The 3494 is not a SCSI library. Check the syntax of your define libr
command to determine the proper libtype to use. The library driver will
offer the name you specified in the lb.conf file (I'm winging it here a bit
since I haven't done this in a while). That, with the proper syntax will
allow you to define the library.
I apologize for the vagueness of this reply but hopefully it will get you
started down the correct path.
Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313
(719) 531-5926
Fax: (240) 539-7175
-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Ofer Nachom
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 9:19 AM
Subject: 3494 define library in Win2K
Hi There,
I have installed TSM 4.1.2 on win/nt2k and I need to connect the TSM
server to a 3494 tape library.I have 2 x 3590 tape drive on that library
connected to the TSM server through a SCSI Diff interface and another
serial cable connecting the library to the TSM server from the serial
I have installed the drivers to the nt2k with the drivers i have down
loaded from the ibm ftp site
the driver ware installed successfully. I checked the ntutils and the
open close device test was successful.
the next thing that I need to do is to define the library from the tsm
command line.
( I defined the dsmserv.opt with enablelibrary3494 = yes )
and try to execute the define library command from tsm command line
define library my3494 libtype=scsi device= x x x x ......
but I only had the drives mt0.0.X in the NT OS, I couldn't find the
library lb0.0.0.1 or something in the os .
so what do i need to define in the define library from the tsm.
is the serial port is the device ?
Best Regards
Ofer Nachom
Triple C.