Re: Data CHANGED .... HOW ?

2016-01-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05-Jan-16 06:54, Marie Desiderio wrote:
I created an ODS file and dates & time I entered as TEXT (such as: 
102515 2:00am)  changed to 5-digit #s with 2 colons followed by more 
numbers (looks like they may have been the time).

See row 2, columns B,C,D,F. Col. E is OK.
How do I correct this, putting it back to the original entry?

Change the cell format to date e.g. DD/MM/ HH:MM:SS

Marie Desiderio
West Palm Beach, FL  33406
561-967-9848 home
561-319-0438 cell

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Re: contact info

2016-01-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 13-Jan-16 10:48, Scott Meyer wrote:

Hi ,

Please send me a phone number so I can talk with a real person about Open


Scott Meyer

You send an email to a user forum. Everyone is a user like you.
As OpenOffice is an open source project developed by volunteers there is 
no phone service.

Most questions get quick response from fellow users.
So when you have a question or problem send it to us.
Make sure you give enough information e.g. version of OpenOffice 
Operating System

what you were doing when the problem occurred etcetera.

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Re: Updates

2016-01-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 19-Jan-16 12:10, wrote:

How do I update my Open Office program?  I am having no luck   clicking on
this and that to get me there.Thanx.

Please explain what is "this and that" and were is "there"

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Re: Open Office changing my document from word

2016-01-19 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 19-Jan-16 18:04, cathy colorado wrote:

Easy for you to say...
How about some simple directions on how to do it

Why don't you follow the link and read the instructions?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2016, at 12:49 AM, Rory O'Farrell  wrote:

On Mon, 18 Jan 2016 18:37:54 -0600
cathy colorado  wrote:

I am so annoyed with you right now, that I feel a strong hatred for you. I 
can't believe your software is so invasive that you would change my Word 
Documents to ODT without asking permission, and without making it easily user 
friendly to undo. You are automatically changing my Word documents and they are 
disappearing. Stop I want to keep your software, but you DO NOT HAVE 

Please tell me exactly how to undo this mess and stop your software from 
changing my Word Documents WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!  If I could scream in 
your ear personally right this minute I would. You are annoying!


Your documents have not been changed, only the default program for opening 
them.  You need to remake the File Associations to tell your computer which 
program to use to open MS Office documents. This note
may help you reset these so that MS Office opens such files.

Rory O'Farrell 

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Re: Open Office Pdf Conversion Problem

2016-01-25 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Sent from my mobile device.

> On 25 Jan 2016, at 12:44 PM,   
> wrote:
> I am sorry to be a bother.
> Since the beginning of this year I am not able to convert an odt. or doc. 
> file to pdf when I click on the pdf icon in the tools gallery.
> When I click on the icon it produces the intended question of saving the file 
> as a pdf by title but when I click on that I get a message saying the file 
> already exists and asks do I want to replace it. When I click 'yes' I get a 
> message saying that there was a write error and the file could not be written.

This message comes from Windows not from OpenOffice.
Either you have the file open in a PDF reader or there is a lock file.
Try to save in an other directory and see if the problem is solved.

> This occurred with Open Office 4.1.1 from early January 2016 and even after I 
> converted to 4.1.2 late last week.
> Can you advise help?
> Best Wishes,Wayne  

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Re: please

2016-01-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Sent from my mobile device.

> On 28 Jan 2016, at 7:52 AM, Maurice Howe  wrote:
> I (and others) have yelled for years about this.  The "unsubscribe" things
> is taking WAY too much time and resource.  

> It's easily (in theory, anyway) fixed:

Unsubscribe is easy as well, all you need to remember is the email address you 
used while subscribing to the mailing list. But when you unsubscribe with an 
other email address you're in trouble.

> just build a macro with the req'd steps -- one that's generalized &
> easily executed -- and end this nonsense once for all.

And how is a macro aware of the original email address used with the 

> Maurice Howe
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 3:29 PM, John Hart  wrote:
>> The math was way off, the point wasn't. Most mail lists have unsubscribe
>> links that aren't so problem prone.
>> What would be much better is a blog, with mail notification of responses
>> to one's post. That way people would
>> get answers to their question, with out all the NOISE, and it would be
>> easier to form a data base of queries.
>> Support is the most important part of any software project, be it open
>> source or not. If volunteers of this project
>> want it to be successful, they must get their act together.
>> jrh
>> Tax credits for contributions to open source software is the answer.
>> -
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Re: openoffice writer guide

2016-02-09 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 09-Feb-16 20:31, sajjad sheikh wrote:


  Hope you guys are doing well. i just have a query about the "column" section of 
your writer guide in which it is written that if " the text is distributed equally the writer 
fills first line of each column followed by second line of each column and so on". How is it 
possible that when we are reading any column the column text flows from first column followed by 
second column and so on but the writer while distributing text evenly fills first lines of each 
column followed by second lines of each column and the text will flow across columns?How does 
writer prevent that?

The writer guide has over 500 pages hence a chapter and page number will 
be helpful.

Yours sincerely.

Re: Email.

2016-02-10 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 11-Feb-16 08:25, Mike Ellis wrote:

How do i put and email program into open office,so I can email some of the
work that I am writing on

Use File --> Send to email in different formats
If OpenOffice can't find an email client it suggest to save the file and 
attach the file to your email.

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Re: Fw: openoffice writer guide 2.0 (column)

2016-02-13 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 13-Feb-16 12:22, sajjad sheikh wrote:

don't you guys think hes wrong?

First you send a question about the writer guide to the user group on 
Feb 9^th I asked for chapter / page

reference and got an answer from Rory.
In a further communication with the documentation group (Feb 12^th ) you 
didn't copy the user group.

Unhappy with the answer from Keith you try to involve the user group again.

Both answers from Rory and Keith are correct. The reason I asked the 
chapter / page numbers is the
way columns are filled depend on how and where you define the columns. 
If you define column settings
at the page format settings it works differently as when you define 
columns in a frame or section where

you have the option to balance the columns.

So to answer your question is he is wrong is no, basically your question 
was not clear.

Your question to the user group had no reference to a writer guide.
Your question to the documentation group had a reference to the 2.0 
writer guide.

So how do you expect that you get a clear answer?

From: Keith N. McKenna 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 11:33:38 AM
Subject: Re: openoffice writer guide 2.0 (column)

sajjad sheikh wrote:

Basically i am asking is that after filling first line of second
column, won't that first line of second column move to first column
as its second line and writer will start filling first line of second
column again till both lines of second column are filled?


No. When the first line on the second column fills, text will flow to
the second line of the first column then from there to the second line
of the second column, ad infinitum.

Also please ply only to the list and not to my personal account.


From: Keith N. McKenna
 Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 4:59
AM To: Subject: Re: openoffice writer guide
2.0 (column)

sajjad sheikh wrote:


can anybody please explain the explanation which is given in the
writer guide about "equally distribute contents to all columns" in
columns of section in which it states in distributing text evenly
"the writer fills first lines of each column followed by second
lines of each column and so on". this description is hell


The explanation is fairly simple. When the box to equally distribute
cont is checked it does just that. Rather than a newspaper style
column arrangement where text flows to fill the first column then
fills the second column, text flows between columns such that when
the first line of the first column is full the text flows to the
first line of the second column and so on.

I hope the explanation is clear if not perhaps this link to the new
version 4 guide will help.

  Regards Keith

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Re: I need some help. Please help me.

2016-02-14 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 15-Feb-16 04:27, wrote:

1. How do I get my current Lotus Approach file into Open Office
2. How do I create different reports in Open  Office?

Depend on the data and what you like to achieve.
Hence giving an example of the data and what the report should look like 
will help us to answer your question.

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Re: Font Color

2016-02-15 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Sent from my mobile device.

> On 15 Feb 2016, at 10:24 PM,   
> wrote:
> I can change the background color but I can not change the font color. When I 
> go there and click on Red it always goes back to automatic and black.  Please 
> help.  Thank you.

Technical you can't change the colour of a font, but you can change the colour 
of a
paragraph or character.  There are different ways how you can set these colours,
In you paragraph and character styles or overwrite it from the to menu bar.

So if you can explain where and how you tried to update the colour we can give 
you some hints.

> E. L. Daniell
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: About OpenOffice 4.1.2

2016-02-28 Thread Martin Groenescheij

You have to unsubscribe with the same email address as you have subscribed

On 29-Feb-16 15:02, Ruth wrote:

Someone please HELP!!!  How do I get off this mail list.  I have tried to 
unsubscribe several times!

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 28, 2016, at 10:48 AM, James Knott  wrote:

On 02/28/2016 11:32 AM, Hans Brautigam wrote:

Support request about OpenOffice - 4.1.2  (2015-10-21)

I did erlier today (16.40) send you an email about Open Office 4.1.1 that my
saved textfiles

without notice became saved into MS DOS format instead of the .odt file that
all information

happened to be saved and locked up into MS DOS .

My OpenOffice version is not 4.1.1 but 4.1.2  and I want to correct my
information to you

this way.

The first email was sent 50 minutes ago ( time now 17.30).

This is not a support department.  This is a mail list for users of
OpenOffice, where many users can help others.  Did you buy OpenOffice
from some place that passed off this mail list as "support".

You should only download OpenOffice from, where you
can get it for free.

As for file type, you can choose the type when you save the file or set
the default file type by clicking on Tools>Options>Load/Save>General and
making your selection.

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Re: Euro Symbol...?--Euro Symbol?--"No Prob" for Windows

2016-03-02 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Do not worry about the Euro when the Eurozone collapses we need 
different symbols.

During Feb-16 and Mar-16 a lot wrote:

About the Euro

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Re: Font Size

2016-03-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05-Mar-16 02:20, M Henri Day wrote:

2016-03-03 23:54 GMT+01:00 Richard Jones :

Greetings: I would like to change the font size in Open Office from 12 to
14 as the default but I am unable to find an instruction as to how I may
achieve this. If anyone has this information for me will you please forward
it to me . Thanks

​Richard, in Writer you could try​

​Tools → Options → Writer → Default fonts, which should give you the
ability to adjust both font and font size

Don't forget to save this as your default template otherwise you need to 
redo this for each new document.

You could do this for all applications e.g. calc and draw

Let us know if this works for you !


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Re: Font Size

2016-03-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05-Mar-16 16:04, Brian Barker wrote:

At 13:02 05/03/2016 +1100, Martin Groenescheij wrote:

On 05-Mar-16 02:20, M Henri Day wrote:

2016-03-03 23:54 GMT+01:00 Richard Jones:
I would like to change the font size in Open Office from 12 to 14 
as the default but I am unable to find an instruction as to how I 
may achieve this.

Richard, in Writer you could try:
Tools -> Options -> Writer -> Default fonts, which should give you 
the ability to adjust both font and font size

Don't forget to save this as your default template otherwise you need 
to redo this for each new document.

Sorry, but this is simply untrue! Unless you were silly enough to tick 
"Current document only" (when this is clearly not what was wanted), 
Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Writer | Basic Fonts (Western) | 
Default sets the default for this and future documents.

OK, I mixed with the way you change fonts under Styles and Formats (F11)

Brian Barker

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Re: would like to know how to address envelopes and do labels with open office 4

2016-03-08 Thread Martin Groenescheij
If you like to know how to address envelopes go to the wiki 
 page and type 

in the search field.

On 08-Mar-16 01:53, ted pittinaro wrote:

Also is there someone that I can talk to??

We are users like you who are willing to answer questions on this 
mailing list and/or the

OpenOffice Forum site.

Thank you

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Re: open office

2016-03-08 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 08-Mar-16 07:51, rodney marois wrote:

doies anyone know if U can use open office for envelopes thanks

Yes it can be done with OpenOffice, go to the wiki 
 page and type 
envelopes in the search field.

Re: embeded grahics

2016-03-31 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 01-Apr-16 13:29, John Caruso wrote:

Why cant i see embedded graphics in an OOwriter document.

This is the fourth time you raised this question without a description 
of your problem. All I can suggest is try SpecSavers 

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Re: Tabellen stürzen ständig ab - was tun?

2016-04-01 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 02-Apr-16 11:06, John Caruso wrote:

Why did you send this to me. I don't speak German

It wasn't send to you. It was send to the mailing list for which you are 

-Original Message-
From: Simone Theobald 
To: users 
Sent: Fri, Apr 1, 2016 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: Tabellen stürzen ständig ab - was tun?

Wenn ich eine Tabelle schreibe, dann kann ich Glück haben und ich kann
sie abspeichern. Es passiert aber ungefahr bei jeder dritten, dass ich
urplötzlich nichts mehr tun kann, außer den PC auszuschalten, egal ob
ich Teile der Tabelle vorher abgespeichert habe oder nicht, auch egal,
ob sie sie unter Microsoft abspeichere oder unter ODT, auch die
abgespeicherten Teile existieren dann nicht mehr. Hat jemand einen Tipp?
Es ist nervtötend, so viel zweimal schreiben zu müssen! Simone

Am 31.03.2016 um 22:15 schrieb Andrea:

Am 31.03.2016 um 20:59 schrieb Simone Theobald:

Tabellen stürzen ständig ab und werden NICHT wiederhergestellt - was

Irgend ein Fehler tritt auf - bitte beheben.

Ähm: Also mit so wenig Information wird dir niemand helfen (können)

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Re: Format problem

2016-04-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 06-Apr-16 05:09, E_J Fullerton wrote:

How do I format a numbers column to list telephone numbers correctly?  There is 
no number format for telephone in the number format list. Notice All 
addresses have been removed as a courtesy to my friends.  Please be a friend 
and remove my address before you send this on.
There is a User-defined format option. A telephone number format can be 
entered as (00)-000-000-000 for example.
If you enter 01234567890 it will display as (01)-234-567-890. Keep in 
mind that formats can differ based on the country.
If you have friends in different countries you should create multiple 
formats and work with Conditional Formatting.

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Re: Please help. Having problems with Calc

2016-04-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij
If you have selected multiple sheets either by purpose or accidentally data 
entries or changes are done on all selected sheets.
This can be handy if you like to enter formulas on multiple sheets, but as you 
experienced it can be a disaster when you're not aware of it.

Sent from my mobile device.

> On 8 Apr 2016, at 7:48 AM, Scott Bennett  wrote:
> My wife has used Calc for years to keep track of highly detailed tax data
> for our business. This week she was entering info on a certain sheet (she
> has multiple sheets) and it was entering that same info on sheet number
> one. When she deleted a row from sheet number 3, it deleted it from sheet
> number 1. We lost a bunch of data this way...actually all of the sheets are
> behaving as one sheet. Please let me know how we resolve this. This is a
> fresh install of OO on a Windows 10 laptop.
> Thanks
> Scot
> -- 
> Fresh Day Music
> Scott Michael Bennett
> Heather Louise Bennett---much-loved wife & concert manager
> P.O. Box 397
> Stevensville, MI 49127
> 269.588.1107

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Re: Drop Down Menu, Again

2016-04-19 Thread Martin Groenescheij

> On 20 Apr 2016, at 7:05 AM, Vince  wrote:
> AOO412m3(Build:9782)  -  Rev. 1709696
> 2015-10-21 09:53:29 (Mi, 21 Okt 2015)
> Win 8x64
> I have done this once before, but am not able to repeat it.
> I want a drop down arrow that when clicked opens a list of pre-written 
> choices. This list is presently located on a separate worksheet, titled 
> "Lists", in AOO Calc; and it works locally there on the List worksheet.

Start with selecting your choices on the "Lists" tab and give it a name (Insert 
Name from the menu)
Go back to the Cell where you like the Drop Down menu and select Validity from 
the Data menu.
In the window you select Cell Range and enter the name as the Source.

> But, I want to introduce this "drop down menu selection" within an existing 
> column within a separate worksheet; and not at the head of the column.
> I have tried Data-Filter-Auto Filter, but that seems to require beginning at 
> the very top of a column.
> I will want to add additional choices at a later time; thus, I think the List 
> must be on a separate worksheet so that I can resort the entries 
> alphabetically.
> Thanks for reading this.
> Regards,
> Vince B.
> -
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Re: One Drive

2016-04-22 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 19/04/2016 7:06 AM, Janet Hanen wrote:


How can move items from One Drive to my open office on my Mac?

You can copy from One Drive to your Mac drive and open them with valid 


Janet Hanen

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Re: read focal

2016-04-28 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 4/29/2016 12:44 PM, Miss Patti Bass wrote:

How do I read docs

You probably want to open docs. If that's the case see the following URL:

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Giving up (Was Re: Apache Open Office v. 4.1.2)

2016-05-03 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 5/4/2016 11:41 AM, John Caruso wrote:

I have given up on OO because I could not get grid lines in Calc 4.1.2, I found 
an old copy of office10 and installed it and now I get grid lines in Excel with 
no problem

Have you posted your problem on this mailing list?
The only time there was a question about Grid Lines on this mailing list 
was in July 2014




-Original Message-
From: Arnold E. Watkins 
To: users 
Sent: Tue, May 3, 2016 3:25 pm
Subject: Apache Open Office v. 4.1.2

To Whom It May Concern:


I was reading the requirements for your new release v 4.1.2 on you info page
and it states that the Open Office works with Windows 8, but there is no
mention of Windows 10.  My questions is does it work with Windows 10?


Thank you for any input.




A. E.  Watkins


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Re: downloadable templates - 2016 calendar - completely wrong !!!

2016-05-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05/05/16 7:15 AM, biodenix wrote:


to whom it may concern...

we have downloaded in templates a "2016 calendar"...

and i just wanted to make you all aware that the 2016 calendar dates are
completely wrong.

If you do a search for "calendar 2016" on the OpenOffice Template 
website you get

17 Calc, 2 Draw and 26 Writer calendars are they all wrong or just one.

i know that these templates are "open" sourced but it would be nice to be
able to contact the person/author (Wise Mode) directly or whoever posted
the template on-line and make them aware that the dates are completely

Unless you tell use which calendar is wrong there is nothing we could do.

what do you think ?

respectfully yours,

the biodenix team !

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Re: downloadable templates - 2016 calendar - completely wrong !!!

2016-05-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05/05/16 9:47 AM, biodenix wrote:

hi martin,

the template author name is (Wise Mode).

i have searched in the search bar with : "2016 calendar"

hope that helps


: )

OK, I found that the source is from Word Templates Online 
 which is a MS Office template site.

This website doesn't have contact information.
It looks that someone downloaded the template and saved it as a 
OpenOffice template without checking if it is correct.
Interesting is that the template has an average rating of five stars, 
but only one person has voted for it.

Not a reliable statistic.

On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Martin Groenescheij>> wrote:

On 05/05/16 7:15 AM, biodenix wrote:


to whom it may concern...

we have downloaded in templates a "2016 calendar"...

and i just wanted to make you all aware that the 2016 calendar
dates are
completely wrong.

If you do a search for "calendar 2016" on the OpenOffice Template
website you get
17 Calc, 2 Draw and 26 Writer calendars are they all wrong or just

i know that these templates are "open" sourced but it would be
nice to be
able to contact the person/author (Wise Mode) directly or
whoever posted
the template on-line and make them aware that the dates are

Unless you tell use which calendar is wrong there is nothing we
could do.

what do you think ?

respectfully yours,

the biodenix team !

Re: Custom number format code problem

2016-05-16 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Yes this is a bug and you should report it in bugzilla 

On 16/05/16 6:11 AM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:


AOO 4.1.2 on Slackware Linux 14.0 (K3.10.17).

I seem to be having a problem with a custom number format in Writer 
table cells in a template.  What I want is to display 2 digits to the 
right of the decimal point if the value's third digit and beyond is 
zero and 3 digits if the value's third digit is non zero.  Examples:

Value  Display Result
123.45  >  123.45
123.456  >  123.456
123.4562 >  123.456
I am using the following format code to do this:


This format code works as long as I do not change the document's 
template (update).  When I open the document again, I get the message 
that the template has changed and when I update the template, the 
format in the document returns to:


The root problem seems to be in the template save.  When I change the 
template format code to .00# and save it with the save icon, the next 
time I open or use the template, it has reverted back to .000.  I 
re-read the help on custom format codes and it confirms that what I am 
doing is supposed to work.  In fact, it is one of the examples.

Is there something I need to do to make this format code sticky in the 
template or is this a bug?

Girvin Herr

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Re: Custom number format code problem

2016-05-16 Thread Martin Groenescheij
I hVe test this also with Calc and  it has the same problem.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 17 May 2016, at 5:53 AM, Girvin R. Herr  wrote:
> Dennis et al,
> A specimen file is no problem.  It is repeatable and can be verified in any 
> writer file.  As a test, I just opened a new blank writer file, inserted a 
> 2x2 table, right-clicked in a table cell and brought up the "Number Format" 
> option.  I then added the subject number format by modifying  the existing 
> "Currency" | "-$1,234.00" (red) format by appending the # to the $#,##0.00 
> fields, producing $#,##0.00#, and clicking on "Add".  This new format is then 
> present in the "User Defined" and "Currency" number Categories.  However, 
> saving this test file and re-opening the test file shows that the $#,##0.00# 
> fields are changed to $#,##0.000.
> I will look into reporting this in bugzilla.  But if it is an ODF spec 
> problem, then it may not be fixable.  The Help should be changed to reflect 
> the limitation, though.
> Thanks.
> Girvin Herr
>> On 05/16/2016 07:53 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
>> Issue 126827 may be relevant to this also, having to do with the limitations 
>> of how the ODF specification limits what can be recorded in the .odt file.  
>> Assuming the user is operating with Writer and .odt, a specimen file would 
>> help us see if that is the case.
>>  - Dennis
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Martin Groenescheij []
>>> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 01:00
>>> To:
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: Custom number format code problem
>>> Yes this is a bug and you should report it in bugzilla
>>> <>
>>>> On 16/05/16 6:11 AM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> AOO 4.1.2 on Slackware Linux 14.0 (K3.10.17).
>>>> I seem to be having a problem with a custom number format in Writer
>>>> table cells in a template.  What I want is to display 2 digits to the
>>>> right of the decimal point if the value's third digit and beyond is
>>>> zero and 3 digits if the value's third digit is non zero.  Examples:
>>>> Value  Display Result
>>>> 123.45  >  123.45
>>>> 123.456  >  123.456
>>>> 123.4562 >  123.456
>>>> I am using the following format code to do this:
>>>> [$$-409]#,##0.00#;[RED]-[$$-409]#,##0.00#
>>>> This format code works as long as I do not change the document's
>>>> template (update).  When I open the document again, I get the message
>>>> that the template has changed and when I update the template, the
>>>> format in the document returns to:
>>>> [$$-409]#,##0.000;[RED]-[$$-409]#,##0.000
>>>> The root problem seems to be in the template save.  When I change the
>>>> template format code to .00# and save it with the save icon, the next
>>>> time I open or use the template, it has reverted back to .000.  I
>>>> re-read the help on custom format codes and it confirms that what I am
>>>> doing is supposed to work.  In fact, it is one of the examples.
>>>> Is there something I need to do to make this format code sticky in the
>>>> template or is this a bug?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Girvin Herr
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Re: Problem exiting

2016-05-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

What Application and version?

What Operating System and version?

On 18/05/16 12:48 AM, David wrote:

I am stuck in the new themes window and can't exit it. I don't even know how I 
opened it. There are arrow choices in front of me how do I escape. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Problem exiting

2016-05-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij


First of all always reply to this mailing list then you reach a large group of volunteers 
that are happy to help.

Secondly we can't help you with your typing problems neither can we 
change your keyboard.

So if you have a problem wit OpenOffice we're glad to help, but explain 
your problem and tell us the Operating System with version e.g. Windows 
10 and the Application with version number.

On 18/05/16 8:28 AM, David wrote:
Dear Martin, after a very distressing period of two or three hours I 
noticed quite by accident that there were three or four tiny dots 
below the theme change panel and clicking on them cause the screen to 
minimize and allowed me to continue working. I had tried everything 
else I could possible think of even shutting the computer down but 
nothing seemed to work. It's hard to complain about an open source 
free program. It seems so ungrateful. And I'm not the sharpest knife 
in the box when it comes to this stuff.

I hate my new toshiba. It's my 4th but the space bar has been 
shortened and moved left of center so now my right thumb hits the Alt 
key all the time and launches me into files. This is a strong habit to 
break after learning to touch type 40 some years ago.

Again thanks for the call back.

David Board.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 17, 2016, at 6:16 PM, Martin Groenescheij>> wrote:

What Application and version?

What Operating System and version?

On 18/05/16 12:48 AM, David wrote:

I am stuck in the new themes window and can't exit it. I don't even know how I 
opened it. There are arrow choices in front of me how do I escape. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: bug

2016-05-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij

There are two possibilities as far as I can see:

1. The Cell is Formatted as a date field M/16
If you enter 5/18 it will displays 5/16

2. There is a AutoCorrect Option set for this value
Don't ask me why.

On 19/05/16 4:50 AM, James Plante wrote:

The problem IS the format. That cell is formatted to display mm/yy if it 
appears as you said. You entered 5/18, meaning May 18. The cell is formatted to 
display the month and the two-digit year, therefore it displays the month as 5 
and the year (2016) as 16, since if you don’t enter a year, it presumes the 
current year. That’s how it got to 5/16. The format is not set to display the 
day of the month, so it doesn’t. Try entering 12/24. It’ll come out 12/16 
unless you change the format.

If you can, as you assert, “change the format,” then change it to mm/dd instead 
of mm/yy. If you don’t know how to do that, go RTFM, and come back if you need 
more help.(Hint: Right-click the cell, choose Format Cells… then choose Date, 
and either pick a pre-made format from the list, or format manually.) For 
special formats, you’ll need to RTFM to find out the formatting codes.

Jim Plante

On May 18, 2016, at 1:29 PM, Ron Patterson  wrote:

The problem is not the format.  I can change that.  The problem is the numbers 
that are entered are not the numbers I type in.   5/18 is appearing as 5/16.

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Re: W/10 and DOC files

2016-05-29 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 30/05/16 2:45 AM, Maurice Howe wrote:

Installed AOO on a new HP running Windows/10.  I think I have it set up to
accept MS Offfice files as well as Apache OpenOffice  files.  I get message
saying "You tried to use OFFICE but don't have OFFICE".  If I try to use
"Open with", WRITER is not shown as an option.

But it shows "More Options" and if it's still not listed it shows "Look 
for another app on this PC"

Maurice Howe

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Re: Selecting an Area for Printing

2016-06-02 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Select the cells you want to print

From the File menu select Print

On the General tab click Selected Cells

On 02/06/16 9:05 PM, Bettie wrote:

I was so used to my old Excel Version of Windows, now I battle with a few 
things on Windows 8.1.

I have a worksheet, and just want to print one section of it. I tried to select 
it by Highlighting, but then the Printer prints the whole worksheet anyway.

1) Can you help me in simple Understandable English, exactly what the easiest 
way is to print just that one Highlighted section.

2) Also please explain how to set up Permanent Pages in order to select A 
certain page for printing? (In other words another option for selecting)

I would be so grateful, and please be Patient, I’m almost old!!! (72)

EM Botha

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Re: Test

2016-06-03 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 03/06/16 6:18 PM, William Bowles wrote:


Test successful

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Re: How do I access files to import from on the desk top?

2016-06-06 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Navigate to C:\user\{user name}\Desktop

On 06/06/16 12:11 AM, DaveMainwaring wrote:

How do I access files to import from on the desk top?

AOO412m3(Build:9782)  -  Rev. 1709696
2015-10-21 09:53:29 (Mi, 21 Okt 201

OS NameMicrosoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Version6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS ManufacturerMicrosoft Corporation
System ManufacturerTOSHIBA
System ModelSatellite L755
System Typex64-based PC
ProcessorIntel(R) Pentium(R) CPU B960 @ 2.20GHz, 2200 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2
Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/DateINSYDE 3.10, 2/10/2012
SMBIOS Version2.7
Windows DirectoryC:\windows
System DirectoryC:\windows\system32


2016-06-06 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 06/06/16 6:05 PM, SHABBIR ADMIN wrote:

Please find the attached files and respond to us as soon as possible.
And please co-operate with us and forward the mail to concerned person 
if the mail is received by you.
We desperately need help in this regard.We look forward to your prompt 
and positive response.

Good to know that the password protection is working as expected. There 
is nothing we could do for you.

Thank you,
For and on behalf of *Sunpo Industries Limited-Pakistan Branch*
Mohammad Shabbir

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2016-06-06 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Forwarded to poster

 Forwarded Message 
Date:   Mon, 6 Jun 2016 22:29:20 +1000
From:   Martin Groenescheij 

On 06/06/16 6:05 PM, SHABBIR ADMIN wrote:

Please find the attached files and respond to us as soon as possible.
And please co-operate with us and forward the mail to concerned person 
if the mail is received by you.
We desperately need help in this regard.We look forward to your prompt 
and positive response.

Good to know that the password protection is working as expected. There 
is nothing we could do for you.

Thank you,
For and on behalf of *Sunpo Industries Limited-Pakistan Branch*
Mohammad Shabbir

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Re: spreadsheet program

2016-06-13 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 13/06/16 10:01 PM, Carol wrote:

I had used your Open Office word processing program for a long time, but your 
spreadsheet program had serious problems.

And what are the serious problems?

I believe I wrote to you about it but never got an answer.
You believe you wrote, but I can't find your question in the archive. We 
can't answer questions we didn't received

And then for whatever reason, the word processing program put everything into a 
Word processing programs don't put anything into a spreadsheet, but 
users sometimes do.

  so with no response from you,

We don't answer questions that were not received

I just removed the whole thing.

So, problem solved

I do have an older version of Microsoft Works, but I get a not enough space 
sometimes when I want to use the word processing program.

Enough space for what?

It could be Windows 10, I don’t remember when I first started having problems 
with it. anyway, I was happy with your software originally, but had too many 
problems later on.
If you can't remember it could be either a long time ago or, but then 
there was no Windows 10, or you have a short memory.

Is it compatible with Windows 10?

You removed it already, so this is an obsolete question.

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Re: printing issues

2016-06-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
The paper size is controlled by your printer. If you select your printer 
from within OpenOffice
you see a Properties option (from your printer). This controls the 
output size.

In OpenOffice you control the size you send to the printer by the Page 
If your size is not in the drop down menu you can overwrite the Height 
and Width.

On 01/07/16 5:39 AM, Emma Heys wrote:

I have purchased a Lenovo g50 laptop with windows 10 on, I can't print the size 
document that I need even though the size is in my printers settings but not 
available on openoffice 4.1.2.
Please can you advise how I should fix this issue.
Many thanks
Emma Heys

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Re: Crash report

2016-07-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Sent from my mobile device.

> On 6 Jul 2016, at 3:25 AM, Robert V Bolisay JR  
> wrote:
> My tweet
> "@ApacheOO Wondering why my Apache OpenOffice Calc crashed four times last 
> night.  (?)"

Could you tweet a bit more information?

> Sent from iPhone
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Re: Shrink text in OO4

2016-07-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/07/16 3:23 PM, Dale Erwin wrote:

On 7/16/2016 10:41 AM, wrote:


I need to shrink a section of text, in OpenOffice 4 writer, so it shows
very small but can still be read by the computer. Can you tell me how to
do this (if it can be done)?

Many thanks

Keith Edwards

Up to a certain point, depending on the font you are using. Highlight 
the text you want affected and then adjust the point size.  To do 
this, in the tool bar near the top of the window, there is a box with 
the name of the font (the default is Times New Roman) and next to that 
is a box with the point size in effect (12 is the default).  Click on 
the arrow to the right of this 12 and select a smaller number.  Some 
fonts can be made smaller than others.

The smallest size you can select is 6 pt, but if you enter in the box 5% 
it get even smaller.

Even if you zoom to the maximum you can't read it anymore.

Dale Erwin

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Re: locked file

2016-07-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/07/16 2:18 PM, Heather&Ron wrote:

Having trouble with a UBS. I have a ODT file which I can't open. It 
states corrupt and therefore cannot be opened can try to repair 
file,should Open Office repair the file so I press Yes, and then I get 
a blank page at the top says repaired doc.

There is an attached locked file of 1kg.  It is a big file 56,000kg.

That's far to heavy to lift by one person, probably you can hire a 
forklift truck.

I also have the same file on the computer -I made a copy of the usb, 
but I am unable to open it.


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Re: help with tabs

2016-08-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Some other possibilities as mentioned by others are:

The number of sheets at the left bottom corner should tell you the 
number of sheets if

hat is more than you can see than check the following options:

Tabs are hidden behind the slider at the bottom just drag the left site 
of the slider to the right.

Or sheets are hidden go to Format --> Sheet ... Show

On 05/08/16 7:40 AM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:

On 08/04/2016 09:04 AM, wrote:

Hi good morning,

I lost some tabs at the bottom of my spreadsheet and dont know how to
get them back. one day i opened it and they were gone!

So the spreadsheet has different pages to insert different calculations.
  we are in a panic since if lost we would have to start completely over
for the month of july.

Please feel free to call as well and speak to michelle or charles


thank you


Are some of the tabs actually missing or are they _all_ scrunched down 
to a very small height?

I randomly had the latter problem some time back.  There wasn't enough 
of the tab top to click on to select the tab, let alone remember which 
tab was the one I wanted, since they were all unreadable.

IIRC, I was able to get the tabs back by reducing the window to a tab 
on the desktop and back, or maybe it was to put another window of the 
same or larger size over top of the problem window and back again.  It 
was a long time ago, so I am not sure what I did.  But when the 
problem window was redrawn, I got the tabs back again.

Girvin Herr

Re: Email format.

2016-08-06 Thread Martin Groenescheij
OpenOffice is not an email program, in that way it will not help with 
your email problems.
OpenOffice is an Office program with Writer as an equivalent for Word 
and Calc for Excell
In Writer (Word) you are able to use every font that is installed on 
your computer, you are

in control of setting for Initial Caps or not.
This said you need to understand to work with Styles and it takes time 
to learn this.

The good news is that OpenOffice never ask for money, but make sure you 
only download

it from

On 07/08/16 9:19 AM, Nikoli A. McCracken wrote:

HI: I was using Windows Live Mail; suddenly, I got a notice from Outlook that 
they would no longer provide service for it. I switched to Outlook.
BIG mistake! It offers ONE lousy font, and only 4 choices of size. I hate it. I 
tried to go back to Charter, as they are my primary ISP. Same problem;
I hate their format. I’m 78 years old, 100% disabled, and Charter’s format is a 
mess. Two-thirds of the page is taken up with messages, address, other
Notifications, and the area for the actual message is terrible. Also has a 
limited number of fonts. And I have old eyes, and trifocals!
In addition, I have part of a book I was writing, working on it for over 7 
years. It did make it safely onto this computer from a backup file I had.
But it seems incapable of merging the old font with any new font, because it 
was first generated on Windows XP. So I can read it, but not add to
It. Do I have to retype all 500 pages?
Or, will your program help me? I am running Windows 10, downloaded from Windows 
8.1 during the ‘free download’ period. That’s over. Plus,
I’m getting weary of their constant demands for money. After just one year, I 
was going to have to buy another edition of Word, Excel, etc.
And for me, a proofreader, they also do one thing that is the last damn straw! 
The first letter of every sentence in an article or email, is Initial cap!
Who the hey writes like that anymore? Didn’t that go away along about 
Shakespeare’s time? I went to Msoft Tech support, and they blandly said
There was no way to change it!
Best wishes, Nikoli A.”Penny” McCracken

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Re: saving certain pages to a document

2016-08-13 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 14/08/16 2:47 AM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Sat, 13 Aug 2016 12:33:37 -0400 (EDT)
Felmon Davis  wrote:


I suspect it's not possible without attempting a macro but:

is it possible to save say pages 10 to 20 of a document to a file?

I know one can export selected pages to a pdf but I'd like to 'export'
selected pages to odt or, preferably, to doc.

basically 'save as' but get to choose the pages.


Felmon Davis

Reporter:   "How did you like school when you were growing up, Yogi?"
Yogi Berra: "Closed."

On the rare occasions I need to do this I use one of two approaches.  I either Save the file under a new name, then delete the earlier and later pages to leave only what I require, or I select and Copy the pages required, pasting them into a new file.

Alternative is to copy the .odt file and delete the content of the 
copied file. save this under a new name.
Now you have at least an empty document with all Styles as in your 
original file.
Everything you copy now from your original documents should have at 
least the Styles preserved.

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Re: Cromebooks

2016-08-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 19/08/16 12:37 PM, Bridget Letcher wrote:

I just got an acer Aspire One 11 Chromebook.  Will OpenOffice work on this 

You can check it yourself if you go to the OpenOffice download 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Re: open office is corrupt won' quit freezes my mac

2016-08-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij

What brought you to the conclusion that it's OpenOffice who's the culprit?

On 18/08/16 9:23 PM, wrote:

Kind Regards
Gunnel Karel
Australian Seascape Artist

Re: Steps to delete unwanted files from recent documents list

2016-08-21 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 22/08/16 11:23 AM, Rick ribbentrop wrote:

What are the step by step steps I need to make to delete unwanted files
from the recent document list ? I have approximately 10 files I only want
to keep two or three . I'm not sure why this is so hard to get an answer

It's not hard to get an answer at all, it's only hard to get the answer 
you want.

went to the forums but it doesn't give you a complete answer it just
recycles you around very confusing thank you for your help

As most of the answers are given by the same users as on the forum, you 
probably get the same answer.

You can clear the Recent Documents list (all 10)  from the same menu, 
but it will add new ones when you
open other documents. The simplest solution is to read the two top rows 
and ignore the rest.

Have fun.

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Re: Disable 'Preview as Web Page' in Open Office

2016-08-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 27/08/16 1:14 AM, Ginny Landry wrote:

Is there a way to disable the option 'Preview as Web Page' in Open Office
to prevent public library users from getting around the library computer
reservation systems?

Yes you can disable the 'Preview as Web Page' option.
Go to Tools --> Customize  ... Menu and remove the 'Preview as Web Page' 
from the File Menu

But as easy you can remove this it is also easy to add it again by someone.
The real solution is to set up a new user login on your system without 
any browser access.

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Fwd: Re: Disable 'Preview as Web Page' in Open Office

2016-08-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Cc to poster

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: Disable 'Preview as Web Page' in Open Office
Date:   Sun, 28 Aug 2016 12:29:43 +1000
From:   Martin Groenescheij 

On 27/08/16 1:14 AM, Ginny Landry wrote:

Is there a way to disable the option 'Preview as Web Page' in Open Office
to prevent public library users from getting around the library computer
reservation systems?

Yes you can disable the 'Preview as Web Page' option.
Go to Tools --> Customize  ... Menu and remove the 'Preview as Web Page'
from the File Menu

But as easy you can remove this it is also easy to add it again by someone.
The real solution is to set up a new user login on your system without
any browser access.

Re: An Unexpected occurrence?

2016-09-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 06/09/16 9:48 PM, keith aitchison wrote:

Dear Sirs

We were responding to an incoming email this morning which we believe is 
associated with your operating system ( which might have some bearing on what 
has occurred.)

OpenOffice is neither an email program or an Operating System.

Upon nearing completion of the reply content to INNOVATE UK ,suddenly a number 
of screen messages arrived appertaining to Office, and  not only the message we 
were working on disappeared BUT a series of earlier communications from the 
same source has also disappeared without trace.

It could be that you have a virus, best way to prevent is to install 
security software.
As you didn't tell that you where working with OpenOffice at that time 
it's most likely that one of your emails had a virus.

This has never been experienced before and as the emails which have been lost 
are of value, we ask for your comments and advice how these might be rescued 
and an insight into what might have caused this phenomena.
As you are responsible to install, maintain, secure and back-up data, 
you are the only one who can prevent this to happen.


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Re: how to get rid of Halloween theme?

2016-09-15 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 15/09/16 6:06 PM, Dorothy K Dean wrote:
I wanted to simple write a letter.  Instead I spent more than 1/2 hour 
trying to get rid of a theme that makes seeing the toolbar very 

Where did that theme come from? It's definitive not part of OpenOffice.

How do I get rid of it?

I resent being forced into an opt-out "feature" with no opt out 
anywhere in sight.

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Re: OpenOffice using NetBeans plaform

2016-09-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Sorry guys this is a user mailing list and as a user I'm only interested 
in functionality

the technical aspects should be discussed at the dev mailing list

On 18/09/16 10:51 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:

On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton 
  1.43 GB (1,541,226,333 bytes) of text in
  60,955 files, in 6429 folders

wow, thousands of folders!! that already scared the s--t out of me. Folders
are hard to port. And the 1.43 gigabyte figure of TEXT FILES expanded to
the full number. mind-blowing-ACHIEVED.
*sarcasm* *sarcasm*.

Of course, a straight port to Java would be difficult. But IMHO that'd not
be the right way to approach it.
The right way to approach big problems is to divide them into little
problems that are easier to solve.

What does an Office suite do? Open office files and display them. Then
allow users to edit them, and save them. (also, print them). ;)

So what is the most easily postable part of a big office suite? I/O of
course. Loading documents into memory and saving them. That requires no UI.
That (ODF input/output libraries) would be IMHO the first target to attempt
to isolate and port. Then once that is achieved it could be attempted to
create a Java based AOO Document VIEWER (that just displays a document not
edit it). And finally the biggest hurdle would be to replicate (if porting
is not possible) as much as possible the AOO GUI / behaviour using Netbeans
Platform components / widgets.

But of course it'd d take slow, small incremental steps until reaching the
desired goal.


Re: Page Header Assistance

2016-09-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 21/09/16 4:18 AM, toki wrote:

On 20/09/2016 Rory wrote:

You need to use a different page style every time the page header changes.  
Details are given in this tutorial

Whether or not a new page style is needed for each even page, depends
upon the source of the headers.  If it were, say, chapter headings, then
only two page styles are needed --- LeftPage and RightPage.

If every even page needs its custom, non-sourceable header, then a page
style for each page _might_ be needed. This is doable, but extremely
tricky. Anybody going this route needs to think long and hard about why
each page needs a custom, non-sourceable header, before tackling it.

If one is experienced at constructing page styles, it will take between
10 and 20 attempts, to get the pages to flow correctly.

I consider someone that need 10 to 20 attempts as inexperienced

If one is not experienced with creating page styles, then budget at least 500
attempts, to get the pages to look the way they should, and flow
smoothly into each other. IOW, this is not for the feint-hearted.


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Re: Page Header Assistance

2016-09-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 21/09/16 11:06 AM, toki wrote:

On 20/09/2016 22:16, Martin Groenescheij wrote:

I consider someone that need 10 to 20 attempts as inexperienced

Ponder on why, for what the OP wants,

The OP hasn't expressed what he wants, all he said is "For instance".
Without knowing his exact requirements it's hard to recommend a strategy

they have to create the page style
for the last page first, and the page style for the first page, last.
Then factor into consideration what happens, if they get the number of
pages for a specific section wrong.

I doubt if he wants a Header related to a page number, it's more likely 
to have a Header related to the content of a page.

If that's the case working with a Master document could be a solution.


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Re: Opening docs on laptop win 10 from win XP on old computer

2016-09-21 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 22/09/16 12:15 AM, wrote:

Don't seem to have a problem opening spreadsheets from win XP.
Have not been able to open wordprocessing docs...XP doc has .wps and 
after copying to flash drive and trying to open on laptop the .wps 
changes to Window Media Player and doc will not open.

Am I not following the right path?

And where does OpenOffice fit into your problem?
All you mention is XP, Win 10, doc and wps

Re: add a custom dictionary for my local language

2016-09-26 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 26/09/16 6:36 PM, Brahim B. wrote:


I like to add a custom dictionary for my local language for SPELL CHECKING

Tamazight language not exist so i like to create my own dictionary
tamazight.dic for spell checking from words list.

And add it here : C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application

No need to wait for a reply.  Just create an empty tamazight.dic file 
and whenever a word comes up

with a squirrel underline add it to the dictionary from the menu.

waiting your reply.

B. Brahim

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Re: Request for Nofollow or Removal of Links to My Site at Openoffice

2016-09-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
To my honest opinion the template website is one big mess, over 23 
thousand templates

from which many are menu cards, price lists and store locators.
I believe Google is the place to find this type of information.
Templates should be templates and not an alternative to advertise products.

Probably submitters should periodically confirm the validity of the 
template and if not

confirmed go into archive mode.

On 28/09/16 9:54 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

On 24/09/2016 Dave Fisher wrote:
Someone of the DEV team may have access to templates and extensions 
sites which are hosted at sourceforge by agreement with the Apache 
OpenOffice PMC.

Can someone help?

As I wrote to the dev list last month, a number of PMC members have 
access as moderators. So I think any of us (me included) can remove 

Still, we are wasting our time to help a self-admitted abuser get 
their templates removed since they discovered their voluntary abuse 
will penalize them in search engines.

Wouldn't it make more sense if the account is re-enabled and they 
clean up after themselves? This could speed things up, since I won't 
have time to look into this before version 4.1.3 is released - 
possibly next week, but if they really are in a hurry they might want 
to take care of this themselves as soon as possible. Formbirds, if you 
prefer this option just tell us.


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Re: Spreadsheet won't open

2016-09-28 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 29/09/16 3:17 AM, Sabrina Massie wrote:

One of my spreadsheets is no longer showing in my documents. I was able to find 
it in recents but it is light gray and it won't open.  It doesn't show up on 
finder or trash. It just disappeared on me. Please help!

If the file is no longer there, your only option is to find a previous 
version. I hope you have set the option to backup your files.
Go to Options (Preference) --> Load Save --> General and see your backup 
To find where backups are saved go to Options (Preference) --> 
OpenOffice --> Paths

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Re: Dowload

2016-09-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 30/09/16 4:51 PM, Tad Krysiak wrote:

I have Apache OpenOffice, yet I can't download from your template page - "Access 

Please give some more information ! URL and which template etc.

Please help!

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Re: Problem with spreadsheet file!!!! URGENT!!!!!

2016-09-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 30/09/16 4:30 AM, Robin wrote:

I am having a problem opening a VERY important speadsheet file!!!  PLEASE 
help me!!!

It will be helpful if you tell us what your problem is.
What happened when you tried to open the file, did you get an error message?
What is your Operating System, what spreadsheet program you use and 
which version?

best would be if you could call me 818-421-1834 Robin DesowitzNotary 
Publicplease feel free to like my daughter's professional page on Facebook

This mailing list is a user list to get assistance / support with 
OpenOffice problems not to promote your daughter.

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Re: Page numbering

2016-10-02 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Sent from my mobile device.

> On 3 Oct 2016, at 10:41 AM, John Hart  wrote:
> On 10/2/2016 2:22 AM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
>>> Page numbering question:
>>> >
>>> >Is their a simple way to get page numbers at the bottom of the page?
>>> >Inserting a page number worked, but following pages didn't inherit
>>> >property. Do I have to create a footer and insert the page number into it?
>>> >
>>> >jrh
>> In the definition for the Page Style in use, click on the Footer tab and put 
>> a checkmark against Footer On. Then click in the box that appears at page 
>> bottom, enter a tab, then /insert /Field /Page number. That presupposes you 
>> need the page number centred, hence the tab.
> Thanks, it worked correctly.
> The next problem is when the document is inserted into the master,
> page numbering is lost. How are page numbers enabled in master
> documents?

It's called a Master document for good reasons.
The Master document takes control, so setup page numbering in the Master 

> jrh

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Re: a very Good news for those there systems is infected by ransomwares! please read it and share it!

2016-10-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij
This is an OpenOffice user list nothing in this message is related to 

On 06/10/16 1:46 AM, nasrin khaksar wrote:

hello every one.
i have a good news for those that there systems is infected by ransomwares.
i found a great website.
you can go there, click on the link yes to get help from them, enter
one sample of your incrypted files, (it should be one mb and less
and also upload a readme file that hacker put on your systems.
after that, click go and you can see the result.
if one decrypted tool is available for your files, you are guided to
download and install it.
i searched on the internet and i found that for some ransomware now is
one efficient decrypted tools like teslacrypt.
go to the website
God bless you all and inform me when a solution provided for cerber3!

Re: Page numbering

2016-10-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 06/10/16 8:47 AM, John Hart wrote:

On 10/5/2016 10:30 AM, toki wrote:

Look at the page style for Chapter 1. It should be_Right Page_.

1. A right click on the first page of chapter 1 brings up a menu.
2. Towards the bottom of the menu is Edit Paragraph Style.
3. Is this the right place to make the change?

The Organizer tab shows:

Name,Pre formatted text, which can't be changed.
Next style,  Pre formatted text, and the pop down menu has many 

 none close to "Right Page"
Linked with, Default, and the pop down menu has a similar but different
 list of selections, none close to "Right Page"

From what I understand, styles are associated with paragraphs, not pages,

The problem is that you don't read the answers given already to you. for 
example Rory said in one of his many answers :

One can certainly edit a style after it is used.  The best way to to this 
(works for all versions) is to use /Format /Styles and Formatting (or F11 key). 
 The window that then opens provides access to all styles; this access is 
controlled by the five icons across the top of that window.

Please note Rory talks about All Styles and Five Icons the documentation 
referred in replies from others explain all of this.

and style changes propagate in some magic way that makes them work if 
are placed correctly in an underlying structure by a myriad of tools 

use is NOT intuitively obvious.

All I wanted to do was put a title page, and table of contents in 
front of a multi file document that prints exactly as it needs to. Why 
this is so complex, in what is supposed to be a mature software 
package used by millions is hard to under stand. If volunteers at OO 
want their project to succeed they need to stop adding features, and 
make it easy for first users to do something productive with the 
software without having to learn a bunch of

intricate complexities.

Creating a document is the easy part, formatting a document and make it 
attractive to read is an art which requires

time and effort to master.

This is the structure
text1, when empty, prints correct
file1, prints correct
file2, prints correct
text2, empty

The question: What needs to go in text1 in what order to make it work.

The real question is are you willing to put some effort in yourself.

If files can be linked into text1, than all that would be in it is the
commands to make the styles put the Title Page, and Contents page in
front of file1, and start the page numbering with one.

In user friendly software, this should take about ten minutes,
not ten hours.


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Re: Page numbering

2016-10-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 06/10/16 10:02 AM, John Hart wrote:

On 10/5/2016 3:11 PM, Martin Groenescheij wrote:
The problem is that you don't read the answers given already to you. 
for example Rory said in one of his many answers :

One can certainly edit a style after it is used.

AND, he also said

The built in styles are usually adequate for all but the most complex 
formatting, so I took his advice and was seeking information on how to

use them.

Most cases is not the same as all cases.

AND, When what I was told to do didn't work, I was trying to clarify
what needed to be done to get the correct style in the right place.

The response I was looking for was a set of instructions on how to
accomplish a simple task, not criticism for failing to master what
a novice user should be able to do in a flash.

I don't want a polished document, just a draft with a title and table of
contents. I know how powerful styles can be, but that doesn't mean is
should be difficult to set up for a simple task.

I would appreciate it, if someone who understands the underlying 
structure page numbering in styles would explain how they work at the 
software level.

This is a user mailing list. For an explanation of the underlying 
structure you need to talk to the developers, who
by the way seldom visit this mailing list. We're happy to give advice on 
a voluntary basis , but hand holding is

something different.

Starting with the template.
Does the title page need a different template without page numbering?

Title pages don't need to be different, but can be different based on 
your requirements.

If not, what overrides the page number, how is it inserted, and where
does it go?

It's the results that count, not the tools you use.
To achieve perfect results you don't need a perfect application, even 
with a crap package you can achieve perfect results.


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Re: headers and footers, missing insert , except images how can I make a footer to put in a automatic Copy right mark,,,,

2016-10-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 08/10/16 4:35 AM, Denis Palmer wrote:

it is poor when I look online and find 100 different answers but they all
expect a insert, with the option of header and footer, but I have none of
these options,,,
office writer 5,,, on Ubuntu 16.04

I doubt if you have OpenOffice as version 5 is not available we are 
still on version 4.1.2

I like most of the things about the system except,,, I do not want auto
numbering bullets ever,,, that comes turned on,  a real pain,,, , but I do
want footers, and to have the copyright mark put on without my needing to
do it,

Denis Palmer

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Re: Page numbering

2016-10-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 07/10/16 8:55 AM, toki wrote:

On 06/10/2016 01:19, Martin Groenescheij wrote:

even with a crap package you can achieve perfect results.

Sometimes inferior software won't allow one to make the adjustments that
are needed, for perfect results.

The point I was trying to make is that we should stop blaming the software.
If we concentrate on WHAT we want to achieve we find our way around the 
If we concentrate on HOW we want to achieve things we find always 
roadblocks on your path.


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Re: Spreadsheet - Setting Decimal Point

2016-10-16 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/10/16 10:46 AM, Edwin Irving wrote:

I want to have columns  I set as currency to assume the last two digits should 
be behind a decimal point.

Spreadsheets don't assume things, it expect to get clear instructions 
and you are the instructor.

For example, if I input 1257, I automatically want a decimal inserted between 
the the 2 and 5 to read $12.57. Presently, I have to insert a decimal point 
with each entry. If I don’t insert a decimal, it is assumed a decimal is to be 
inserted at the end of the number input and then it inserts a decimal and two 
zeroes. So if I input 1257, it shows $1257.00

It shows exactly as is should display currencies with two decimals, 
nevertheless you could change the number of

decimals with Cell Formatting.

whereas I want $12.57. If I input 12, the application assumes $12.00 and not 
This causes me to insert a decimal point exactly where I want it instead of the 
application assuming the last two digits are to have a decimal inserted before 
the two digits.

Learn to live with restrictions of applications, they never do what you 

Based on the number of entries you have there are two options:
1. for entering a few numbers just enter the decimal point
2. for a huge number of numbers enter the whole number e.g. 1257 in one 
column and enter a formula in the

next column to divide the previous column with 100

Also, I don’t think the leading zeroes function is working for at least 
Format>Cells>Currency. No what number I input for leading zeroes, there isn’t 
any change in the output number.

Can you show us what the format code look likes?

I obviously need help.

Thanks you for a great product and your time to create and maintain.

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Re: Question

2016-10-16 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 14/10/16 11:44 PM, Chaos wrote:

When i print a label from my computer, always 1 extra blank label is printed 
after it. I tried so much to get rid of this blank label, but it always comes. 
What can I do?

Could you be a bit more specific?
What application and version do you use to print the labels?
What Operating System do you use?
Do you use Mail Merge to print labels?
Probably most important, can you share the label document with some 
address records with us?

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam
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Re: Question

2016-10-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/10/16 8:37 PM, Chaos wrote:

It is OpenDocument Text
Version: ?

My question was not the type of document, but which application and 
version you use.
Because there are different ways to generate labels we like to know how 
you generate labels.

Without being more specific I can't help.

In Dutch:
Welke applicatie en versie gebruik je om labels te printen.
Op welke manier genereer je de labels, er zijn verschillende 
manieren om dat te doen.

Indien je niet meer specifiek bent kan ik je niet helpen.

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam

Op 17 okt. 2016 om 06:10 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
het volgende geschreven:

On 14/10/16 11:44 PM, Chaos wrote:
When i print a label from my computer, always 1 extra blank label is printed 
after it. I tried so much to get rid of this blank label, but it always comes. 
What can I do?

Could you be a bit more specific?
What application and version do you use to print the labels?
What Operating System do you use?
Do you use Mail Merge to print labels?
Probably most important, can you share the label document with some address 
records with us?

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam
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Re: Question

2016-10-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/10/16 11:32 PM, Chaos wrote:

Beste MArtin,
het is openDocument Text.
De versie kan in nergens terugvinden.
Het staat op een kassascherm dus niet op een 'gewone' computer.
De labels worden geprint via een met kabels aangesloten Zebra printer. GK420d 
staat op het printertje. EPL staat er nog bij properties.

Als ik bij printersettings - properties - geavanceerde instelling het Mediatype 
'Label with gaps' verander naar 'Continuous', worden er geen extra blanco 
labels meer geprint, echter komt alles niet goed uitgelijnd op de labels te 
staan (half over snijrand bvb)..

Translate question / comment into English:
it's open document Text.
I can't find the version anywhere.
It is displayed on a checkout screen, not on an ordinary computer.
The labels are printed using a Zebra GK420d ELP printer connected with 

If I am in printer settings - properties - Advanced setting, the Media 
Type Label with gaps' change to 'Continuous', no extra blank labels are 
more printed, however, all is not well aligned to stand on the labels 
(half on cutting edge example) ..

The fact that you have an Open Document file doesn't mean that it is 
generated with OpenOffice.
You should ask a system administrator or the company that has installed 
your checkouts to correct the problem.
We're here to assist users with OpenOffice issues, not to solve non 
related business issues.

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam

Op 17 okt. 2016 om 13:23 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
het volgende geschreven:

On 17/10/16 8:37 PM, Chaos wrote:
It is OpenDocument Text
Version: ?

My question was not the type of document, but which application and version you 
Because there are different ways to generate labels we like to know how you 
generate labels.
Without being more specific I can't help.

In Dutch:
Welke applicatie en versie gebruik je om labels te printen.
Op welke manier genereer je de labels, er zijn verschillende manieren om 
dat te doen.
Indien je niet meer specifiek bent kan ik je niet helpen.

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam

Op 17 okt. 2016 om 06:10 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
het volgende geschreven:

On 14/10/16 11:44 PM, Chaos wrote:
When i print a label from my computer, always 1 extra blank label is printed 
after it. I tried so much to get rid of this blank label, but it always comes. 
What can I do?

Could you be a bit more specific?
What application and version do you use to print the labels?
What Operating System do you use?
Do you use Mail Merge to print labels?
Probably most important, can you share the label document with some address 
records with us?

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam
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Re: Is there an insert Filename or insert Full Path Available?

2016-10-25 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 26/10/16 11:04 AM, VinceB. wrote:

AOO412m3(Build:9782)  -  Rev. 1709696
2015-10-21 09:53:29 (Mi, 21 Okt 2015)


I would like to include the full path or filename within a CALC cell 
and within the print range area.  Is this possible ?

You can use  Insert-->Link to External Data to insert the Full Path into 
your Cell, please keep in mind that your settings
in Tools-->Options-->Load/Save-->General will store Paths relative or 

Print Ranges only allow Call ranges



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2016-10-25 Thread Martin Groenescheij
First of all you need to know why the file is READ ONLY there are a 
couple of good reasons for example
the file could be saved as READ ONLY by purpose or a file could been 
improperly closed.

If improper closed you see a file that starts with .~lock. than your 
file name and anding with # e.g. .~lock.Untitled 1.ods#

You could delete this lock file and open your document

OpenOffice give you the option to open these file in READ ONLY mode or 
open a COPY

Changing EXTENSIONS don't solve anything it causes only other problems

SO here you have the FINAL resolution

On 26/10/16 6:35 AM, wrote:

How come HELP does not deal with READ ONLY to open and add/edit spreadsheets
  Instructions refer to EDIT-SELECT TEXT. There no such selection available
under EDIT


Cannot understand why there is such a problem in dealing with READ ONLY and
why it is even applied to a spreadsheet in the first place. It should be an
option for the USER to protect data as one sees fit. PERIOD.


Will changing EXTENSION problem? If so to what and how? THNXS for a FINAL
resolution (have been trying to solve for a long time.



BOX 2334


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Re: administrator authorisation

2016-11-06 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 07/11/16 2:06 PM, John Jones wrote:

John F. Jones
New Zealand

Apache Open Office was installed on my laptop by the computer professional who 
installed Windows 10. He is now in Australia and I have lost contact with him 
so cannot ask him what the administrator password is so I can’t update my Open 
Office. What is the procedure for changing the password so I can be authorized 
to update Open Office on my laptop?

This is a Windows Administrator problem and hos nothing do do with 


John F. Jones.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Creating an address book

2016-11-10 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 11/11/16 6:30 AM, John Hart wrote:

On 11/10/2016 1:44 AM, Dave wrote:

What we don't know is why Roger wants or needs to create an address book
in Writer, when his email client already has one.
I can think of reasons for an address book in Calc, but not writer. 
Perhaps that's what he's trying to do. Is there an easy to connect 
Calc to an email client?

John, in OpenOffice Writer you create the content of the Letter or email 
you want to distribute.

In Calc or Base you can create addresses.
When you have both created you go to Tools -> Mail Merge Wizard to 
create the Letters or emails

When the Wizard opens you get 8 steps with options
1. Select starting document - tick Use the current document
2. Select document type - tick your choice Letter or email
3. Insert address block - click on Select Different address List
this opens an list with registered databases (including Calc files)
   click on Add and navigate to your address list (Calc or Base)
   Once selected it add the file to the registered databases
The remaining steps depend on your choices


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Re: How to connect lines in Writer?

2016-11-14 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Download this AltSearch extension from:

With this extension you can use regex expressions

On 15/11/16 5:08 PM, Linda Hull wrote:

A while back, I asked some questions about opening a text file in Calc, as
text, CSV. I solved the CSV part of it, but I was using notepad++ on
Windows 7, to prepare the file.

I'm still on Windows 7 and have Open Office 4.1.2.

What I want to do is prepare the file using Open Office Writer, instead of

An example of the text is:

USER: nIckmenza ACCESS: 250 L
LAST SEEN: 0 days, 02:45:30 ago.
LAST MODIFIED: pomol Sir^POMOL! 4087 days,
09:31:38 ago
LAST SEEN: 1572 days, 05:19:23 ago.
LAST MODIFIED: pomol Sir^POMOL! 5181 days, 12:13:11 ago
USER: nite ACCESS: 100
LAST SEEN: 0 days, 22:15:01 ago.
LAST MODIFIED: monalisa2 Moniq! 20
days, 16:34:36 ago
USER: okidoki ACCESS: 100 L
LAST SEEN: 0 days, 17:27:17 ago.
LAST MODIFIED: darxide dxd-! 40 days,
07:29:15 ago
USER: pomol ACCESS: 500
LAST SEEN: 0 days, 12:34:17 ago.
LAST MODIFIED: bobskc BobsKC! 4240 days,
02:36:24 ago

What I want to do is make all of the data about each individual user be on
ONE line, so that it will open and appear all on a single line, in Calc.

In notepad++ I would \r\nCHANNEL Find and Replace to CHANNEL, which would
cause the CHANNEL lines to append themselves to the above line, and then
\r\nLAST would do the other lines which begin with LAST (losing the

How can I do the same thing in Writer, to make the data for each user in a
single line?


USER: okidoki ACCESS: 100 L CHANNEL: #arlington AUTOMODE: OP LAST SEEN: 0
days, 17:27:17 ago. LAST MODIFIED: darxide dxd-!~ 40 days, 07:29:15 ago

I wouldn't mind knowing how to elimiate the colon ":" after USER: AUTOMODE:
SEEN: AND MODFIED: without eliminating the colons in all of the times? The
obvious way is Find and Replace each one R: E: N: and D:, is there a more
efficient way, maybe a regex for letters not numbers?

Thanks so much for your help!


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Re: [AOO-Templates]

2016-11-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 21/11/16 10:17 AM, Jeffrey Kelley wrote:

   I was initially delighted to think that I had found a word processing 
app that functioned much the way that Microsoft Word has for me for many years, 
until problems with my laptop led me to do a system restore and I ended up 
constrained to move to Windows 10 which I have found nothing if not confusing 
and awkward.  I do most of my emails and quick searches on my cell, but do need 
to have my personal laptop top create documents that I can send to clients and 
prospects occasionally.  The idiotic wordpad or whatever was practically 
worthless and uncomfortable.  Having in the last few days downloaded and 
installed Open Office, I am having difficulties creating documents of any sort 
that I can send via email that I am confident that the recipients can open.  
When I send a relatively simple text document to my alternate email addresses, 
it come across as an Open Office Document that opens IN Open Office, as if I 
wanted whomever I sent it to, to edit it or something.  What if my client does 
not have Open Office

Four options:
1. Go to File --> Send --> Document as E-mail
2. Go to File --> Send --> E-mail as OpenDocument text
3. Go to File --> Send --> E-mail as Microsoft Word
4. Go to File --> Send --> E=mail as PDF

   I cannot seem to figure out a way to just convert or create it as a simple 
document that anyone can open with whatever they have.  There must be a way to 
do that or send it as a PDF or good old plain doc.  or something!!!
   I am not a Luddite or computer illiterate:  I have for many years used 
CAD programs and am reasonably proficient with programs such as PhotoShop.  I 
studied computer graphics at the University back in the early ‘80s, for Pete’s 

People from the early '80s are used to keyboard short cuts, today we use 

   I spend way too many hours engaged in front of a screen during working hours 
and do not have the time to do the same at home when trying to perform what has 
always been a simple, but vital task.
   Could you please send me a simple solution/method/or whatever that will 
make this aspect of my electronic life easier?  Or, was the reason Open Office 
was a free download because everyone I want to share anything I create with it 
must also install this version?
   I hope to hear from you soon,

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Re: My entire novel was replaced with hashtags.

2016-11-22 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 23/11/16 7:28 AM, Hagar Delest wrote:


To be clear, there is absolutely no way to recover your file as it is.
At best, you can try to recover something from the temporary files, 
Have you made sure there was no back-up in the profile (if you had the 
option Always create a backup copy checked in the options)?

Indeed, this is a problem known for quite some times. IMHO the most 
critical one. But nothing done yet about that.

Very often, it is linked to power shortage during the save operation.

OpenOffice need some time to compress and write the file to disk.
If a user shut down his system before the file is saved to disk this 
could happen.

If the user also save the file on a Cloud Drive it is more likely to happen.
And if a retired computer professional does this without creating 
backups he has to live with the consequences.


Le 21/11/2016 à 21:39, Dave Gibson a écrit :
Now, let me say that I'm a retired computer professional, and I 
should know
better.  I'm now a photographer and an author.  I was 20,000 words 
into a

novel targeted at 80,000 words.  I opened my novel, and it was gone.

I saved it to Onedrive.  Thankfully, a week ago, I also saved it to my
laptop's hard drive, but that was 10,000 words ago.

My 88 pages of novel is now 11 pages of hashtags.  I've never seen or 

of anything like this before.

All of my other books open just fine.

I'm on a laptop using Windows 10.   I'm using Open Office 4. What is odd
is that OO wanted me to register again, and when I try to open my 
novel, it

asks what character set I want.  Strange.

I see that I'm not alone in this problem, and it has been happening for

Does anyone have an idea of how to recover an old version of an OO 

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Re: Questions about AOO Users

2016-11-23 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Can I suggest to send this questions to as 
this mailing list is for users of OpenOffice.

On 24/11/16 5:58 AM, Buckneberg, Crystal R wrote:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Greetings!  My name is Crystal Buckneberg and I am currently working on a 
project for Technical Writing (A college level class I am currently taking at 
Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls, SD USA) that is comparing MS 
Office, OpenOffice and LibreOffice and then making a recommendation to a client 
on which one to use.  I have a few questions that will help me to pull this 
document together if you have a few minutes of time.

I will need an answer on or before 28-Nov-2016 so I have time to integrate your 
information into the report.

1.)What is your official title within the Apache Software Foundation 

2.)Approximately how many users of OpenOffice are there worldwide?

3.)Do you have an estimate as to how many of those users are in the United 

4.)On average per year, how many times does OpenOffice release an 

I need to know this information by November 23, 2016 so that I can integrate 
this information into my report.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  I hope to hear from you soon.

Crystal Buckneberg
Computer Programming Student
Southeast Tech AITP Webmaster

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Re: Windows 10 default Apps

2016-11-23 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 24/11/16 12:59 PM, Bert Carter wrote:

Greetings to Whoever,

I have used Open Office for a few years now and find it excellent.

Previous the default program to open documents on my computer has been Open 

Windows 10 has changed the default program to Microsoft Word and I can’t change 
it back to Open Office no matter how hard I try.

Try Control Panel --> Defaults Programs

Can you please advise how I can change it back?

Regards,  Bert Carter

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Re: Windows 10 default Apps

2016-11-23 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 24/11/16 9:31 PM, Doug wrote:

On 11/23/2016 07:59 PM, Bert Carter wrote:

Greetings to Whoever,

I have used Open Office for a few years now and find it excellent.

Previous the default program to open documents on my computer has 
been Open Office.

Windows 10 has changed the default program to Microsoft Word and I 
can’t change it back to Open Office no matter how hard I try.

Can you please advise how I can change it back?

Regards,  Bert Carter

I suspect that if you use a non-Microsoft email and browser, you will 
be able to open documents received in your choice of application.

It has nothing to do with the email or browser your always able to open 
each file with whatever program you prefer

just select Open with... from the pull down menu in Windows Explorer.

If you want your selection as default  select Always use this app to 
open .??? files

Also, you might delete MSWord if you never use it, but first make sure 
that OO will open all files that Word will.


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Re: Windows 10 default Apps

2016-11-24 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Sent from my mobile device.

> On 25 Nov. 2016, at 10:55 am, Jim McLaughlin  
> wrote:
> Bert -
> A. Why not just remove Micro$loth Word?
> B. Also remove Open Office and use instead the fully functional Libre
> Office?
> While Douglas Hamilton will come all unglued that some one dares speak
> truth to power,, the reality is that OO is a dying application.

Anything positive to say?
>> On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Bert Carter  wrote:
>> Hello Martin,
>> Thanks for your advice.  I've tried that but it remains a mystery to me!
>> Regards, Bert Carter
>> -Original Message- From: Martin Groenescheij
>> Sent: Thursday, 24 November, 2016 3:27 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Windows 10 default Apps
>>> On 24/11/16 12:59 PM, Bert Carter wrote:
>>> Greetings to Whoever,
>>> I have used Open Office for a few years now and find it excellent.
>>> Previous the default program to open documents on my computer has been
>>> Open Office.
>>> Windows 10 has changed the default program to Microsoft Word and I can’t
>>> change it back to Open Office no matter how hard I try.
>> Try Control Panel --> Defaults Programs
>>> Can you please advise how I can change it back?
>>> Regards,  Bert Carter
>> -
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Re: DOCX file extension

2016-11-26 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 27/11/16 7:36 AM, Jim McLaughlin wrote:

BS right back at you.  Three folks in this thread are reporting exactly
that unacceptable performance.

You really need to understand that there are lots of OO users out here
who's experiences with OO are sub satisfactory, and learn that you persuade
no one of anything with your immediate resort to insults and foul language
because others have experience different from yours.

Anything positive to say?

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 12:10 PM, Larry Gusaas 

On 2016-11-26, 1:59 PM Jim McLaughlin wrote:

Not directly.  One of the many "features" of OO 4,x.x

BS. I can open any docx files that have been sent to me with Apache

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 6:59 AM, David Kendal  wrote:


I have the most recent version of Open Office but am unable to
open DOCX files sent to me.

Is there a way of opening these files?


David Kendal



Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind
theirs." - Edgard Varese

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Re: Extensions

2016-11-28 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 29/11/16 12:33 PM, wrote:

I have Apache 4.1.3.  Unfortunately, prior to my knowledge of Apache’s existence 
and the fact it was installed on my PC before purchasing, I have Windows / Word 10 
& 13.  I absolutely love my Apache and have not had any problems.  I cannot say 
the same about Microsoft, I’ve had times I wanted to throw all of their apps in the 
middle of a busy highway.

Having said the above, the questions I need assistance from you are:
1.  I have searched some of the extensions applicable to my Apache and the 
Windows in English.  I need to know, prior to me downloading, the prices of 
these apps.  Due to a stroke 4 years ago and current residual health problems, 
I am on a meager fixed disability income through Social Security.  (I miss my 
successful career and paycheck).

You can find and download extensions from 
they are all created and maintained

by volunteers.

2.  I’ve noticed with many apps, not just yours, require numerous permissions.  
Some of them, I would be a total idiot to allow.  For example, the ability to 
alter and/or delete files, photos, access to my contacts, ability to send texts 
and emails, etc.  My personal feelings, the photos are irreplaceable due to 
deceased family and friends, children and grandchildren from infant up, travel 
experiences (non-repeatable), etc.  These are my private, personal items and I 
honestly do not trust anyone enough to allow carte blanc of MY PC, MY files, MY 
photos, and again, etc.

All permissions asked is just to install the extensions, as far as I 
know non need access to your personal information.

I sincerely would like to have some apps/extensions to go with my Apache as my 
plan is to utilize you to the extent I am able and avoid Windows/Word.  
Therefore, I request your assistance and attention to the above to hopefully 
enable me to proceed.

I look forward to your responses.



Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Automatic conversion into Open Office documents - Wordpad

2016-12-01 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 01/12/16 1:16 PM, antarcticaskies wrote:

Hi, there

I just opened up one of my Wordpad documents,and found that it had been 
converted into an OpenOffice document.

It is unlikely that your documents are converted, it's more likely that 
your file association has been changed.
This can happen in different ways, most likely when you opened a Wordpad 
file via Windows Explorer with

the Open With option and selected choose an other application.
To restore your default open your Control Panel and select Default Programs

This surprised me.
What surprises me even more, is that all myWordpad documents have been 
converted intoOpen Office documents.
How did this happen?
My PC had been automatically turned off, althoughI had put it to sleeping mode 
when I last left it.
I am wondering what is going on. Did Wordpad andOpen Office make any agreement 
about this, sothere is an automatic conversion into Open Office,or something?
How should I react to this?
Thanks for enlightening me!

Best regardsAmber

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Re: Automatic conversion into Open Office documents - Wordpad

2016-12-01 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Resend with Cc to Op

On 01/12/16 1:16 PM, antarcticaskies wrote:

Hi, there

I just opened up one of my Wordpad documents,and found that it had 
been converted into an OpenOffice document.

It is unlikely that your documents are converted, it's more likely that 
your file association has been changed.
This can happen in different ways, most likely when you opened a Wordpad 
file via Windows Explorer with

the Open With option and selected choose an other application.
To restore your default open your Control Panel and select Default Programs

This surprised me.
What surprises me even more, is that all myWordpad documents have been 
converted intoOpen Office documents.

How did this happen?
My PC had been automatically turned off, althoughI had put it to 
sleeping mode when I last left it.
I am wondering what is going on. Did Wordpad andOpen Office make any 
agreement about this, sothere is an automatic conversion into Open 
Office,or something?

How should I react to this?
Thanks for enlightening me!

Best regardsAmber

Fwd: Template Downloading

2016-12-03 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Can someone from the development have a look into this

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Template Downloading
Date:   Sat, 3 Dec 2016 09:37:00 -0800
From:   LI-First Films Productions 

This is frustrating beyond reason!

I am signed in and browsing for templates here http://templates.

There is absolutely NO WAY to download the templates I want. Either I'm am
told that I don't have access (remember,
I am signed in) or I get a page like this: http://templates.

Neither on the first page or on the pages that come up is there a download
link or a button that says "Use It." If I try downloading it with a right
mouse click, it tries to save the link as an html file not an Open Office
file type.

Even when using the template manager in Open Office, all I get is the
Website for templates Which STILL has no way to SAVE the files

The question isn't even addressed in the forums. This is INSANE! What is
going on?
--Roy G. Nestle (RG)

Lost Innocence / First Films Productions
2703 Oakes Ave.
Anacortes, WA 98221
(360) 840-8632

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2016-12-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05/12/16 11:19 AM, Toni Drost wrote:

Just a professional resume

The question was: From which URL not what type of template you tried to 
OpenOffice don't charge for anything, therefore we like to know from 
which site you download.

From: "toki" 
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2016 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [AOO-Templates]

On 04/12/16 17:16, Toni Drost wrote:

 I used the resume to create a resume and was told I would be 
charged 1.95. S

What is the URL of the template you obtained?


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Re: Download issue

2016-12-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05/12/16 2:16 AM, wrote:

I have made another attempt at downloading the application.  It indicates the 
download is 134 MB in size, but it seems to slow to a crawl at around 67 MB and 
then stop altogether as though it has completed the download.

Please advise.

Could I download this on another computer and then transfer the installer to 
this computer as an option?

I looked at the mirror sites and I see many files so I am not sure which one(s) 
to downloa

OpenOffice should be downloaded from only this site 
redirect you to

the download should start automatically don't click on any advertisements.
If it slow down there could be two problems 1) slow internet provider 2) 
not enough disk space

Please advise.

Thank you!

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Re: Transferring photos to a Word document

2016-12-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 06/12/16 12:17 PM, Bart Francis wrote:

I am having problems on my Mac Book when I use Open Office Word to create a 
text document and then want to add photos from files in finder. The first 
problem is that, once I have sized the photos and located them on the page, if 
I then shut down the program and open it later to continue, all of the photos 
have shifted around uncontrollably. They don’t stay put. Also, when I try to 
email the word file with the photos in place to someone, the photos will have 
moved again randomly. What do I have to do to keep the photos where I place 

Frames are your friend see this document 

Use frames when you need to:
• Position something in a particular place on a page, for example, a 
logo or a “stop press” news box in one corner of a page.
• Allow text on one page to continue on another page, somewhere more 
distant than the next one, by linking the content of one frame to 
another so the contents flow between them as you edit the text.

• Wrap text around an object, such as a photograph.

Also, how can I put a short caption under each photo?
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Bart Francis
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Fwd: Re: Transferring photos to a Word document

2016-12-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Forwarded to Poster

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: Transferring photos to a Word document
Date:   Tue, 6 Dec 2016 14:55:10 +1100
From:   Martin Groenescheij 

On 06/12/16 12:17 PM, Bart Francis wrote:

I am having problems on my Mac Book when I use Open Office Word to create a 
text document and then want to add photos from files in finder. The first 
problem is that, once I have sized the photos and located them on the page, if 
I then shut down the program and open it later to continue, all of the photos 
have shifted around uncontrollably. They don’t stay put. Also, when I try to 
email the word file with the photos in place to someone, the photos will have 
moved again randomly. What do I have to do to keep the photos where I place 

Frames are your friend see this document 

Use frames when you need to:
• Position something in a particular place on a page, for example, a 
logo or a “stop press” news box in one corner of a page.
• Allow text on one page to continue on another page, somewhere more 
distant than the next one, by linking the content of one frame to 
another so the contents flow between them as you edit the text.

• Wrap text around an object, such as a photograph.

Also, how can I put a short caption under each photo?
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Bart Francis
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Re: Transferring photos to a Word document

2016-12-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 06/12/16 5:05 PM, Bart Francis wrote:

What is a “frame” and where do I find them?

Click on the link *document* in my answer and start reading the document.

On Dec 5, 2016, at 8:16 PM, Martin Groenescheij>> wrote:

Forwarded to Poster

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: Transferring photos to a Word document
Date:   Tue, 6 Dec 2016 14:55:10 +1100
From:   Martin Groenescheij 

On 06/12/16 12:17 PM, Bart Francis wrote:

I am having problems on my Mac Book when I use Open Office Word to create a 
text document and then want to add photos from files in finder. The first 
problem is that, once I have sized the photos and located them on the page, if 
I then shut down the program and open it later to continue, all of the photos 
have shifted around uncontrollably. They don’t stay put. Also, when I try to 
email the word file with the photos in place to someone, the photos will have 
moved again randomly. What do I have to do to keep the photos where I place 

Frames are your friend see this document 

Use frames when you need to:
• Position something in a particular place on a page, for example, a 
logo or a “stop press” news box in one corner of a page.
• Allow text on one page to continue on another page, somewhere more 
distant than the next one, by linking the content of one frame to 
another so the contents flow between them as you edit the text.

• Wrap text around an object, such as a photograph.

Also, how can I put a short caption under each photo?
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Bart Francis
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Re: Transferring photos to a Word document

2016-12-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Sorry my fault the URL is:

On 06/12/16 5:28 PM, Bart Francis wrote:
I already did that. What i got was a message saying “This page does 
not exist”. No help there. Any other suggestions?

On Dec 5, 2016, at 10:13 PM, Martin Groenescheij>> wrote:

On 06/12/16 5:05 PM, Bart Francis wrote:

What is a “frame” and where do I find them?

Click on the link *document* in my answer and start reading the document.

On Dec 5, 2016, at 8:16 PM, Martin Groenescheij>> wrote:

Forwarded to Poster

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: Transferring photos to a Word document
Date:   Tue, 6 Dec 2016 14:55:10 +1100
From:   Martin Groenescheij 

On 06/12/16 12:17 PM, Bart Francis wrote:

I am having problems on my Mac Book when I use Open Office Word to create a 
text document and then want to add photos from files in finder. The first 
problem is that, once I have sized the photos and located them on the page, if 
I then shut down the program and open it later to continue, all of the photos 
have shifted around uncontrollably. They don’t stay put. Also, when I try to 
email the word file with the photos in place to someone, the photos will have 
moved again randomly. What do I have to do to keep the photos where I place 

Frames are your friend see this document 

Use frames when you need to:
• Position something in a particular place on a page, for example, 
a logo or a “stop press” news box in one corner of a page.
• Allow text on one page to continue on another page, somewhere 
more distant than the next one, by linking the content of one frame 
to another so the contents flow between them as you edit the text.

• Wrap text around an object, such as a photograph.

Also, how can I put a short caption under each photo?
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Bart Francis
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Re: Envelopes

2016-12-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 08/12/16 10:49 AM, John van Barneveld wrote:

I have Office 4.1.3
I cannot seem to set the size of the envelope to "DL", the print 
function then reverts to C5

In OpenOffice you can select Page Styles, both C5 (229x162) and DL 
(220x110) are available from the drop down menu.
The remaining question is, does your printer have these sizes available 
or can you enter custom settings?

John van Barneveld

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2016-12-10 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 11/12/16 8:06 AM, wrote:

I had Windows XP laptop I have now changed to Windows 10. I had two files in 
documents on Windows XP they are PAF and FTL I cannot open them on Open Office 
4.12 can you tell me how to do this please as I cannot open them on Windows 10 
I also have them on a flash drive.

Both File types aren't Open Document files, but if you were able to open 
them under Windows XP it's most likely that your defaults under Windows 
10 has been changed (Thanks to Micro Softies).

You can change them in the Control Panel.

Iris Williams

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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2016-12-10 Thread Martin Groenescheij

Cc: to Poster

On 11/12/16 8:06 AM, wrote:

I had Windows XP laptop I have now changed to Windows 10. I had two files in 
documents on Windows XP they are PAF and FTL I cannot open them on Open Office 
4.12 can you tell me how to do this please as I cannot open them on Windows 10 
I also have them on a flash drive.

Both File types aren't Open Document files, but if you were able to open 
them under Windows XP it's most likely that your defaults under Windows 
10 has been changed (Thanks to Micro Softies).

You can change them in the Control Panel.

Iris Williams

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Spell Check/Dictionary

2016-12-15 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 16/12/16 4:31 AM, Urmas wrote:

"St. John's Catholic Church of Antioch":

I have Open Office 4.1.3 and the spell checker will not connect to 
the dictionary.  It tells me that the dictionary is installed

You may consider upgrading to LibreOffice, it has this particular 
problem and many other bugs fixed.

OpenOffice is not actively developed these days.

Congrats with your third anniversary of promoting LibreOffice.

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Re: Problems with the word i & synonyms

2016-12-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/12/16 10:06 PM, Stony wrote:

Open Office Note Hello. Ihave a problem. I updated to the NEW version (4.1.3) 
BUT ISTILL have a problem; The SAMEPROBLEM i had in the last version; there are 
NO synonyms.

yes there are.

It issometimes NOT even there when I right-click a word.

Who told you that you have to right-click?

IF it is therethere are NO synonyms listed. I also have a problem with the 
word"I". When i click i it is NOT capitalized, man. What is up?

Yea, what's up with you, when I click "i" it will correct the "i" to an I.

I updated so i thought it would be fixed. It is NOT!

In general it is not necessary to fix non existing problems.

  I checked outFAQ BUT i see NO answer.

The F in FAQ stand for frequent and your question is not frequently asked.
Nevertheless if you can download the Getting Started document here 
search for AutoCorrect and you find all

the information you need.

  IF i still get this problem i will switch tosomeone else. This is a JOKE! For 
MORE than 6 months i have had thisproblem! Sent.

DouglasAdams says; “Theargument goes something like this: I refuse to prove 
that I exist,”says god, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am 
StevenWeinberg, Nobel Prize-winning physicist says; “Withor without religion, 
good people will do good things and bad peoplewill do bad things. But for good 
people to do bad things — thattakes religion.”

Didn't he also said "Good people read the manual and Bad people start 

Re: What should be a simple Question

2016-12-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 19/12/16 4:05 PM, Rochelle wrote:

Please report back to us your experiences on LibreOffice.. Is it compatible
with your old AOO files and MS docs?. I've heard somewhere AOO is no longer
being supported, and that's the reason why bugs and fixes are not being

Please stop spreading rumors unless you have verified that they are true.

As long as there are no compatibility issues, I'm ready for the leap too.

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 12:26 PM Jim McLaughlin 

As others have noted, with regard to OpenOffice 4.x.x the answer is
basically  "Yes".

I am going to espouse heresy here.

I have used OO about 4 years.  When I started, it was a  reasonable
alternative to the Micro$loth product.

Over that time period, IMHO OO has gone downhill.  Too many bugs not fixed;
too many problems ignored.  (The user profile / dictionaries /. spell check
being only the most common one.)  Its a  result of too few volunteer
developers.  I don't have those development skills, so I can't help with
those issues.  I am a  tool user, not a  tool builder.  I think I have
found a  tool  which suits my needs better, that being LibreOffice.  I am
in the process of running both suites in parallel and think that I will be
eliminating OO sometime after the New Year.

Libre Office is available at:

LibreOffice is the same price as OpenOffice, i.e. free.

I have no economic or proprietary interest in either OpenOffice or
LibreOffice.  Just a fellow looking for a  better tool.

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 11:52 AM, James Flikkema  wrote:

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am getting tired of MS Office, and OO appears to be a possible
alternative, However.  I have years of documents (Word, Excel, Outlook,
PowerPoint) that I need.

This should be a simple question, Will OO read Office 2010 files?  If


there is no way I can dump thousands of documents to .txt files so they


be read.

I hope the answer is yes, .

James Flikkema

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