Checkout is when the volume will no longer be managed by the automated
library, ie, volumes going offsite.  If ADSM wants that volume, its mount
request fails.

move media is used to move media to an overflow location, ie, the "tape
room" because you don't have enough room in your library to contain all of
your primary pool volumes.  moved media is different than checked out media
in that ADSM can still ask for moved media to be mounted.  If ADSM wants one
of these volumes, it creates a mount request that shows up on the console
your operators are running to satisfy overflow mount requests.  See the
"query request" command.

Alex Paschal
Storage Administrator
Freightliner, LLC
(503) 745-6850 phone/vmail

-----Original Message-----
From: Diana J. Noble [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 1:14 PM
Subject: "Move media" vs. checkout

I'm looking at moving our copypool tapes offsite.  We are not running
DRM.  I've been reading the archive of this list and it seems some people
use the adsm checkout command and others the Move media command to remove
the tapes from the library for offsite storage.  I've read up on both and
it seems the move media command is the right one for removing the tape from
the library and a checkin command to bring it back in.  Does anyone have
any comments on the checkout versus "move media" command that might help
explain their use?  Am I on the right track thinking the "move media"
command should be used?

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