We are on 3.7.2 and we see the same "ugly" behavior.
Does anyone know if TSM 4.1 acts the same way?
Kind regards
Thomas Rupp
Vorarlberger Illwerke AG
Hi Annn and Tim
u can also use the undocumented "show systemobject".
here u can c, witch systemobjects r saved.
hope is usefull too
-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Von: Rushforth, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. Februar 2001 16:43
Betreff: Re: Sy
There are three ways to do what you want
Multiple nodenames.
There is no method of doing this with standard TSM backup facilities on a single node
- it is not the TSM way.
That said, it used to be that every defined TSM node cost extra but with Tivoli's
latest pricing meth
Revised post 02/06/01
Below is a compilation of info that has been posted to this list about the
TSM Win32 client.
All available versions of the Win32 client have SUPPORT ISSUES that you must
address carefully to preserve data integrity in your Win2K backups. Some of
these problems also affect
Steffan , Joek,
no, not really.
As I stated originally, previously in I observed the tapes
being dismounted as soon as another request of any kind was pending
regardless of their retention period. And I've observed tapes staying
mounted for the full retention period when there'
I don't know if I'm using EXTERNAL library types. How would I tell?
I have a 3466-C10 that was originally internal (rack) DLT changer (15
We '"down"graded' it to a C00 and bought 3494 w/3590s. Would that be
considered a 'third' party media even though its both IBM?
What diffe
thanks Kent, at least I've verified that I'm not going crazy and
imagining this stuff. IF/WHEN you upgrade to 3.7.x let me know if it
changes behaviour on you.
Better yet let IBM know! :-) ... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Kent J. Monthei w
Its a lot of bother to be changing the mount retention down to zero
willy nilly.
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Joel Fuhrman wrote:
> I'm using ACSLS (STK). When I'm doing something like a simultaneous
> migration of 3 storage pools to 2
Sorry I took so long in reply: have you tried coding this statement in
exclude "dir:*License ID*"
This worked for me:
02/06/2001 13:01:35 ANS1115W File
'.[Root].O=tivoli.NLS:Publisher=Novell+NLS:Product=NetWare 5 Conn
SCL+NLS:Version=510.NLS:License ID=SN:300589192' excluded b
You guys wouldn't have to have the PreNScheduleCmd and PostScheduleCmd
options specified together in the dsm.sys options file?
Demetrius Malbrough
TSM Consultant
-Original Message-
From: Paul Zarnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 3:25 PM
Has anyone else seen this, or have a solution?
Occasionally we see the scheduler freeze up on Unix systems
(Solaris). There are no errors in the scheduler log - the last entry is
just a file which was being backed up. The scheduler process is running,
but not doing anything. We must kill the s
Thanks, John.
Sounds like the same problem, TSM spins it's wheels until you raise the
migration value.
Do you have a problem open with Tivoli? I do - PMR # 20860. I am hoping
if other people that have this problem report it to Tivoli it may help out
on a resolution.
I have ran an AUDIT DB (a
I had this happen with a Lotus Notes node awhile back even after killing its
First stop the scheduler on the node then disable sessions on the server and
then cancel the session. This caused the Notes agent to keep trying to
check in but eventually it gave up. This worked for me.
How about killing the scheduler on that node.
"Denis L'Huillier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 02/06/2001
02:48:22 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can no
Quoting Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >...but Tivoli has removed all the 3.1x code for AIX from the ftp
> site.
> *Which* FTP site? It\'s still on ftp.storsys.ibm.com .
but I was looking in ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/storage/adsm/fixes/v3r1/aix/
I am having problems canceling a backup session. When I cancel the session the
command processes successfully but the session starts over with a new session
I removed the node from the sched. with no help. I am at TSM on AIX
The node is NT running TDP agent for Dom
I am at on AIX 4.3.1. Could not find it on the ftp site either..
As far as I know it is the latest.
Patrick Boutilier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/06/2001 02:02:40 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:(bcc: Denis L'Huillier
Are you using the 'domain all-local nds' statement in you options file. If so that
gives you your netware directory structure backup, of which you only need one for the
tree. Of course, if you are referring to the physical directories within the netware
volumes then nevermind.
Thanks Matt!!!
I have CA-1 as well. Thanks for the tip on the HLQ.
-Original Message-
From: MC Matt Cooper (2838) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: Backupsets vs. copy storage pools
Sensitivity: Private
I use
>...but Tivoli has removed all the 3.1x code for AIX from the ftp site.
*Which* FTP site? It's still on ftp.storsys.ibm.com .
The use of DIRMC is no longer advised for Novell. It's use breaks some
major performance improvements made in the *SM server. It was initially
recommended ages ago as a work around for a bug that has long since been
Frank Ramke
>As v3.7 client nor TDP for Oracle are not supporting these old boxes, just
want to know if you >have any v2.1, v3.1 clients backup to new TSM Server.
Any problem so far?
>Thanks in advance.
>Eric Tang
I do have many 3.1 clients backing up to the new server. The backups did
I use COPY POOL. I to am a OS390 guy. I setup a different device class so
there is a different high level qualifier for the offsite COPY POOL. This
works real well with the tape management software, CA-1. By the way, We
executed our DR plan once already with TSM included. It was no problem
What was the last version of ADSM v3.1 released for AIX 4.3? I saw mention of but Tivoli has removed all the 3.1x code for AIX from the ftp site. We
are currently running so if anybody has a later version could they pass
it along? An ftp pointer would be fine. Thanks.
Copy Storage Pools. Backupset won't provide a complete copy of all the data
in primary storage pools.
Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313
(719) 531-5926
Fax: (240) 539-7175
I have just been made aware that I should be backing up the directory structure for my
Novell servers separately and I have few questions. I have reviewed the documentation
about the dirmc option.
Is there some way to calculate the size of the storage pool I should use for this
management c
I am in the process of defining an offsite tape library to my TSM 4.1 for
OS/390 server. I have a simple question as to whether I should use
BACKUPSETs or copy storage pools for my creating my offsite data. I do not
have the DRM module but the data at the remote site will be for DR purposes.
Anyone care to share how they run multiple schedules for a node? IE a
daily, monthly and an annual. I like to set it up so each has a different
management class and I'm trying to figure out how to do it without using a
different nodename for each.
Shell environments set (dsm_dir, dsm_config, path) ?
I am not a vbs expert, but I can do this with cscript:
testcmd="dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=pw -outfile=test.out " + arg0
set wshshell=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
wshshell.run testcmd,0,True
-Original Message-
From: Fletcher, Lela
The pro version of VB comes bundles with Access, yes? You may want to get Access
connected and build your queries, then build your VB interface on top of that.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/06/01 11:43AM >>>
I'm attempting to write a VB application to monitor the daily ADSM schedule
and to issue seve
>From the messages below the auditdb encounters an entry in the
Expiring.Object table which does not have a corresponding Object. Ids entry.
In consequence it tries to delete this entry but fails with 'key not found'.
Means, there is an inconsistency in the database which can not be corr
We just went through this and was told by IBM that serial connection to
the library is not supported for w2k. This is confirmed by the tape
drive, medium changer book. You need to use a lan connection, TR or
ethernet. We installed ethernet cards in the 3494 attached one in the
tsm server and it wo
I'm trying to install a new TSM4.1.1.16 Win32 client on a Windows NT4.0 SP6a
client. After copying the files from the package (22088_16_BA) to the
temporary directory, the installation starts configuring the Windows
Installer. This process end in a "Internal Error 1631" and the client
type "commit" after each statement:
q vol access=destroyed
q vol access=unavail
-Original Message-
From: Steve Firmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 2:49 PM
Subject: Error Handling in Macros
I have been trying to rig
I'm attempting to write a VB application to monitor the daily ADSM schedule
and to issue several commands throughout the day. My problem is that when I
use the shell command nothing seems to be working. I do not get any errors
but I do not get any output either. The format of the shell command I'm
The 3494 is not a SCSI library. Check the syntax of your define libr
command to determine the proper libtype to use. The library driver will
offer the name you specified in the lb.conf file (I'm winging it here a bit
since I haven't done this in a while). That, with the proper syntax will
>define library my3494 libtype=scsi device= x x x x ..
Ofer - The 3494 is not a SCSI library. LIBType=349X.
Neil Sharp
Merrill Lynch ADSM/TSM Administrator
Work : 020-7573-0469
Mobile : 07769-741612
Pager : 01893-038277
Hi There,
I have installed TSM 4.1.2 on win/nt2k and I need to connect the TSM
server to a 3494 tape library.I have 2 x 3590 tape drive on that library
connected to the TSM server through a SCSI Diff interface and another
serial cable connecting the library to the TSM server from the serial
A couple of questions...
Are you using schedmode POLLING or PROMPTED?
Also, have you tried adding TCPCLIENTAddress & TCPCLIENTPort options in the
dsm.opt files?
Demetrius Malbrough
TSM Consultant
-Original Message-
From: Rosa Leung/Toronto/IBM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: T
Does anyone have experience on the following error?
This is happened during SQL_Backtrack expiring logs.
[dtoexpire 43890] Object is not found: /BACKTRACK:dt_catalog_dirs /CRMPROD
1-12-2000.07:04:37-29204!, error msg= ANS1302E (RC2)No objects on server match
>ANR4142I AUDITDB: Database audit process terminated in error.
Davide - I would first try contacting Tivoli Support to see what
they can offer. (Your level is just past the
Jan 31 support conclusion date, but try appealing to their sense
of support.) APAR IY07860 talks about A
We have several NT clients cannot backup thru the ADSM scheduler, the error
are as follows
01/31/2001 09:12:17 Re-trying bind with any port after finding default port
number in-use.
01/31/2001 09:12:17 Obtained new port number on which to listen.
01/31/2001 09:17:15 ntConsoleEventHandler():
SomeOne can help me?
What can i do when Audit db process after a restoredb give me this
I run adsm
the command is this: dsmserv AUDITDB FIX=yes
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 268 database entries (cumulative).
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 269 databas
That's what we see to. The new TSM W2K Red Piece mentions that a query
filespace does not show the information but you can do "query systemobject"
from the client to see the backup dates.
Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg
>So why does "select
>node_name,filespace_name,backup_end from filesp
We run DS8.61 on a 5.1 and a 5.0 server. The only issues we have are the
Netware 5.1 license objects will not backup, but Novell assures us that this is
"working as designed".
If you can be more specific, perhaps we can be more helpful.
On Tue, 6 Feb 2001 10:22:48 -0500 Jim Kirkman <[EMAIL PROT
Try ftp://index.storsys.ibm.com/devdrvr/
Demetrius Malbrough
TSM Consultant
-Original Message-
From: Ganu Sachin, IBM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 12:49 AM
Subject: Latest Atape driver for 3590 E11
>From where I can download
We've got a Netware 5.1 server that's been a real problem child. The
Netware Admin is curious if anyone is aware of problems with ADSM and
version 7.44 of the Netware DS. This is evidently an older version of DS
and he wants some evidence to back up his theory.
I've applied the latest
I posted last week regarding a problem with the W2K clients running 4.1.2
TSM client code not having their system objects backed up. I received some
helpful information and I think I am now successfully backing this up. My
problem is, though, that the TSM server still doesn't think so!
The scen
thanks all for your help. Redefining the storagepool to
filespace-based collocation and changes in the pool defs of SQL-BT has
fixed the problem.
Greetings from Hamburg
Rolf Meyer
Info Business Systems GmbH
Hello all,
recently I've upgraded our TDP for Domino on NT to Version 1.1.1 including
Testfix. As a result, the message numbers have changed from ANR4991 to
ACDxxx, which works fine accept ACD5211, which is the statistic after backing
up the archive logs; the statistics are missing and they ar
Gerhard (I couldn't send direct to your address, so sending via the list)
Yes, the db2adutl.exe command is the one he needs to run. There are
parameters to determine how many versions to keep active. Once a backup is
marked inactive, and Expire Inventory is run, you'll get the space back. I
I posted a message last week, but it was under a different email
address. The new microcode has been loaded and we have seen no errors
since (we were seeing at least 2-3 errors a day prior to the fix). It is
an engineering fix, microcode level E306. It was loaded last Thursday.
At 12:27 PM 2/
>Before the upgrade, what model tape drive were you using? I currently have
>3590-B11 and should I be investigating moving to an E J or K model
>before/during/after the upgrade.
We recently upgraded our 3494's 3590B drives to 3590E-x models, and thought
I'd share info on the experience. Note th
See output below:
Object name '\\drs01\e$\new copy1\copy1\data\HC- N\hcn pfu and gc\HCN pfu and
gc\pfu\PFU3F9' contains one or more unrecognized characters and is not valid.
Object name '\\drs01\e$\new copy1\copy1\data\li- ning cells\lcfor 18s\SBLCS25T7'
contains one or more unrecognized characte
here are a few sites that you can download from the Atape and atldd
drivers for the 3590 E drives:
You can find Atape at ftp://index.storsys.ibm.com/devdrvr/
"Ganu Sachin, IBM" wrote:
> >From where I can download latest Atape driver for 3590 E11 ?
My Serve run on aix r6/6000
I have just updatate my server to
When i Try to do a restor with one of my client, the session remain in hang
and i cant'do anything
>From the server administrator
the session freze
195 Tcp/Ip Run 0 S6.4 K 269 Node WinNTMI01SNT001
I try
Just a guess: I have seen situations, where a volume (disk or tape)
was empty according to MOVE DATA, and not empty according to DELETE VOLUME.
An AUDIT VOLUME helped in that situation and takes much less time than a
complete AUDITDB.
> >Ok, our problem is back! Now, it does bring the pool to 0%
Hi Geoffrey,
Have read your notes on ADSM Server upgrade to TSM 4.1.2. The
notes is great. I am also planning for upgrade 2 ADSM servers ( to
4.1.2 & to 4.1.2). However, there are two very old HP10.01 boxes
which runs v2.1 client and a number of AIX4.1 & HP10.20 boxes w
60 matches
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