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner

Re: Anyone have any SQL ideas for these stats?

2001-04-25 Thread Alex Paschal
f you need to automate it, this may be doable with SQL and it'd definitely be doable with AWK, and PERL. Maybe SED. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: paul baines [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, April

Re: What needs to be done - HP TCP/IP tuning when converting from ATM the GB ethernet

2001-04-26 Thread Alex Paschal
If your network people are anything like mine, they might still blame it on clientside architecture/load. Try using TTCP or WinTTCP to test your throughput. You can set it to throw packets at your discard port. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail

Re: Reducing/compressing the database

2001-04-26 Thread Alex Paschal
that was amusing. In the 4.1 Admin Ref, it's documented in Appendix A. An argument can be made as to whether the documentation is complete, but that's what user feedback is for. And no, I didn't spend a lot of time on searching. The Search function in Acrobat is pretty handy. Alex

Re: ANS0106E ReadIndex 1497 and 15647 message index not found

2001-04-26 Thread Alex Paschal
an old copy. If the problem continues, see your system administrator for further help. It looks like a mismatch between your version and your message file. You might try uninstalling and reinstalling the client or calling support. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745

Re: Can I send one file to two pools?

2001-05-01 Thread Alex Paschal
rhead you would normally expect from making two copies. Does anybody know of a way to get ADSM (or even just AIX) to do that? Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Joe Faracchio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01,

Re: DISK reclamation?

2001-05-03 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, Jack. There's a FAQ at Richard Sims's site, There's a searchable archive at Alex -Original Message- From: Jack McKinney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 3:28 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: DISK r

Re: Several questions

2001-05-07 Thread Alex Paschal
I read B) and a thought popped to mind that made me laugh. I thought I'd share. rexec host1 /usr/bin/dsmc inc rexec host2 /usr/bin/dsmc inc rexec host3 /usr/bin/dsmc inc Alex "Anything's possible with enough effort" Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC -Original Message- Fro

Re: Newbie Concern on Restore Times

2001-05-08 Thread Alex Paschal
definitely slower on the restore than the full/inc/inc backup schemes, but in a stable production environment where you don't have to recover servers every other week, the automation and ease of management definitely outweighs the slower server recovery of TSM. IMHO, anyway. Alex Paschal St

Re: Multiple TSM* Servers On Same Machine

2001-05-09 Thread Alex Paschal
Has anybody investigated splitting and running two servers on the same box to make that dump and load db process faster for each db? -Original Message- From: Lindsay Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 10:22 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Multiple TSM* S

Re: AIX Help

2001-05-09 Thread Alex Paschal
Richard, from your command, I see you're redirecting your standard error. I've seen instances where a nohupped process would die if standard out wasn't redirected. You might try nohup dsmc sched >/dev/null 2>&1 & Alex -Original Message- From: Dearman, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Re: Excessive Read Errors on LTO

2001-05-17 Thread Alex Paschal
SCSI Bench Reference ENDL Publications ISBN 1879936305 You might also like to take a look at the SCSI Tutor ENDL Publications ISBN 1879936089 I don't have either one, but they've been recommended to me. One of these days, I'll try to get management to spring for 'em.

Re: The TSM FAQ needs your help

2001-05-29 Thread Alex Paschal
Basically, if you have one large schedule for lots of clients and you're in polling mode, you don't want to slam your server with 500 simultaneous sessions. Randomization lets the sessions start scattered randomly across the first n% of the schedule. Of course, if you have few clients per server

Re: The TSM FAQ needs your help

2001-05-30 Thread Alex Paschal
Angela, in the environments you're talking about, you're absolutely right. Where you're not resource bound, yes, by all means, utilize those resources. In fact, my SPs are prompted, and the ATM attached servers, but my workstations are polling to take advantage of the randomization. I, and I doub

Re: Backup & Restore time

2001-06-07 Thread Alex Paschal
A lot of the decrease in speed you're running into probably has to do with TSM database and OS filesystem overhead. As you're not doing incremental backups, tar'ing all your filesystems and backing up just the tar files might help with your times. Alex -Original Message- From: Praveen K

Re: adsm 3.1 test

2001-06-14 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi. I've done this about 20 times in the last week, except I'm using alt_disk_installs and mksysb's to disk. Define a file devclass, then backup db type=full devc=fileclass vol=/mydir/filename. Then, on your test box, mount mydir and copy your devconfig (or simply ftp it if you have disk space)

Re: Full Disk Buffer Stopping a Backup.

2001-06-15 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, Bill. I believe the migration destination you're talking about is the destination for HSM migrated files. I think the following might accomplish your goal. upd stgpool diskpool next="" (run your backup) upd stgpool diskpool next=tapepool upd mig thresholds to start migration Thanks, Alex

Re: Problem with moving node

2001-06-15 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi. As soon as the old management class was no longer accessible to the node, those files were bound to the default mgmtclass on the next backup. If you want to associate them with a non-default management class, you'll need to edit your include/exclude list and add a binding to the desired manag

Re: Reclamation of COPY-POOL-Volumes

2001-06-22 Thread Alex Paschal
For collocated pools, if there are available scratch tapes, a single node is assigned to a tape. Only when you no longer have available scratch tapes does TSM start "stacking" nodes on a tape. If you want to minimize tapes in your copypool, I would suggest either not collocating or setting a low

Re: What volume is my backup on, at time of restore?

2001-06-25 Thread Alex Paschal
I don't think that information is actually available. If you take a look at the CONTENTS table, it'll tell you what files live on a volume. However, it doesn't give you a way to map the file to the correct _version_ of the file you wish to restore. Can anyone look and see if they might have add

Re: Archive Question

2001-07-17 Thread Alex Paschal
Bill, Could you give us the snippet of your activity log that you're looking at, and point out the number that fluctuates? If, as I suspect, you're looking at the "bytes transferred" number, that number can definitely fluctuate based on retries, network-related retransmitions, etc. Have you loo

Re: Archive Question

2001-07-17 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, Bill. The Total Bytes Transfered statistic isn't actually incorrect; it's just a different statistic than what you're looking for. It just tells how much data was sent over the network. For example, if a 500MB file is half transfered, 250MB, then the file is updated, it starts over, resulti

Re: Automated monitoring of backup

2001-07-20 Thread Alex Paschal
p_end < (current_timestamp-(2 days)) or backup_end < backup_start or some variation? This would let you know if a backup fails on a node even if the client event completed. It'll also let you know if someone removed filespaces from the domain or something similar. Alex Paschal Stora

Re: Considerable difference in copy pool size and onsite ( 357pool ) si ze

2001-07-27 Thread Alex Paschal
Joe, The q stg shows the estimated capacity of the stgpools based on estimated maximum capacity of the media defined in the devclass and the number of possible scratch volumes. There's more exact data on that in the Admin Guide. To find the real amount of data in your stgpools, you should proba

Re: List of commands?

2001-07-27 Thread Alex Paschal
Or from your WEB command line, type HELP. Alex -Original Message- From: Matthew Large [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:01 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: List of commands? Hi Francisco, You could start with the TSM Admin Reference for your level (3.7,

Re: Tape volume list ?

2001-07-27 Thread Alex Paschal
This is actually a good way to do things. Your volume use stats in TSM are discarded when a volume is set back to scratch, but if it's defined to a stgpool, you can track its number of usages, number of errors, etc., over time. Alex -Original Message- From: David Longo [mailto:[EMAIL PR

Updated Last Access Times - NT client/McAfee/Outbound files

2001-07-30 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, everybody. We're experiencing a situation where the Last Access times on the fileserver are updated for a huge number of files, about half the data on the server. Windows: NT4 SP6 Server: AIX TSM Client: NT TSM McAfee: Server version 4.5 Filescan: Outbound files enabl

Updated Last Access Times - NT client/McAfee/Outbound files

2001-07-31 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, everybody. We're experiencing a situation where the Last Access times on the fileserver are updated for a huge number of files, about half the data on the server. Server: AIX 4.3.3 TSM Client: NT4 SP6 TSM McAfee: Server version 4.5 Filescan: Outbound files enabled (I

Re: Updated Last Access Times - NT client/McAfee/Outbound files

2001-08-01 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, Richard. That was a piece of information that I didn't include. That's funny, seeing as how it's the crux of the problem. Sorry about that. What I am experiencing on my fileserver is that 3 million files (75%) have last access times that coincide with the backup window. Only about 50,000

Re: Move DRM question

2001-08-01 Thread Alex Paschal
Fred, It looks like the shell is eating your quotes. You might try cmd=\"checkin libvol tsmlib &vol devt=3590 stat=scratch\" Alex -Original Message- From: Fred Johanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 10:48 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Move DRM que

Re: Stop/Restart Scheduler on NT Client

2001-08-02 Thread Alex Paschal
Or, if you don't have access to stop/start services on the client, or you don't have the reskit, you could create a batch file with the following lines: net stop "ADSM Central Scheduler Service" net start "ADSM Central Scheduler Service" Or whatever your service name would be. Create a script

Re: vaulting problem

2001-08-03 Thread Alex Paschal
Here's a little bit of code to get you started. Alex #!/bin/ksh # # This is a simple script to process vault slotting for ADSM DR Media # The slot file has to be generated first, and looks something like # # A001 -Empty # A002 -Empty # # #set -x function usage { print print "

Re: dsmc: same vs. different node, root vs. non-root user...

2001-08-13 Thread Alex Paschal
When you have access to the node's password, TSM assumes you're the authorized backup person for the node, which is why you can see everything when you use the VirtualNodeName option and plug in the password. As root, obviously you have access to all the files, so you can see them then, also. A

Re: dsmc: same vs. different node, root vs. non-root user...

2001-08-13 Thread Alex Paschal
helps. Alex -Original Message- From: Jack McKinney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 12:19 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: dsmc: same vs. different node, root vs. non-root user... Big Brother tells me that Alex Paschal wrote: > When you have access to the n

Re: Disaster Recovery - Question

2001-08-15 Thread Alex Paschal
Well, I've never had the resources to try this, but it might work. Contract for bucket loads of disk at your disaster site, enough to restore your critical nodes' primary pool, and restore the copypool to the diskpool using the maxpr switch to get multiple processes to speed the restore. Noncriti

Re: Another ADSM capacity question

2000-09-20 Thread Alex Paschal
node. The first select statement includes those inactive and deleted files. I hope that helps. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail (503) 745-5091 fax PS: output from HELP Q FI Capacity (MB) Specifies the amount of space, in megabytes, assigned to

Re: Query to know how many days backup or archive is not made .

2000-09-26 Thread Alex Paschal
r your nodename. I hope this answers your question. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail (503) 745-5091 fax -Original Message- From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 10:54 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subjec

Re: Oggetto: Re: Select ??????????

2000-09-27 Thread Alex Paschal
7;Data' I hope this helps. Thanks much, Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail (503) 745-5091 fax -Original Message- From: Pieter Groen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 3:12 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:

Re: Little help

2000-10-02 Thread Alex Paschal
I named it pingalot in the command that follows. #!/usr/bin/ksh while : do ping -c 5 sleep 240 done command: nohup ./pingalot >/dev/null 2>&1 & I hope this helps. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/

Re: SAN support in TSM 4.1

2000-10-02 Thread Alex Paschal
of the LAN. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail (503) 745-5091 fax -Original Message- From: Maria Paz Gimeno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 1:42 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: SAN support in TSM 4.1 I have been r

Re: Capacity figures not quite working out...why?

2000-10-02 Thread Alex Paschal
ething weird like that. You can discount dbbackups if you want to go through the extra step of "dsmadmc q drm", grep and awk for only volsers, cat to alladsmvols, then "sort -un" it before doing the egrep. Good luck. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503)

Re: SAN support in TSM 4.1

2000-10-03 Thread Alex Paschal
ough the net. Will this work if the connection between server and client is through the SAN? Do you have any experience about something similar?. Thanks again Maria - Original Message - From: Alex Paschal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2

Re: Quick SQL syntax question

2000-10-04 Thread Alex Paschal
27;s possible, I would suggest sticking with the q ev and parsing it using Perl or even awk/cut. It'd be easier than trying to figure out which actlog messages mean what as far as the events table goes. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail (503) 745-50

Re: Another AIX question

2000-10-06 Thread Alex Paschal
ck out the AIX Administration self study guide at There are better, more indepth redbooks, but that one covers the basics about as quickly as it can be done. At the very least, download the PDF and read the chapters on the Logical Volume Manager; it helps a lot. Alex Paschal Stor

Re: SAN support in TSM 4.1

2000-10-06 Thread Alex Paschal
a will be transfered via the TCP/IP protocol across the SAN. I hope this helps. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail (503) 745-5091 fax -Original Message- From: Maria Paz Gimeno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 12:36

Re: Help Restoring Windows 2000 Server

2000-10-10 Thread Alex Paschal
You might look at Bare Metal Restore from The Kernel Group. They're at... We've found it's pretty darned slick on AIX. Of course, I haven't tested it with NT/2000 yet, but the documentation says it works. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC

Re: Speaking of auto-replies

2000-10-10 Thread Alex Paschal
ffice. They can turn however gladly on mine colleague Heinz board bretthauer (mailto:bretthauerh@alte or on mine boss refuge Harnischfeger (mailto:harnischfegerh@alte Thank you for your understanding. Andreas rensch P.S. Their Mail was not passed on automatically.

Solution: Re: Autoresponders (and Outlook)

2000-10-10 Thread Alex Paschal
Hello, all you autoresponder fanatics, pro & con. This may actually be an RTFM issue or maybe I'm just sick enough to dream this up and be able to make it work. If you go to the Tools > Out Of Office Assistant, enable AutoReply, then Add Rule, put [EMAIL PROTECTED] for SENT TO, then check the DE

Re: SAN backup and tape drive share with 3494?

2000-10-12 Thread Alex Paschal
You might be able to use this functionality to get that TCP/IP data off of your LAN. Check with your card manufacturer to see if it'll support multiprotocol TCP/IP and SCSI for your OS's. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail (503) 745-5091 fax

Re: SAN backup and tape drive share with 3494?

2000-10-12 Thread Alex Paschal
still using TCP/IP, but the OS and the drivers determine whether those TCP/IP packets from the client will go over the network adapter or the fibre HBA. I hope that helps. Please let us know how it goes. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail (503) 745-5091

Re: SAN backup and tape drive share with 3494?

2000-10-13 Thread Alex Paschal
(or opt), you'd have TCPSERVERADDRESS to point to the TSM server's Fibre HBA. Then when it's sending IP packets to your server's address, it'll have to go across the SAN because that's the only way to get there. Did that help? Alex Paschal Stor

Re: Moving storage pools

2000-10-25 Thread Alex Paschal
"move data", you can just back up the newly populated primary pool to the new backup pool. Hopefully these ideas will save you some typing. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Lawrence Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROT

Re: ADSM messages

2000-10-30 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi. You can find an answer in the searchable archives at: You might also try Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From

Re: Bytes backed up

2000-10-31 Thread Alex Paschal
What exactly is the conflict that you are seeing? bytes transferred (actlog) = 3.45gb field 20 (dsmaccnt) = 3694547000 bytes, or 3694547000B / 1073741824B/GB = 3.44GB I would expect that to be close enough. Is there something else you're seeing? -Original Message- From: Selva, Perpetua


2000-11-06 Thread Alex Paschal
. By the way, the -(1 month) part is due to the fact that I'm running and have to account for the SQL current_timestamp bug. If you're running a different version, you probably won't have that problem. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 p

Re: "Move media" vs. checkout

2000-11-08 Thread Alex Paschal
mount requests. See the "query request" command. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Diana J. Noble [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 1:14 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: "

Re: find a file in tivoli

2000-11-09 Thread Alex Paschal
at.columns, but even that isn't too useful because it's not grouped by tabname. In fact, I just figured out why the document looked familiar. It's exactly the same as the output of the "help select" command from the ADSM Admin command line. Alex Paschal Storage Admini

Re: Column width in "select message from actlog"

2000-11-22 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, Kai. If you're trying to script/parse the output, dsmadmc -id=id -pa=password -comma [out=filename] "select * from actlog" will put everything on a single comma-delimited line which I find is very easy to parse. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503)

Re: problem with TDP for Exchange....

2000-11-30 Thread Alex Paschal
You might also check on processes running on the system. You may have a excdsmc process hanging in the background. If that is the case, if you can't End Task that process, you can use the ResKit utility KILL to kill it using its PID. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC

Re: TSM-SQL-question..

2000-12-01 Thread Alex Paschal
interface at the web site? Thanks, Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Tom Tann{s [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 10:09 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: TSM-SQL-question.. Yes, I know. T

Re: Force removal of email address

2000-12-11 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi. You might try the web interface for the listserv at At the bottom, they have a subscribe/unsubscribe radio button. If that doesn't work, there is an email address for the list owner. You might try emailing him/her. Good luck, Alex Pa

Re: Bare Metal Restore Product fro the Kernel Group

2000-12-12 Thread Alex Paschal
Vice President of Services for TKG, on site during our trials, which undoubtedly helped with the priority of our requests. All in all, I was impressed with the product and with the organization itself. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -O

Re: General *SM database/ IP address question

2000-12-19 Thread Alex Paschal
TSM started storing this information in the adsm.nodes table in version 3.7. This information was not available via the adsm.nodes table in 3.1. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Andy Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

No Subject

2000-12-21 Thread Alex Paschal
Louis, I hope this helps. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail from _Using_the_B/A_Clients_ (Unix), page 38 When an entire directory or directory tree is restored, and the inactive, latest, pick, todate, and fromdateoptions are not specified on the

Re: Question about collocation.

2001-01-26 Thread Alex Paschal
This is correct. The pattern of volume usage for collaction is copied and pasted below (from the 3.7 Admin Guide, page 156-157). You're right about predefined volumes and low or zero maxscratch. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail How the S

Re: Full Recovery Log

2001-01-29 Thread Alex Paschal
using me to run out of recovery log space. My solution was to have them to backup the file over the ATM backbone. The backup then didn't pin the log long enough to fill the log. Good luck, Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message-

Re: Total amount of bytes backed up per day for a node

2001-01-30 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, Dave. I notice you're grouping by End_Time. I'll bet that it's very unlikely for all the filespaces of a node to finish backing up at the same time. What else have you tried grouping by? Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -O

Re: tape mount retention behaviour

2001-02-05 Thread Alex Paschal
that indicates waiting for a mount point. That could account for idle volumes not being dismounted; TSM doesn't know that the External Library Manager is waiting for a mount point. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- Fr

Re: BMR Software

2001-02-13 Thread Alex Paschal
We're using it on AIX clients and planning to use it for Windows clients. It's really slick. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Kleynerman, Arthur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 20

Re: TDP for DB2 documentation

2001-02-21 Thread Alex Paschal
version I have, not everything says "tsm". Good luck. Does anybody know of a handy dandy redbook on UDB backups using TSM? How about DataLinks? Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Talafous, John G. [mailto:[EMA

Re: No future for buta ?

2001-02-23 Thread Alex Paschal
That's a good question. The new version of DFS isn't supported by BUTA either. The TSM client install fails says you should uninstall any previous version of buta. In capital letters. With lots of asterisks. It's very impressive. Is buta going to be updated? Alex

Re: No future for buta ?

2001-02-26 Thread Alex Paschal
rom: Alex Paschal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Re: No future for buta ? >Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 09:58:03 -0800 > >That's a good question. The new version of DFS isn't sup

Fileserver data expiration

2001-03-02 Thread Alex Paschal
program to do it, possibly using the API or piping filenames into DSMC, but I don't want to get into the business of writing/supporting custom software. This feels like it goes a bit beyond the level of 'admin scripting.' I'd like to use this product, if it exists, on both NT a

Re: Activity Log not recording

2002-05-15 Thread Alex Paschal
I don't know, but I've seen a similar situation when auditing a volume where all the files were bad without setting quiet=yes. It got flooded and stopped recording. I halted and restarted the server. I have since started using the dsmulog utility to reduce this exposure. Alex Pasch

Re: Incremental & full backups

2002-05-22 Thread Alex Paschal
Hello. This subject has been covered pretty exhaustively multiple times. You can find the discussions in the list archive at A few searches will probably convince you that you most likely won't need full backups. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC

Re: co question

2002-05-23 Thread Alex Paschal
kept for another 29 days. I hope this helps. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Wholey, Joseph (TGA\MLOL) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 9:37 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: co question

Re: Reset Bufpool

2002-05-23 Thread Alex Paschal
The caveat is that if you're logging your bufferpool stats every half hour before clearing them, that would give you potentially useful information about when your bufferpool is getting hit hard. -Original Message- From: Joshua S. Bassi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2

Re: about DRM

2002-05-29 Thread Alex Paschal
ther with the Full part, it just compares the pct_reclaim. I hope this answers your question. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Burak Demircan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 9:49 PM To: [EMAIL PRO

Re: about DRM

2002-05-30 Thread Alex Paschal
Oops, didn't realize this continued in a AW: about DRM" thread. -Original Message----- From: Alex Paschal Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:44 PM To: 'ADSM: Dist Stor Manager' Subject: RE: about DRM Hi, Burak. The Admin Guide, in Chapter 9, Managing Storage Pools and

Re: Password Expiration Period

2002-06-10 Thread Alex Paschal
That's OK, it's not an issue. I brought this up once, but my management said that people would never think of compromising the backup server to get at the data on a client node. They must know best, right? Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 p

Re: tsm internal design?

2002-06-10 Thread Alex Paschal
./dbvol 5 # cat ./dbvol Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Justin Bleistein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 12:46 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: tsm internal design? Explain what do you mean

Re: restoration of backup copypool volumes?

2002-06-11 Thread Alex Paschal
Hi, Justin. Basically, you just delete that volume. Next time you do a BACKUP STGPOOL PRIMARYPOOL COPYPOOL, it'll back up those files into the copy pool again. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Justin Blei

Re: tsm internal design?

2002-06-12 Thread Alex Paschal
I don't know about the internals documentation, but the dsmfmt command just writes "Eric" over and over again to create a file of the appropriate size. I wonder who Eric is. ./dsmfmt -m -db ./tempdbvol 5 cat tempdbvol Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC

Re: Filespaces, rebinding and scripts.

2002-06-21 Thread Alex Paschal
I think it'll rebind extra versions, but I don't think it'll rebind files that had been deleted. You can check by running the command line client and doing a "query backup" of the filespec you're interested in. It should list the management class of ea

Re: Your advice wanted!

2002-06-26 Thread Alex Paschal
e or media. You could back up your database to disk and ftp it to another machine, or mount remote disk and back up to it, or half a dozen other variations. Good luck. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Maria Waern [mail

Re: Passwordaccess generate failing

2002-06-27 Thread Alex Paschal
re the new encrypted password. You should then be able to do a dsmc sched and it should start right up. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Luscombe John (HS) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 8:00 AM

Re: Connecting with acsls

2002-07-02 Thread Alex Paschal
narrow down the domain of the problem. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Jacque Mergens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 7:51 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Connecting with acsls Yeah, I have

Re: TSM DBBackup

2002-07-08 Thread Alex Paschal
You can do a dbbackup devc=file_class, which will put the dbbackup into a file on disk. The only thing is you'd then have to script a process that somehow backs up that file, or do it manually. Possibilities include: FTP to remote site tar to 4mm tape tar to LTO Personally, I'd rather not run

Re: diskpool performance

2002-07-26 Thread Alex Paschal
nt Wait I/O, I would suggest Disk is not your bottleneck. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Steve Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 9:01 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: diskpool perfor

Re: Communicating with dsmadmc via named pipes

2002-08-09 Thread Alex Paschal
n if redirected. You can see similar behavior with FTP. That's why you'll need the EXPECT module to be able to put in the password. The EXPECT module does weird TTY stuff to be able to handle whatever input the password prompt does use, just like your term tty. Alex Paschal Storage Admini

Re: Incremental Backup (full/partial)

2002-08-09 Thread Alex Paschal
can watch it for a while. There aren't too many servers where no one deletes anything over a period of weeks. If it is always zero, delete or rename a file on that server. If the next backup says expired=0, then there you go. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6

Re: Communicating with dsmadmc via named pipes

2002-08-09 Thread Alex Paschal
No problem. Glad I could help. -Original Message- From: Jurjen Oskam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 1:10 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Communicating with dsmadmc via named pipes On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 10:41:23AM -0700, Alex Paschal wrote: [I

Re: Incremental Backup (full/partial)

2002-08-09 Thread Alex Paschal
is expiring objects. If it is zero, well, that doesn't tell you too much, but you can watch it for a while. There aren't too many servers where no one deletes anything over a period of weeks. If it is always zero, delete or rename a file on that server. If the next backup says

Re: Incremental Backup (full/partial)

2002-08-12 Thread Alex Paschal
ding what is refered to by the manual as a Partial Incmremental Backup. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail >From the TSM 4.2 Admin Guide (AIX), Chapter 12, page 246, Implementing Policies for Client Data > How Tivoli Storage Manager Selects Fi

Re: Incremental Backup (full/partial)

2002-08-12 Thread Alex Paschal
r, Ken Horacek, who at this point doesn't know whether to use the book's terminology or yours to answer the question he has about what he read in the book. Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- From: Mark D. Rodriguez

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