Are you using the 'domain all-local nds' statement in you options file. If so that
gives you your netware directory structure backup, of which you only need one for the
tree. Of course, if you are referring to the physical directories within the netware
volumes then nevermind.
Louis Wiesemann wrote:
> I have just been made aware that I should be backing up the directory structure for
>my Novell servers separately and I have few questions. I have reviewed the
>documentation about the dirmc option.
> Is there some way to calculate the size of the storage pool I should use for this
>management class? I have no idea how large to make it. I don't plan to define a
>next pool because I want it to stay on disk.
> Also, how is this affected by previous backups that have been run without the dirmc
>option? Will a new incremental backup with the option backup the entire structure to
>the new storage pool or will some of it still be retained with the previous backups.
> Is there somewhere besides the Admin Guide, Admin Reference, and Novell client
>manuals that I can find more documentation on this?
> Thanks for any help.
> Louis J. Wiesemann 502-852-8952
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> ________________________________________________________
Jim Kirkman
AIS - Systems
UNC-Chapel Hill