A couple of questions...

Are you using schedmode POLLING or PROMPTED?

Also, have you tried adding TCPCLIENTAddress & TCPCLIENTPort options in the
dsm.opt files?

Demetrius Malbrough
TSM Consultant

-----Original Message-----
From: Rosa Leung/Toronto/IBM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 9:53 AM
Subject: ADSM schedule not working


We have several NT clients cannot backup thru the ADSM scheduler, the error
are as follows

01/31/2001 09:12:17 Re-trying bind with any port after finding default port
number in-use.
01/31/2001 09:12:17 Obtained new port number on which to listen.
01/31/2001 09:17:15 ntConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Ctrl-C console event .
01/31/2001 09:17:15 ntConsoleEventHandler(): Cleaning up and terminating
Process ...
01/31/2001 09:17:17 Re-trying bind with any port after finding default port
number in-use.
01/31/2001 09:17:17 Obtained new port number on which to listen.
01/31/2001 09:18:04 AltStreamSize(): CreateFile: Win32 RC=32
01/31/2001 09:18:04 AltStreamSize(): CreateFile: Win32 RC=32
01/31/2001 09:18:04 AltStreamSize(): CreateFile: Win32 RC=32
01/31/2001 09:18:04 AltStreamSize(): CreateFile: Win32 RC=32
01/31/2001 09:18:04 AltStreamSize(): CreateFile: Win32 RC=32
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ntConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Ctrl-C console event .
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ntConsoleEventHandler(): Cleaning up and terminating
Process ...
01/31/2001 09:19:17
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ANS0601E requested.
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ANS0601E requested.
01/31/2001 09:19:17 EUR??"?????'??''""??
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ANS0601E requested.
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ANS0601E requested.
01/31/2001 09:19:17
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ANS0601E requested.
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ANS0601E requested.
01/31/2001 09:19:17 sessFlushVerb: Error from buffer flush, rc: -50
01/31/2001 09:19:17 Total number of objects backed up:       52
01/31/2001 09:19:17 ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session reopen

However, if manually backup thru the DSMC command, it will go thru.  Does
anyone know how to resolve?

( I have done remove adsm scheduler service and re-install adsm scheduler
service, it does not help)


Rosa Leung
Distributed Storage Services
Tel: (416) 490-5151  Fax: (416) 490-5283
IBM Global Services

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