Just make sure your maxscratch has enough additional tapes for each night's
- Original Message -
From: "bizzorg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: Rman/TSm
> We're getting a Server out of Storage message. We now sen
echo "dsmc schedule 1> /dev/null 2>&" | at now
instead of nohup.
- Original Message -
From: "Brown, Bud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 6:38 AM
Subject: Nohup Scheduler Service.
I am trying to get the scheduler se
I had a similar situation at a customer site with the same brand of tapes.
Some batches went in with no errors, some with many and out of two sets of
500 we had about three that had to be returned (after a number of retries).
- Original Message -
From: "Steve Harris" <[EMA
As documented in 3494 docs, you must use separate category numbers for each
using application/system. Data loss is assured if any use uses the same
category numbers!
- Original Message -
From: "Jim Sporer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 14
Per Tivoli, yes it is with a SANergy MDC (on NT or Sun) and SANergy clients
on all of your TSM clients that you want to have backup to a SAN shared disk
It is documented at
- Original Message ---
a dsmc restore for each
> filesystem and do parallel restores today.
> Bill Smoldt
> STORServer, Inc.
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> ARhoads
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:57 AM
> To: [
If you have the DRM option it is all controlled by the MOVE DRMedia command
using the wherestate and tostate options.
Otherwise you have to script or develop a manual procedure for handling this
- Original Message -
From: "Arthur Hundhammer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
dows boxes, TSM will start
> backup session for each drive..resource depending.
> Bill
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> ARhoads
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:21 AM
don't jump to the wrong conclusion just because everyone is busy doing their
The TDP for Oracle works just fine but there is no TDP for the Linux
platform. Your best alternative may be to backup Oracle live to disk and
then backup that disk with the regular TSM BAC (backup archive
RESOURCEUTILIZATION may suffice but you might want to setup a few unique
node names, one for each table space or set of table spaces, and back them
up separately. This also gets you faster restores since you would have to
restore them the same way you backed them up.
- Origi
You could use private tapes instead of scratch. More trouble but you could
do what you are asking. Maxscratch to zero and allocate all tapes to the
pool as private.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday,
I've configured multiple clients, each with its own DSM.OPT and unique
NODENAME and separate INCLUDE_EXCLUDE files so each node backed-up a unique
portion of the file systems.
- Original Message -
From: "Sascha Askani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: We
No. However if you write scripts to control your server you can hold back a
tape drive when you would want to perform a tape backup...
- Original Message -
From: "Ben V. Nuval" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 4:03 PM
Subject: how to
Since you likely have only one NIC the RESOURCEUTILIZATION parameter is only
as usefull as you have bandwidth to exploit. You can verify this at the
server with Query SEssions while the client is backing-up. You will see
some sessions sending data from the server to the client and some s
Yes, but, SANergy brings in a new problem: you can't use AIX for the server!
You have to use either an NT/2000 or Sun box for the SANergy server. Maybe
TSM 5.1 will add the AIX platform but I wouldn't count on it!
- Original Message -
From: "Henk ten Have" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I don't know what TSM 5.1 will bring but for now you have to either use
Robot/Save (3rd party) or BRMS. Robot/Save will require enough local disk
space to backup the system to disk before it send it to TSM (you might be
able to do some break-down but we couldn't see a way on the particular
Is anyone using this product?
Can you share any information with me as to how effective it is?
How well it integrates with TSM.
Easy/Difficult to keep working.
How much administrative time to keep working (outside of TSM).
I presume you are using your GUI client for the restore: you need to find
the option to see inactive versions of your file and try again!
- Original Message -
From: "Cory Heikel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 7:04 AM
Subject: Urge
nt number of mount points
The only successful operation is labeling tapes, nothing else
-----Original Message-
From: ARhoads [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 4. mars 2002 08:09
Subject: Re: TSM on Win NT, insufficient number of mount points
If you hav
unfortunately it is upto us as TSM admins to manage our mountpoint
utilization. Thus, in the specific situation of clients backing-up straight
to tape, you have to coordinate the scheduling of clients going straight to
tape and control (defeat) automatic uses of tape during those periods.
don't you just create a client schedule in TSM with
> pointing to your shell script that you would normally execute via cron??
> TSM is handling your scheduling for you.
> Bill Boyer
> DSS, Inc.
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Mana
If you have only two tape drives then you probably want your storage pool to
only reference one else you would use both of your tape drives for
Can you get a successful TSM database backup or any other operation to use a
tape drive?
- Original Message -
I use the DB2 SQL docs from the IBM software site. Between the TSM online
help (that shows you available verbs/syntax) & the DB2 docs I can generally
figure out whatever I need. Please remember that TSM is not the best SQL
engine & should not be overused during otherwise busy periods.
the devices.scsi message is quite old and is not typically a problem (as
there is no such device to install). You should review your device specific
and AIX generic upper level drivers to ensure that they are all at the
latest levels.
However, the problem may be so simple as someone forg
The reason I don't recommend this is that your offsites are your disaster
recovery media which will then have even more clients competing for tapes in
a disaster recovery mode.
- Original Message -
From: "Martin, Jon R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tues
How many tape drives do you have? Are they all 'on-line' (q dr).
Have you set a mountlimit='drives' (or # of drives) in your device class?
On your primary disk storage pools you should also manage the number of
migration processes as each will take a tape drive.
- Original Message
But remember that selective causes you to use a version regardless of
weather the file has changed or not. Also, the caching function uses an
algothrithm that removes the oldest data first.
- Original Message -
From: "Richard Cowen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I think the point of the question was to use the administrative command line
- Original Message -
From: "John Monahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Run OS command from inside TSM script?
> You can use an immediate c
db backup (full)
> move drmedia after that...
> etc...
> the scheduler would have to have dependancy ability...
> We use an external scheduler for the administrative functions...
> We use TSMs internal scheduler for scheduling of backup and archives.
> -Original Mes
then you'll have to code at least:
exclude.dir c:\
exclude.dir d:\
If you try that, again pls. advise.
- Original Message -
From: "Burak Demircan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 5:59 AM
Subject: Re: include/exclude for Windows NT
I'd add that you need to consider a safety valve of leaving out 1/2 to 1 gb
of your log space so you have something to add if (when) you do someday run
out of log space. If you run out of log space -in rollforward logging- your
TSM server will stop until you either extend the log (hence the
the issue of 'it won't work' doesn't preclude you from trying it! It
should work since the platforms are both UNIX (handling tape read/write
Otherwise you'd unloaddb to a file and then move the file to the new
platform -- maybe preferable anyway to re-optimize the database...
I'd try:
Domain c:
Exclude *\...\*
Presuming you only want the registry - which I have not tested - and
presuming that you aren't backing up any other files on c: or d:.
Including anything would mean adding exclude.dir commands to exclude the
directory structures from backup.
Please ad
This has been bugging me for a long time as well since it means I have to
use cron to automate the TSM daily processing rather than TSM's own
scheduler for administrative commands. I'd rather schedule TSM daily
processing inside TSM to make it easier for customers to see everything TSM
related fr
Don't shutdown just to use the scripts.smp - just edit the file & remove the
delete script commands and run it as a macro.
- Original Message -
From: "Joerg Pohlmann/CanWest/IBM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Database
At one level of 3.7.x to 3.7.y there was a defect that prevented rmdev
-dl from working on (some) TSM devices.
"Mark S." wrote:
> Shekhar Dhotre wrote:
> >I have experienced this before , upgrade deletes all drive info , and if you
> >try to reconfigure it , using smit tivoli ..you can`t you h
freezing a drive is a new one to me. I'd be concerned that moisture
would condense inside the drive on the disk surfaces.
I've pulled drives and spun them (any smooth, slick - clean - surface),
hard & fast -- being careful not to launch the drive off a table, I'd
recommend using the floor
mber of objects archived: 411,368
> The schedule is to archive c: d: e:
> Thanks and regards
> Gerrit van Zyl
> arhoads wrote:
> > Gerrit,
> >
> > Yes. Archive is not using the Include-Exclude list.
> >
> > Steffan
> >
> &
Yes. Archive is not using the Include-Exclude list.
Gerrit van Zyl wrote:
> Hi all TSM'ers,
> TSM Client on NT
> TSM Server on AIX
> I have the following scenario and hope someone can explain this to me.
> When archiving we get the following:
> 03/11/20
A backupset is the first self-discovery media created by Tivoli: you can
restore any part or all. The clients have been updated to understand
the format of the backupset directly.
Marc Levitan wrote:
> >From my understanding, no. A backupset is a flat file (.ost). It will be
> restored in it
I always recommend the 3494 first. You should consider the double
gripper, 30 slot I/O station and the HA option...
David G Kalenderian wrote:
> Hi.
> We are currently using TSM (formerly known as ADSM) to provide
> backup services for approximately 3,000 desktops. The serve
I'm posting this to the ADSM-L list so that anyone to whom it applies
can gain the benefit ASAP. I get it from an IBM internal/Business
Partner mailing and recieved permission to post it here.
Regards, Steffan
The latest LTO drive microcode (0CE1) provides a
significant performanc
I don't have time to look up the command but try it without the asterisk
Shekhar Dhotre wrote:
> Demetrius
> the given command will delete only one tape at a time .
> I am searching for a command that will delete all copypool tapes in one command
> so the * , in m
While it can be done many of the problems with the TSM scheduler can
cause problems with respawn. Better to add a manual start script that
calls the same script used by inittab so you can quickly restart the
Shekhar Dhotre wrote:
> Add the entry for sched dameon
At the start of the backup session the server sends a list of all
'current' files to the client. If, on the client, the
RESOURCEUTILIZATION parameter is set to a number greater than 2 then the
task of processing the list may be split over a number of processes (and
the task of backing-up
Each file backed-up requires a database update to record the backup. If
each file is large the transaction rate is slower than if each file is
small due to the time it takes to send the file to TSM.
The only optimization is to tune the database & logs by spreading the
load across multipl
Look for the parameter 'RESOURCEUTILIZATION' in the dsm.sys file. If
it's there start reducing the number. Remember to restart the
James Thompson wrote:
> Sorry for not responding earlier. Been rather busy.
> Just to clear a few things up. This machine does not
I don't believe there is any way to control where in the library the
tapes are stored, at least from TSM.
I'd like some info on your configuration if you wouldn't mind. How are
the tape drives connected: do both servers connect to all drives
(physically)? How many tape drives are on one
It does work that way. If a client is backing up to tape, directly or
not, keeping the mount avoids thrashing.
Joel Fuhrman wrote:
> I thought it always worked this way. At one time I was going to put in a
> request to have two mount retention times. One for when there are no
> pend
I use -commadelimited...
"Talafous, John G." wrote:
> Greetings,
> I run the TSM Administrative Command line interface on Windows. I use
> batch/command files to perform a number of functions. I could use some help
> in formatting the output of the SQL SELECT statement.
> In
so an update drive with online=yes won't do it?
Steven Abrey wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a 3590 drive attached to NT Server with TSM When TSM does
> a automated clean of the drive with the cleaning tape left in the 3590 tape
> unit, we find that the drive is off-line when
update the client's registration parameter maximum number of mount
points to 2.
Rolf Meyer wrote:
> Hello
> I use TSM 4.1.2 on Solaris 8 with BMC SQL Backtrack for Oracle. Trying
> to do a backup of a 300G SAP DB using more than one
> backup stream.
> SQL-BT starts two
go ahead & post it.
Dan Giles wrote:
> F.Y.I.
> There is a perl module for adsm - Adsm.pm by Owen Crow . I just looked through CPAN
> but couldn't find it. It's pretty old, and I had to make a slight modification for
> v3. Also, I haven't tested it yet for TSM v4. It all
There is no mechanism wherein you can take two physical libraries and
make them into one via software. There is no hardware option to combine
two 3570 libraries into one.
3575 libraries can be configured with something like a dozen 3570
Doug McLauchlan wrote:
>Hi a
standard stuff is to try to spread your database and log volumes across
SCSI controllers. Also don't allocate copy2 volumes on the same drives
that copy1 volumes are on. Consider splitting your database to get each
down below 15gb -- something of a threshold number for this product.
Yeah, try having your STK rep update the microcode and consider
upgrading to 4.1.x: it helps to have the most recent updates to counter
problems like you are having.
Raymond Chao wrote:
> Hi,
> We are running ADSM on Aix 4.3.2 with STK 9710 library &
> DLT tap
You can look back in the actlog (if it goes back to the last restart)
and see the server start HTTP: it will show you the success or failure
and the HTTPPort on a success.
Keith Davey wrote:
> Check 'query option' and insure that the http port option is set to 1580.
> If not go the the dsmserv.
have ACL's associated with
> the directories, then the information is kept in the TSM database only.
> Win9x doesn't use the DIRMC.
> Bill Boyer
> DSS, Inc.
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
And this goes along with my understanding which is that DIRMC was
invented solely for the purpose of segregating Novell backups since the
programmer on that client 'for some reason' didn't use the TSM (then
ADSM) database to store the directory structure but put it in the same
location as the file
When you tried the move, audit, and reclaim did you change the access
mode to readonly before each of these commands?
"Barth, Terry V. (MBS)" wrote:
> Hi fellow *MSrs
> I need assistance on this :0)
> We have a tape that receives the following error. I have contacted TSM
> support and they
The upgrade process duration is minimal. The dependency is the size of
your database: the actual database upgrade time is minutes to maybe a
few hours. You can expect it to go smoothly with respect to the level
of customization of your server.
As with any large change make sure that you
1. Go for an *80, whatever you can afford. Disk (SSA) is more important
than RAM. Couldn't justify much more than 256MB on ADSM -- havn't any
evidence for TSM. AIX will use the extra so go for a gig or two...
2. Go for a 3494 with at least 3 (pref. 4) 3590-E1A drives. Too much?
Buy used from
Yes. www.ibm.com
Joyce Woods wrote:
> Hello Everyone:
> Does anyone know where positions are posted for fellow ADSM'ers looking for a
> new job???
> Thanks !
Yes, you could read the data IF you also have a copy of the *SM database
wherein that tape and data was known (ie. not expired).
John Monahan wrote:
> We have been going over our retention policies and came across some legal
> concerns. For this hypothetical situation, imagine a file that has
64 matches
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